MBR0540_NL ,0.5 Ampere Schottky Power RectifiersFeatures• 0.5 ampere; forward voltage less than 460 mv.• 400 milliwatt Power Dissipation package.• ..
MBR0540T1 ,SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIER 0.5 AMPERES 40 VOLTSMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Voltage V 40 VRRMWorking Peak Revers ..
MBR0540T3 ,0.5A 40V Schottky Rectifier**Order this documentSEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTEby AN1607/D ** ** By Bill Lucas and Warren Schul ..
MBR0560 , 0.5 Amp Schottky Rectifier 20 to 80 Volts For Surface Mount Application
MBR0560 , 0.5 Amp Schottky Rectifier 20 to 80 Volts For Surface Mount Application
MBR0580 , 0.5 Amp Schottky Rectifier 20 to 80 Volts For Surface Mount Application
MC145412P ,Pulse/Tone Repertory Dialer Low Power SIilicon-Gate CMOS(l)) M OTOROLAMC145412MC145413MC14551 2Advance InformationPulse/Tone Repertory DialerLow Power Sili ..
MC145413P ,Pulse/Tone Repertory Dialer Low Power SIilicon-Gate CMOS(l)) M OTOROLAMC145412MC145413MC14551 2Advance InformationPulse/Tone Repertory DialerLow Power Sili ..
MC145414P ,30mW; +-5 to +-8V; dual tunable low-pass sampled data filter' D " 5357253 006950? S88 .MOTSI 'llfgfll8:1itawtrroRl ='T--lll.lllillMllll"TECHNICALDATA t10TOR0LA ..
MC145416P ,Tone/Pulse dialler with 10-number memory plus 3 emergency numbersfeatures ofFLASH, 3 x 18 dedicated memories, note pad programming, and adial mode status output.. . ..
MC14541B ,Programmable Oscillator-TimerMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limitvalues (not normal operating condi ..
MC14541BCL ,Programmable TimerMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.ÎÎΆTemperature Derati ..
0.5 Ampere Schottky Power Rectifiers
MBR0540 MBR0540 Features • 0.5 ampere; forward voltage less than 460 mv. • 400 milliwatt Power Dissipation package. • Compact surface mount package with same footprint as mini-melf. SOD123 SOD123 Color Band Denotes Cathode Mark: B4 Mark: B4 Actual Size Schottky Rectifiers Absolute Maximum Ratings* T = 25°C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Value Units V Maximum Repetitive Reverse Voltage 40 V RRM I Average Rectified Forward Current 500 mA F(AV) Non-repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current I FSM 5.5 A half wave, single phase, 60 Hz Storage Temperature Range -65 to +150 T °C stg Operating Junction Temperature -65 to +125 T °C J *These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired. Thermal Characteristics Symbol Parameter Value Units Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient * 206 R °C/W θJA Thermal Resistance, Junction to Lead ** 118 R °C/W θJL *1.0 inch" pad size (1.0 x 0.5 inch for each lead) on FR4 board. **Device mounted on FR-4 PCB 0.013 mm. Electrical Characteristics T = 25°C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Value Units V Forward Voltage @ I = 500 mA, 510 mV F F I = 500 mA, T = 100 C 460 mV ° F A I = 1.0 A, 620 mV F 610 mV I = 1.0 A, T = 100°C F A I Reverse Current @ V = 20 V, 10 µA R R V = 20 V, T = 100°C 5.0 mA R A V = 40 V, 20 µA R 13 mA V = 40 V, T = 100°C R A 2001 MBR0540, Rev. B