MAX9591ETU+ ,14 Programmable Gamma Reference Buffers with Four Static References for TFT-LCD Displaysfeatures. The EV kit can also connect2to a user-supplied I C interface circuit for stand-alone ♦ Le ..
MAX9591ETU+T ,14 Programmable Gamma Reference Buffers with Four Static References for TFT-LCD DisplaysFeaturesThe MAX9591 evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the ♦ 14 8-Bit Programmable Reference Volt ..
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14 Programmable Gamma Reference Buffers with Four Static References for TFT-LCD Displays
General DescriptionThe MAX9591 evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the
MAX9591 reference-voltage generator for gamma cor-
rection in TFT-LCD panels, such as those found in high-
resolution TVs, high-end monitors, or for general
industrial reference-voltage generation. The MAX9591
EV kit provides 14 programmable reference-voltage
outputs (DAC outputs) and four static buffered refer-
ence-voltage outputs (reference outputs). The EV kit
uses a 9V to 20V DC power supply for powering the
application circuit.
The EV kit features a USB-to-I2C interface circuit.
Windows®2000/XP/Vista®-compatible software, with a
graphical user interface (GUI), is available for exercis-
ing the MAX9591 features. The EV kit can also connect
to a user-supplied I2C interface circuit for stand-alone
MAX9591 operation.
The MAX9591 EV kit can also be used to evaluate the
Features14 8-Bit Programmable Reference Voltages (DAC
Outputs)Four Static Buffered Reference Voltages
(Reference Outputs)400mA Peak Current on Reference Outputs and
DAC Outputs 1, 7, 8, and 14200mA Peak Current on DAC Outputs 2–6 and
9–139V to 20V DC Power-Supply OperationUSB-Powered USB-to-I2C Interface CircuitWindows 2000/XP/Vista (32-Bit)-Compatible
SoftwareLead-Free and RoHS CompliantProven PCB LayoutFully Assembled and Tested
Evaluates: MAX9590/MAX9591
MAX9591 Evaluation Kit19-4258; Rev 0; 8/08
Component List
Ordering Information
C21, C22, C24,
0.1μF ±10%, 16V X7R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R71C104K or
TDK C1608X7R1C104K
C2, C13, C15 3
10μF ±10%, 10V X5R ceramic
capacitors (0805)
Murata GRM219R61A106K
C11, C12 2
10pF ±5%, 50V C0G ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM1885C1H100J or
TDK C1608C0G1H100J
C14, C16, C23,
C26 4
1μF ±10%, 10V X5R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R61A105K or
TDK C1608X5R1A105K
22pF ±5%, 50V C0G ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM1885C1H220J or
TDK C1608C0G1H220J
C20 1
3300pF ±10%, 50V X7R ceramic
capacitor (0603)
Murata GRM188R71H332K or
TDK C1608X7R1H332K
C27–C44 0 Not installed, ceramic capacitors
C45, C48, C51 3
10μF ±20%, 25V X5R ceramic
capacitors (1210)
Murata GRM32DR61E106M
+Denotes lead-free and RoHS compliant.
Evaluates: MAX9590/MAX9591
MAX9591 Evaluation Kit
Component List (continued)
C50 4
0.1μF ±10%, 25V X7R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R71E104K or
TDK C1608X7R1E104K
D1 1 Green LED (0603)
Panasonic LNJ314G8TRA
FB1 0 Not installed, ferrite-bead
inductor (0603)
J1 0 Not installed, 40-pin dual-row
(2 x 20) header
JU1–JU4 0 Not installed, 2-pin headers
JU5 1 3-pin header
JU6 1 5-pin header
OUT1–OUT14 Not installed, small PCB test
R1 1 0 ±5% resistor (0603)
R2 1 220 ±5% resistor (0603)
R3 1 10k ±5% resistor (0603)
R4, R9–R12 5 2.2k ±5% resistors (0603)
R5 1 1.5k ±5% resistor (0603)
R6, R7 2 27 ±5% resistors (0603)
R8 0 Not installed, resistor (0402)
R17–R36, R44 0 Not installed, resistors (0603)
R37, R41 2 100 ±1% resistors (0603)
R38, R40 2 4.32k ±1% resistors (0603)
DESIGNATIONQTYDESCRIPTION R39 1 1.21k ±1% resistor (0603)
R42, R43 2 1k ±5% resistors (0603)
USB 1 USB type-B right-angle female
U1 1
Reference-voltage generator
(38 TQFN-EP*)
Maxim MAX9591ETU+
U2 1
Low-power 16-bit microcontroller
(68 QFN-EP*)
Maxim MAXQ2000-RAX+
U3 1 93C46 3-wire 16-bit EEPROM
(8 SO)
U4 1 UART-to-USB converter (32 TQFP)
U5 1
3.3V regulator (5 SC70)
Maxim MAX8511EXK33+T
(Top Mark: AEI)
U6 1
2.5V regulator (5 SC70)
Maxim MAX8511EXK25+T
(Top Mark: ADV)
U7, U8 2
Dual bidirectional level
translators (8 TDFN-EP*)
Maxim MAX3394EETA+T
(Top Mark: APE)
Y1 1 16MHz crystal
Y2 1 6MHz crystal
— 2 Shunts (JU5, JU6) 1 PCB: MAX9591 Evaluation Kit+
Component Suppliers
SUPPLIERPHONEWEBSITE Murata Electronics North America, Inc. 770-436-1300 www.murata-northamerica.com
Panasonic Corp. 800-344-2112 www.panasonic.com
TDK Corp. 847-803-6100 www.component.tdk.com
Note:Indicate that you are using the MAX9591 when contacting these component suppliers.
*EP = Exposed pad.
Quick Start
Required EquipmentBefore beginning, the following equipment is needed:MAX9591 EV kit (USB cable included)A user-supplied Windows 2000/XP/Vista PC with a
spare USB port9V to 20V DC power supply at 500mAOne digital voltmeter (DVM)
Note:In the following sections, software-related items
are identified by bolding. Text in boldrefers to items
directly from the EV kit software. Text in bold and under-
linedrefers to items from the Windows operating system.
ProcedureThe MAX9591 EV kit is fully assembled and tested.
Follow the steps below to verify board operation:Visit /evkitsoftwareto down-
load the latest version of the EV kit software,
9591Rxx.ZIP. Save the EV kit software to a tempo-
rary folder and uncompress the ZIP file.Install the EV kit software on your computer by run-
ning the INSTALL.EXE program inside the tempo-
rary folder. The program files are copied and icons
are created in the Windows Start | Programsmenu.Connect the USB cable from the PC to the EV kit
board. A New Hardware Foundwindow pops up
when installing the USB driver for the first time. If
you do not see a window that is similar to the one
described above after 30s, remove the USB cable
from the board and reconnect it. Administrator privi-
leges are required to install the USB device driver
on Windows.Follow the directions of the Add New Hardware
Wizardto install the USB device driver. Choose the
Search for the best driver for your deviceoption.
Specify the location of the device driver to be
C:\Program Files\MAX9591(default installation
directory) using the Browsebutton. During device
driver installation, Windows might show a warning
message indicating that the device driver Maxim
uses does not contain a digital signature. This is not
an error condition and it is safe to proceed with
installation. Refer to the USB_Driver_Help.PDF doc-
ument included with the software if there are any
problems during this step.Once the software and hardware installation is com-
plete, disconnect the USB cable from the EV kit.Verify that shunts are installed on:Jumper JU5: Pins 1-2 (on-board 3.3V digital power
supply)Jumper JU6: Pins 1-2 (MAX9591 write address =
0xE8)Connect the USB cable to the EV kit.Connect the DVM negative terminal to the AGND
PCB pad next to the REFL_L PCB pad.Connect a voltage probe to the DVM positive terminal
for later use.
10)Set the power supply to 15V and disable the power-
supply output.
11)Connect the power-supply positive terminal to the
AVDD PCB pad and the negative terminal to the
AGND PCB pad next to AVDD.
12)Enable the power-supply output.
13)Start the MAX9591 EV kit software by opening its
icon in the Start | Programsmenu. The EV kit soft-
ware main window appears, as shown in Figure 1.
14)Use the DVM voltage probe to measure the refer-
ence input voltages on the REFU_H, REFU_L,
REFL_H and REFL_L PCB pads, and type those val-
ues into the corresponding edit boxes of the
Reference Voltages (V)group box.
15)Press the Quick Startbutton.
16)Use the DVM voltage probe to verify that the DAC
output voltages are close to the voltages shown in
the Output (V)edit boxes for the respective channel.
Evaluates: MAX9590/MAX9591
MAX9591 Evaluation Kit
MAX9591 EV Kit Files
FILESDESCRIPTIONINSTALL.EXE Installs the EV kit files on your computer
MAX9591.EXE Application program
FTD2XX.INF USB device driver file
UNINST.INI Uninstalls the EV kit software
USB_Driver_Help.PDF USB driver installation help file
Evaluates: MAX9590/MAX9591
Detailed Description of SoftwareThe MAX9591 evaluation kit (EV kit) software main win-
dow is shown in Figure 1. The GUI software automati-
cally detects the MAX9591 device address and
displays it in the I2C Address Settingdrop-down list
and in the software status bar. The DAC output volt-
ages in the
UpperDAC Channels/Lower DAC
Channelsgroup boxes are calculated using the upper
and lower reference input voltages on PCB pads
REFU_H, REFU_L, REFL_H, and REFL_L. The reference
input voltages MUST be measured at the appropriate
PCB pads and the values entered in the respective
Reference Voltages (V)edit boxes for the DAC output
calculations to be correct.
Upon IC startup, the DAC outputs wake up in high-
impedance mode. To exit high-impedance mode, clickSelect the Bank Aradio button in the Output Bank
Selectgroup box. Select the
Bank A Register
Settingstab.Select the Burstradio button in the Register
Addressing Modegroup box.Modify any of the DAC channel’s register values.
See the Output Register Valuessection for more
information.Press the Load All Values To Registersbutton.Select the Bank Bradio button in the Output Bank
Selectgroup box. Select the
Bank B Register
Settingstab. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
Quick Startbutton loads all bank A and bank B
registers with a predefined set of values.
MAX9591 Evaluation KitFigure 1. MAX9591 Evaluation Software Main Window
Register banks A and B are selectable using the radio
buttons in the Output Bank Selectgroup box. Register
values are modified and loaded to registers using the
buttons, edit boxes, and scrollbars of the Bank _
Register Settingstabs where _ is either Aor B.
2C Address SettingThe MAX9591’s I2C slave address is displayed in the
status bar of the software window and the I2C Address
Settingdrop-down list. If an address is manually
selected in the drop-down list, the software verifies the
address and changes the address displayed appropri-
ately. If no acknowledge is received from the EV kit, a
pop-up window is opened directing the user to properly
set jumper JU6 on the EV kit. If the Auto Detect
Addresscheckbox is checked, the software automati-
cally detects the I2C address of the MAX9591.
Upper and Lower DAC Output VoltagesThe upper and lower DAC output voltages are generat-
ed using an on-board resistor-divider network. The user
can also apply external references to the REFU_H,
REFU_L, REFL_H, and REFL_L, and AGND PCB pads.
The voltages on these four pads MUST be captured and
typed into the appropriate edit boxes in the Reference
Voltages (V)group box for the calculated DAC output
voltages shown in the
Upper DAC Channels/Lower
DAC Channelsgroup boxes to be correct.
The transfer function for the upper DAC channels is:
The transfer function for the lower DAC channels is:
In both equations, D is the decimal register value. Refer
to the MAX9591 IC data sheet for more details.
When the evaluation software is run for the first time, the
reference input-voltage values in the Reference
Voltages (V)group box are loaded from an initialization
file (REF.INI). When the program is closed, the current
values are logged in to the initialization file. The next
time the program is run, the latest values are loaded
Output Bank SelectThe Bank A, Bank B, and A, B Alternatingradio but-
tons in the Output Bank Selectgroup box choose the
set of reference voltages buffered to the outputs
between bank A, bank B, or alternating between banks
A and B, with 1s hold time for each bank.
Output Register ValuesEach DAC channel’s register value can be set in three
different ways within the Upper DAC Channels/Lower
DAC Channelsgroup boxes by:Moving the channel’s scrollbar.Typing register values directly into the channel’s
Reg Valueedit box (decimal 8-bit equivalent).Typing the expected output voltage in the chan-
nel’s Output (V)edit box. The software uses a reg-
ister value that generates a voltage closest to the
desired voltage value.
When a register value is changed, the corresponding
field changes its color to red. A user should synchro-
nize the GUI fields and actual device registers by
pressing either the channel’s
Loadbutton (in single
mode) or the Load All Values To Registersbutton (in
burst mode).
The Load All Reg Values From Filebutton is used to
load all the register values and reference voltages from
a text file. The Save All Reg Values To Filebutton is
used to save all the register values and reference volt-
ages on the current GUI to a user-named text file.
Register read/write operations can take place regard-
less of the output bank setting; for example, the user
can change bank B registers when bank A is buffered
to the outputs.
Register Addressing ModeThe Burstand Singleradio buttons in the Register
Addressing Modegroup box set the MAX9591 soft-
ware operation mode.
When the
Burstradio button is selected, all registers
for a single bank are updated using the Load All
Values To Registersor
Load All Reg Values From
Filebuttons. The individual register’s Load buttons are
When the Singleradio button is selected, single regis-
ter values are updated using the individual register’s
Loadbuttons. The Load All Values To Registersand
Load All Reg Values From Filebuttons are disabled.
Register Mode I2C ActivityThe Register Mode I2C Activitygroup box is used for
the convenience of debugging when the Singleradio
button is selected. When an individual register is writ-
ten, the bits sent to the MAX9591 through the I2C inter-
face are displayed.REFL_LD
Evaluates: MAX9590/MAX9591
MAX9591 Evaluation Kit