MAZS024 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical characteristics within part numbers T = 25°C±3°CaTemperatureReverse Zener operatingcoef ..
MAZS033 ,Small-signal deviceAbsolute Maximum Ratings T = 25°CaParameter Symbol Rating UnitRepetitive peak forward current I 20 ..
MAZS047 ,Small-signal deviceFeatures0.01±0.01• SS-Mini type 2-pin package (SSMini2-F1)• Low noise type2• V rank classified(V = ..
MAZS0510H ,Silicon planar typeZener DiodesMAZS000 SeriesSilicon planar typeUnit : mmFor constant voltage, constant-current, wavef ..
MAZS0510M ,Silicon planar typeFeatures•SS-mini type 2-pin package•Low noise type•V rank classified (V = 2.4 V to 39 V)Z Z
MAZS0510-M ,Silicon planar typeElectrical characteristics within part numbers T = 25°CaTemperature coefficientZener voltage Rever ..
MB90562A , 16-bit Proprietary Microcontrollers
MB90562A , 16-bit Proprietary Microcontrollers
MB90573 ,16-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerFEATURES•ClockEmbedded PLL clock multiplication circuitOperating clock (PLL clock) can be selected ..
MB90573- ,16-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS07-13701-7EDATA SHEET16-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerCMOS2F MC-16LX MB9057 ..
MB90583BPFV ,16-bit Proprietary Microcontrollerapplications which require high-speed real-time processing, such as consumer products.2 1 2While in ..
MB90594PF ,16-bit Proprietary Microcontrollerfeatures are two on board CAN Interfaces, which conform to V2.0 PartA and Part B, while supporting ..