MBR20200CT ,DiscreteMAXIMUM RATINGS (Per Leg)Rating Symbol Value UnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Voltage V 200 VRRMWorking ..
MBR2030CT , Wide Temperature Range and High Tjm Schottky Barrier Rectifiers
MBR2030CTLG , SWITCHMODE Dual Schottky Power Rectifier
MBR2035CT ,Through-Hole Schottky Rectifiersapplications are in switching power(Per Device) supplies, converters, free-wheeling diodes, and ..
MBR2045CT ,Through-Hole Schottky RectifiersMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Voltage V 45 VRRMWorking Peak Revers ..
MC145557DW. ,PCM codec/filter.(fi) M 01' OROLAAdvance InformationPCM Codec-FilterThe MC145554, MCI45557, M6145564, and MC145567 a ..
MC145557L ,PCM codec/filter.(fi) M 01' OROLAAdvance InformationPCM Codec-FilterThe MC145554, MCI45557, M6145564, and MC145567 a ..
MC145557P ,PCM Codec-FilterFunctional Description).segmented or “piecewise–linear” curve formatted as sign bit,three chord bit ..
MC14555B ,Dual Binary to 1-of-4 Decoder/DemultiplexerMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the devicemay occur.MC14556BCP PDIP-16 2000 ..
MC14555B ,Dual Binary to 1-of-4 Decoder/DemultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to V )SSÎÎÎÎÎΖ 55* C 25* C 125* CV VD DD DVdc VdcC ..
MC14555BCL ,Dual binary to 1-of-4 decoder/demultiplexer**SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA** ** ** The MC14555B and MC14556B are constructed with complementar ..
Dual Schottky Rectifier...using Schottky Barrier technology with a platinum barrier metal.
This state−of−the−art device is designed for use in high frequency
switching power supplies and converters with up to 48 V outputs. They
block up to 200 V and offer improved Schottky performance at
frequencies from 250 kHz to 5.0 MHz.
200 Volt Blocking Voltage Low Forward Voltage Drop Guardring for Stress Protection and High dv/dt Capability
(10,000 V/�s) Dual Diode Construction − Terminals 1 and 3 Must be Connected for
Parallel Operation at Full Rating Pb−Free Package May be Available. The G−Suffix Denotes a
Pb−Free Lead Finish
Mechanical Characteristics Case: Epoxy, Molded Weight: 1.9 Grams (approximately) Finish: All External Surfaces Corrosion Resistant and Terminal
Leads are Readily Solderable Lead Temperature for Soldering Purposes:
260°C Max. for 10 Seconds Shipped 50 Units per Plastic Tube Marking: B20200