MAX9317AECJ ,Dual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL Inputs and LVDS OutputsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 2.375V to 2.625V (MAX9317/MAX9317A), V = 3.0V to 3.6V (MAX9317B/MAX9 ..
MAX9317AECJ+T ,Dual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL Inputs and LVDS OutputsApplicationsPIN- SUPP LY PART T EMP R AN G EPACK A G E VOLT A G EPrecision Clock Distribution( ..
MAX9317CECJ ,Dual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL Inputs and LVDS OutputsApplicationsPIN- SUPP LY PART T EMP R AN G EPACK A G E VOLT A G EPrecision Clock Distribution( ..
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I Full or Hall Duplex
I Completely Programmable
I Start Bit Generated
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Dual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL Inputs and LVDS Outputs
General DescriptionThe MAX9317/MAX9317A/MAX9317B/MAX9317C low-
skew, dual 1-to-5 differential drivers are designed for
clock and data distribution. The differential input is
reproduced at five LVDS outputs with a low output-to-
output skew of 5ps.
The MAX9317/MAX9317A are designed for low-voltage
operation from a 2.375V to 2.625V power supply for use
in 2.5V systems. The MAX9317B/MAX9317C operate
from a 3.0V to 3.6V power supply for use in 3.3V sys-
tems. The MAX9317A/MAX9317C feature 50Ωinput ter-
mination resistors to reduce component count.
The MAX9317 family is available in 32-pin 7mm ✕7mm
TQFP and space-saving 5mm ✕5mm QFN packages
and operate across the extended temperature range of
-40°C to +85°C. The MAX9317A is pin compatible with
ON Semiconductor’s MC100EP210S.
ApplicationsPrecision Clock Distribution
Low-Jitter Data Repeaters
Data and Clock Drivers and Buffers
Central-Office Backplane Clock Distribution
DSLAM Backplanes
Base Stations
FeaturesGuaranteed 1.0GHz Operating Frequency145ps (max) Part-to-Part Skew5ps Output-to-Output Skew330ps Propagation Delay from CLK_ to Q_2.375V to 2.625V Operation (MAX9317/MAX9317A)3.0V to 3.6V Operation (MAX9317B/MAX9317C)ESD Protection: ±2kV (Human Body Model)Internal 50ΩInput Termination Resistors
Dual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL
Inputs and LVDS Outputs
Ordering Information19-2543; Rev 0; 7/02
Pin Configurations appear at end of data sheet.*Future product—contact factory for availability.
Functional Diagram
Dual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL
Inputs and LVDS Outputs
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= 2.375V to 2.625V (MAX9317/MAX9317A), VCC= 3.0V to 3.6V (MAX9317B/MAX9317C), all outputs loaded 100Ω±1%
between Q_ and Q_, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC= 2.5V (MAX9317/MAX9317A), VCC= 3.3V
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
VCCto GND...........................................................-0.3V to +4.1V
Input Pins to GND.......................................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
Differential Input Voltage.............VCCor 3.0V, whichever is less
Continuous Output Current.................................................28mA
Surge Output Current..........................................................50mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
32-Pin, 7mm ✕7mm TQFP
(derate 20.7mW/°C above +70°C).................................1.65W
32-Pin 5mm ✕5mm QFN
(derate 21.3mW/°C above +70°C)...................................1.7W
Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance in Still Air
32-Pin, 7mm ✕7mm TQFP......................................+48.4°C/W
32-Pin, 5mm ✕5mm QFN..........................................+47°C/W
Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance
32-Pin, 7mm ✕7mm TQFP.........................................+12°C/W
32-Pin, 5mm ✕5mm QFN............................................+2°C/W
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
ESD Protection
Human Body Model (CLK_, CLK_, Q_, Q_, VT_).............±2kV
Soldering Temperature (10s)...........................................+300°C
Dual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL
Inputs and LVDS Outputs
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VCC= 2.375V to 2.625V (MAX9317/MAX9317A), VCC= 3.0V to 3.6V (MAX9317B/MAX9317C), all outputs loaded 100Ω±1%
between Q_ and Q_, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC= 2.5V (MAX9317/MAX9317A), VCC= 3.3V
(MAX9317B/MAX9317C), VIHD= VCC- 1.0V, VILD= VCC- 1.5V, unless otherwise noted.) (Notes 1, 2, and 3)
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= 2.375V to 2.625V (MAX9317/MAX9317A) or VCC= 3.0V to 3.6V (MAX9317B/MAX9317C), all outputs loaded with 100Ω±1%,
between Q_ and Q_, fIN≤1.0GHz, input transition time = 125ps (20% to 80%), VIHD- VILD= 0.15V to VCC, unless otherwise noted.
Typical values are at VCC= 2.5V (MAX9317/MAX9317A), VCC= 3.3V (MAX9317B/MAX9317C), fIN= 1.0GHz, VIHD= VCC- 1.0V,
Dual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL
Inputs and LVDS Outputs
Typical Operating Characteristics(MAX9317, VCC= 2.5V, all outputs loaded with 100Ω±1%, between Q_ and Q_, fIN= 1.0GHz, input transition time = 125ps (20% to
80%), VIHD= VCC- 1.0V, VILD= VCC- 1.5V, unless otherwise noted.)
Note 2:Current into a pin is defined as positive. Current out of a pin is defined as negative.
Note 3:DC parameters are production tested at +25°C. DC limits are guaranteed by design and characterization over the full oper-
ating temperature range.
Note 4:Guaranteed by design and characterization, and are not production tested. Limits are set to ±6 sigma.
Note 5:All outputs loaded with 100Ωdifferential, all inputs biased differential high or low except VT_.
Note 6:Measured between outputs of the same device at the signal crossing points for a same-edge transition.
Note 7:Measured between outputs on different devices for identical transitions and VCClevels.
Note 8:Device jitter added to the input signal.
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VCC= 2.375V to 2.625V (MAX9317/MAX9317A) or VCC= 3.0V to 3.6V (MAX9317B/MAX9317C), all outputs loaded with 100Ω±1%,
between Q_ and Q_, fIN≤1.0GHz, input transition time = 125ps (20% to 80%), VIHD- VILD= 0.15V to VCC, unless otherwise noted.
Typical values are at VCC= 2.5V (MAX9317/MAX9317A), VCC= 3.3V (MAX9317B/MAX9317C), fIN= 1.0GHz, VIHD= VCC- 1.0V,
VILD= VCC- 1.5V, unless otherwise noted.) (Notes 1 and 4)
Dual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL
Inputs and LVDS Outputs
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX9317 family of low-skew, 1-to-5 dual differen-
tial drivers are designed for clock or data distribution.
Two independent 1-to-5 splitters accept a differential
input signal and reproduce it on five separate differen-
tial LVDS outputs. The output drivers are guaranteed to
operate at frequencies up to 1.0GHz with the LVDS out-
put levels conforming to the EIA/TIA-644 standard.
The MAX9317/MAX9317A operate from a 2.375V to
2.625V power supply for use in 2.5V systems. The
MAX9317B/MAX9317C operate from a 3.0V to 3.6V
supply for 3.3V systems.
Differential LVPECL and LVDS InputThe MAX9317 family has two input differential pairs:
CLKA and CLKA,and CLKB and CLKB. Each differen-
tial input pair can be configured or terminated indepen-
dently. The inputs are designed to be driven by either
LVPECL or LVDS signals with a maximum differential
voltage of VCCor 3.0V, whichever is less.
The MAX9317A/MAX9317C reduce external component
count by having the input 50Ωtermination resistors on
chip. Configure the MAX9317A/MAX9317C to receive
LVPECL signals by connecting VT_to VCC- 2V (Figure
2(a)). Leaving the VT_input floating configures the
Dual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL
Inputs and LVDS OutputsFigure 1. MAX9317 Timing Diagram
Figure 2. MAX9317A/MAX9317C Input Terminations