MB89951 ,8-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerFEATURES • Minimum instruction execution time: 0.8 m s at 5 MHz2•F MC-8L family CPU core Multipli ..
MB89F051 ,F2MC-8L/Low Power/Low Voltage Microcontrollersfeatures a compact instruction set andcontains a range of peripheral function set and timers, seria ..
MB89F202 ,8-Bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS07-12561-1EDATA SHEET8-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerCMOS2F MC-8L MB89202 S ..
MB89F202P-SH ,8-Bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS07-12561-1EDATA SHEET8-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerCMOS2F MC-8L MB89202 S ..
MB89F499PFV , 8-bit Proprietary Microcontroller CMOS
MB89F538 , 8-bit Original Microcontroller CMOS, F-2MC-8L MB89530A Series
MC10H606FNR2 ,Registered Hex TTL/PECL TranslatorAN1672/DThe ECL Translator GuidePECL • LVPECL • NECL • TTL •LVTTL/LVCMOS • CMOS
MC10H607 ,Registered Hex PECL/TTL TranslatorPrepared by: Paul ShockmanON SemiconductorAPPLICATION NOTEObjectiveGeneral BackgroundThis applicati ..
MC10H607FN ,Registered Hex PECL/TTL Translatorfeatures differential PECL inputs for both data and clock. TheTTL outputs feature 48mA sink, 24mA s ..
MC10H640 ,ECL/TTL Clock DriverPrepared byCleon PettyAPPLICATION NOTETodd PearsonECL Applications EngineeringThis application note ..
MC10H640 ,ECL/TTL Clock DriverPrepared byCleon PettyAPPLICATION NOTETodd PearsonECL Applications EngineeringThis application note ..
MC10H640 ,ECL/TTL Clock Driver