MBD110DWT1 ,Dual Schottky Barrier DiodesON SemiconductorMBD110DWT1Dual Schottky Barrier DiodesMBD330DWT1Application circuit designs are mo ..
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Dual Schottky Barrier Diodes
Dual Schottky Barrier Diodes
Application circuit designs are moving toward the consolidation of
device count and into smaller packages. The new SOT–363 package is
a solution which simplifies circuit design, reduces device count, and
reduces board space by putting two discrete devices in one small
six–leaded package. The SOT–363 is ideal for low–power surface
mount applications where board space is at a premium, such as
portable products.
Surface Mount Comparisons:
Space Savings:The MBD110DW, MBD330DW, and MBD770DW devices are
spin–offs of our popular MMBD101LT1, MMBD301LT1, and
MMBD701LT1 SOT–23 devices. They are designed for
high–efficiency UHF and VHF detector applications. Readily
available to many other fast switching RF and digital applications. Extremely Low Minority Carrier Lifetime Very Low Capacitance Low Reverse Leakage
DEVICE MARKINGThermal Clad is a trademark of the Bergquist Company.
CASE 419B–01, STYLE 6
Anode 1 6 Cathode
Cathode 3 4 Anode
N/C 2 5 N/C