MAX9686MJA ,Single/Dual Very Fast TTL Output ComparatorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VS = wc TA = 25 C unless otherwise noted )
( MAX9686C/9698C MAX9686M/9 ..
MAX9686MJA ,Single/Dual Very Fast TTL Output ComparatorsGeneral Description
The MAX9686 (Single) and MAX9698 (Dual) are very fast
F ea tures
. 6ns P ..
MAX9687CPE ,Dual / Ultra-Fast ECL-Output ComparatorMAX968719-2400; Rev 1; 7/93Dual, Ultra-Fast ECL-Output Comparator_______________
MAX9687CSE ,Dual / Ultra-Fast ECL-Output ComparatorFeaturesThe MAX9687 is a dual, ultra-fast ECL comparator ' 1.4ns Propagation Delaymanufactured with ..
MAX9687ESE ,Dual / Ultra-Fast ECL-Output ComparatorApplications** Contact factory for dice specifications.High-Speed A/D ConvertersHigh-Speed Line Rec ..
MAX968ESA ,Single/Dual/Quad / Micropower / Ultra-Low-Voltage / Rail-to-Rail I/O ComparatorsFeaturesThe MAX965–MAX970 single/dual/quad micropower' Ultra-Low Single-Supply Operation down to +1 ..
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MB89123A ,8-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS07-12509-6EDATA SHEET8-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerCMOS2F MC-8L MB89120/1 ..
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Single/Dual Very Fast TTL Output Comparators
Single/Dual Very Fast TTL Output Comparators
General Description
Me MAX9686 (Single) and MAX9698 (Dual) are very fast
TTL comparators manufactured With a hwgh frequency
biDolar process (fr = BGH/) that are capable of very short
o'opagatior‘ delays, yet mamtai” me exce trv, DC match-
ng charactehstcs that are normally found only in slower
comparators Ihe MAX9698 IS a dual version of the
The MAX9686 IS oin-compiabie wnn the 1T1C16 and
Am686 but exceeds the AC characteristics of these
The MAX9686 and MAX9698 wave dlf‘e'ehtlal nputs and
complornemaryoutp)utslhatareftrlycompaliolewth TTL
lc)fyc lenes The extremely short oropagaho" delays
allow Sighal D’OCCSS'ng at frequercies m excess of
When mo Latch Fnaole input goes hgh, the Outputs go
. 6ns Propagation Delay
. 2ns Latch Set-Up Time
. +5V, -5.2V Power Supplies
. Pin-Compatible to LT1016, Am686
. Available in Commercial and Military Versions
. Available in Small Outline
Ordering Information
1v1/\X9t's8tiCJfo/\ O C 10 tro C 8 Lead P453111 Dr
_ MAX96§§0JA
' MAX968fiCSA
(LC lo ‘70 C 8 i eat: GER!) D
0 cy, ‘7CC HlEdLIS'Wadelw.
C) C 10 o 70 C Lhcc
' F MAX9686CTV U C TU o 70 C 8, L1: ‘ 10 f)fl MOW flan
Fr , , ' h , m ' Ct ' - - - - -
t: _ r slats ac mchohy t c, "pm cowo-to artwigje t r79, of VAXWBSWA 55 C m .175 C," a _ C' , 1H) P
[r) . I .Q Fmtrat C tht e -
i'ifdiae"i Flga‘gsréggm (figodv/ir,'e'IC1,)r,, Eafofe 8:432 1v1AX9686h/IV E5 C l0 +125 C a l cad mug \‘em (m
. '.' cl v F ( ’W -,., 7* , ,y’ (TI: -
IS not used. the LL pm must be tied to grour'd MAXJGQELH _(jC 10 + O C 161*an"”““ le
[ VAX9698CdL O cry s70 C 16 Lead (IERDIO
l VAX969t3CSL C C ( t'() C ‘h 7 cat: S'W: Ol.’ [If
A hcatlons - i - -
lhgh-Speed A/D Converters MAX9698C/l) C) C IU +170 C DMZ
T _ l MAX9698Md 755) C In +125 C Ir', lead cr fiDIP
nghSpoco Line Roccwvers -
K‘H/M'LIV' 3.4413"; "'Hh‘r‘!) ft U'JH'L'.“ LI f
Peak Detectors
Threshold Detectors
HighSpcco T cg'gers
Pin Configurations
Top View
i); _ I r M» l J.
.n‘(_ -Ll _
WU ' T mm .w l - ' b. W m: I ity 21t l, '.;
1 " l, ' \ y ', ,,
g ' u , I i, .l _ l
"ss... 4 / m l l n _ tl'
.' F , F , _
MAX9686 MAX9686 MAX9698
Plastic DIP, CERDIP. Small Outline TO-99 Metal Can Plastic DIP. CERDIP, Small Outline
xvm xi/VI
/vl/JXIM 1:; a 'eglsm'ec :raae'Ta'k o' Maxum .ntegraten Pounds
Maxim Integrated Products 1
SingIe/Dual Very Fast TTL Output Comparators
Supply Voltages T T _ ___ HN
Power Disswpatlon (Notes 12) ..... 336mW
Input Voltages 15V
Dwfferenna' Input Voltages 3 5V
Ou1puICurrent 20mA
Note 1: power aerating above TA = 70 C G based on a maxwmum
jryroclouicmperatureofl5o C and them! owmg thermal reswstance
Opevahng Temperature Range
Commercial (MAX9686C/9698M) L) C lo t f0 C
Military (r/AX9686M/9b1j8M) 755 C In 0 1.95 C.
Storage Temnomlure Range Er, C1()+150 C
Lead Temperature (Soldmng 10 seconds) 300 C
Note 2: Contmuous short cwrcut protectwom lc, aHovwd h: we
ioHowmg case am amment Iemperal.,u(:s Mr VIAXOGQH LOW
lnuous short curcm: IS a‘lowed on one mmparam HI Fl _ up 1m
case temperatures of 85 C and ambmnl temptzmlures u' 30 C
" Pialaue eJd'C/W) am CAN) ,T’ackage - Tc('C) - m C)
J - 75, 180 DJP i 10 m
soc - 115 180 TSOIQW 95 70
_ T099 115 150 T0799 95 'm
Shes; 'S JDUVL‘ frame us/ect uvdcr Aha," :19 Iv%xrvurr, Rat'ngs "m muse L3Ct''7 FN rt' damn , " " v as; (r
,rtrcrmrrvtol,tt',ey UHMIX‘ 3' 07059 0' Htiy' ’rv' Hmmvfxons (IDOL‘E Ilnvsn In! L aha: st, Tris ipora‘rm C [ mn‘nnug M m» guy; J ' ('t F n x _ '
.msu/ule Hunmum mlmg commons 'm L dendedpenods mm alley! dowry ro/mb/hly
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vs = t5V, TA = 25 C mless otherwse noted)
( MiX9686C/9tL9tLC MAX9686M/9698M i'
\npm OHset Voltage VOS Rs = 100it 2 03 3 .3 mV
Tempo'alu'e Coeihcie-t AVOS/A" 4 4 “v C l
Input Oltsel Curronl Ice' x 5 O 5 (J “A l
npu: Bias Csrrent In [ 25 PF, pA
Common Mode Raechon Ham CMRR 80 96 80 96 of,
Power Supmy Relectlon Ratio PSRH 7O 85 70 85 (M I
Input Voltage Range VCM 30 +3 0 _3 O M, 0 V
Latch Fl Inpul Voltage 1 VM i C) 2 O V
Latch Low Input Voltage l VI, 0 8 t o H v
Latch -ow Input, Currem ll, VLE = ov ,750 7'50 “A
I/O Logic Levels l
Output ngh Voltage VOH lou; = _ 3mA 2 4 3 O 2 4 3 O l V 1
Quinn! Low VcHage VOL IOUT = 8mA O 5 0 b
_ Posmve Supply Current _ l
(MAX9686) |'-- 16 25 It) yfi mA
(MAX9698) I ( l 32 50 32 m
Negahve SuspyCJren: I
1MAX9686) l 13 20 13 20 f' A
(MAX9698) EF 26 40 26 40
Propagahon Delays l
(guaranteed over full
lempcraturo range) 100 V l
Input to Output ngh Iw- 10mV osgrzive 6 0 9 6 O " l C
1 V l ,
Inpul 10 Output Low tw: 182:0 Osgrgfwc 5 7 8 5 5 7 " 5, [lr
Prooagauow Delay Skew 1m. trr ( O 3 f', 3 m,
Latch Setup Cr, 2 2 w; _
2 All A x I xw