MBRD620CTT4 ,Rectifier 6A 20V SchottkyELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PER DIODEMaximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage (Note 2) V VFi = 3 Amps, ..
MBRD620CTT4 ,Rectifier 6A 20V Schottky3MBRD620CT, MBRD630CT, MBRD640CT, MBRD650CT, MBRD660CTTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS100 100T = 150°CJ70101 ..
MBRD620CTT4G , SWITCHMODE Power Rectifiers
MBRD630CT ,SWITCHMODE⑩ Power Rectifirers DPAK Surface Mount PackageDPAK−3 Surface Mount PackageSCHOTTKY BARRIER...in switching power supplies, inverters and as free w ..
MBRD630CTT4 ,6A 30V Schottky RectifierMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limitvalues (not normal operating condi ..
MBRD630CTT4 ,6A 30V Schottky Rectifier2MBRD620CT, MBRD630CT, MBRD640CT, MBRD650CT, MBRD660CTORDERING INFORMATION†Device Package ShippingM ..
MC1496L ,30V; 10mA; balanced modulator/demodulatorMOTOROLA" SEMICONDUCTOR 'lil-Ill-lil-ill" MC1496TECHNICAL DATA M01596BALANCEDBALANCED MODULATOR! DE ..
MC1496N ,30V; 10mA; balanced modulator/demodulator. For suppresed carrier and amplitude modulation, synchronous detection, FM detection, phase detection, sampling, single sideband, frequency doubling
MC1496N ,30V; 10mA; balanced modulator/demodulator. For suppresed carrier and amplitude modulation, synchronous detection, FM detection, phase detection, sampling, single sideband, frequency doubling
MC1496P ,BALANCED MODULATORS/DEMODULATORSOrder this document by MC1496/D* **BALANCEDMODULATORS/DEMODULATORSThese devices were designed for ..
MC1496PG ,BALANCED MODULATORS/DEMODULATORSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 12 Vdc, V = −8.0 Vdc, I5 = 1.0 mAdc, R = 3.9 k, R = 1.0 k, T = T ..
MC14C88BD ,QUAD LOW POWER LINE DRIVERELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (–40°C * T * +85°C, unless otherwise noted.)*ACharacteristic Symbol Min ..
Rectifier 6A 20V Schottky
MBRD620CT, MBRD640CT and MBRD660CT are Preferred DevicesSWITCHMODE�
Power Rectifiers
DPAK−3 Surface Mount Package...in switching power supplies, inverters and as free wheeling
diodes, these state−of−the−art devices have the following features.
Features Pb−Free Packages are Available Extremely Fast Switching Extremely Low Forward Drop Platinum Barrier with Avalanche Guardrings
Mechanical Characteristics Case: Epoxy, Molded Weight: 0.4 Gram (Approximately) Finish: All External Surfaces Corrosion Resistant and Terminal
Leads are Readily Solderable Lead and Mounting Surface Temperature for Soldering Purposes:
260°C Max. for 10 Seconds Shipped 75 Units Per Plastic Tube Available in 16 mm Tape and Reel, 2500 Units Per Reel,
by Adding a “T4’’ Suffix to the Part Number