MAX901AEPE ,High-speed, low-power voltage comparatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
extended periods may affect device reliability.
(Vcc = +5V, VEE = ..
MAX901AEPE+ ,High-Speed, Low-Power Voltage Comparatorsapplications.♦ Input Range Includes Negative Supply RailAll comparators can be powered from separat ..
MAX901AESE ,High-speed, low-power voltage comparatorFeatures
Ordering Information
JC to +70'C
O'C to +70'C
O'C to +70'C
JC to +70 ..
MAX901AESE-T ,High-Speed, Low-Power Voltage ComparatorsFeatures♦ 8ns (typ) Propagation DelayThe MAX900–MAX903 high-speed, low-power, single/dual/quad volt ..
MAX901BCPE ,High-speed, low-power voltage comparatorApplications
High-Speed AID Converters
High-Speed V/F Converters
Line Receivers
Threshold Detec ..
MAX901BCSE ,High-speed, low-power voltage comparatorFeatures
Ordering Information
JC to +70'C
O'C to +70'C
O'C to +70'C
JC to +70 ..
MB88101A ,A/D Converter (With 4-channel Input at 12-bit Resolution)FEATURES• 4-channel analog input• One analog input channel selectable for conversion by external co ..
MB88101A ,A/D Converter (With 4-channel Input at 12-bit Resolution)FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-13105-2EDATA SHEETLinear IC ConverterCMOSA/D Converter(With 4-channel I ..
MB88101APF ,A/D Converter (With 4-channel Input at 12-bit Resolution)FEATURES• 4-channel analog input• One analog input channel selectable for conversion by external co ..
MB88141 ,D/A Converter for Digital Tuning (With Built-in OP Amp and I/O Expander)FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-13211-3EDATA SHEETGeneral Purpose Linear IC’s General Purpose ConvertersC ..
MB88141A ,D/A Converter for Digital Tuning (Compatible with I 2 C Bus)FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-13213-1EDATA SHEETLinear IC ConverterCMOSD/A Converter for Digital Tuning ..
MB88141APF ,D/A Converter for Digital Tuning (Compatible with I2C Bus)FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-13213-1EDATA SHEETLinear IC ConverterCMOSD/A Converter for Digital Tuning ..
High-speed, low-power voltage comparator
19-2887: Rev. 3; 11/92
General Description
The MAX900-903 high-speed, low-power, single/dual/
quad voltage comparators feature differential
analog inputs and TTL logic outputs with active
internal pull-ups. Fast propagation delay (8ns typ
at 5mV overdrive) makes the MAX900-903 ideal for
fast A/D converters and sampling circuits. line
receivers, V/F converters, and many other data-dis-
crimination applications.
All comparators can be powered from separate
analog and digital power supplies or from a single
combined supply voltage. The analog input
common-mode range includes the negative rail, al-
lowing ground sensing when powered from a single
supply. The MAX900-903 consume 18mW per com-
parator when powered from +5V.
The MAX900-903 are equipped with independent
TTL compatible latch inputs. The comparator output
states are held when the latch inputs are driven low.
The MAX901 provides the same performance as the
MAX900, MAX902, and MAX903 with the exception
of the latches.
High-Speed A/D Converters
High-Speed V/F Converters
Line Receivers
Threshold Detectors
AVE 2afaheAlA)
iriltgihMihpeedl, LtttaMAttnaregs
Vollttatge Gomipairatoirs
0 8tttt Typ Propagatlon Delay
. 18rttWlrtomparatur Power Consumption (Typ at MriO
. Separate Analog and Digital Supplies
. Flexible Analog Supply: +5V to +10V or ASV
. Input Range Includes Negative Supply Rail
. TTL Compatible Outputs
0 TTL Compatible Latch Inputs (Except MAX901)
Ordering Infonnatlon
MAX900ACPP JC to +70'C 20 Plastic DI P
MAX900BCPP trc to +70'C 20 Plastic DIP
MAX900ACWP trc to +70'C 20Wide so
MAX900BCWP trc to +70'C 20 Wide SO
MAX900BC/D cc to +70'C Dice‘
MAX900AEPP .40'C to +850 20 Plastic DIP
MAX900BEPP -40'C to +85'C 20 Plastic DIP
MAX900AEWP -40'C to +850 20 Wide so
MAX900BEWP MOT) to +850 eovwae so
MAX900AMJP -55'C to +125'C 20 CERDIP
MAX900BMJP -55'C to +125'C 20 CERDIP
Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.
'Contact factory for dice specifications.
Input Trigger Circuitry
High-Speed Data Sampling
PWM Circuits
Mn Configurations
MAX901 WW2 m
. V . V MAX903
lN-(A) E E IN-(D) Fl-ig) Lf E] hr" . v
mung E WHO) mm.) [E Cal N.C. "cif El Ite"
GNDE A" - - + El mr" sung + - E ouna) IN+ 2 + Elthtt
cum) IE D Esl ouno) LATCH“) E A 3 E mom) tN-E - E i210
nuns) IE e c E ouuc) cum) Lit - + E Ito"' VEE‘E El won
WE" [E + - - + Ei mf" nc. E] Irma)
|N+(B) Ci 10 Nr(0) m' m 8 MB) DIPISO
IN-(B) a ' t lN-(C)
mp/so DIPIso c. s'ltht1't"0s0i'"R"
Pin Ctmfigutalitms continued on page 12 0mm” Ile
MAXIM Maxim Integrated Products 1
& the latest literature: http://,
£0fi/Z0tfi/fl- @fi/(UWCBWW
MAX900/90 17/902/903
Miiglba)peadl, Law-Power
Vollitage Compam tors
Analog Supply Voltage (Vcc to VEE) ................. +12V
Digital Supply Voltage (VDD to GND) .................. +7V
Differential Input Voltage .......... [VEE-O.2V] to [Vcc+0.2V]
Common-Mode Input Voltage ...... NEiy0.2V I to [Vcc+0.2V]
Latch Input Voltage (MAX900/902/903 only) -O.2V to [VDD+O.2V]
Output Short-Circuit Duration
to GND C..............--..... Indefinite
to Van B.............-.-............. 1 min
Internal Power Dissipation ........................ 500mW
Derate above +100‘C ...................... 10rnW/‘C
Operating Temperature Ranges:
MAX900-90C.C, - .................... O'C to +70'C
MAX9t0-903i - ................... -40'C to +85'C
MAX900-903_M., - ................. -55'C to +125'C
Junction Temperature (Ti) ................. -erc to +160'C
Storage Temperature Range .............. -65'C to +150'C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) .............. +300'C
Note 1: Absolute maximum ratings apply to both packaged parts and dice, unless otherwise noted.
Stresses be d those listed under 'Absolute Maximum Ratings'may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation 0 the device at these oran other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied, Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions or extended periods may affect device reliability.
(Vcc = +5V, VEE = AN, VDD = +5V, LE1-LE4 = Logic High, TA = +25'C. unless otherwise noted.)
MAX900NS01 A MAX900 B/901 Bl9021903
lnputOffsetVoItage vos tie..; 2",- 0.5 2.0 1.0 4.0 mV
Input Bias Current la NM or Inn. 3 6 4 10 pA
InputOffsetCurrent los [fy'--, S‘Q 50 250 100 500 nA
Input Voltage Range VCM (Note 2) VEE-0.1 Vcty2.25 Vt0.1 Vcc-2.25 V
Common-Mode -
R tri e cti on R ati o CMRR (tit/f' 50 150 75 250 WNN
Power-Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR (Note 3) 50 150 100 250 [LVN
Output High Voltage VOH Eggiamx 2.4 3.5 2.4 3.5 V
Output Low Voltage Vot. Qitetgi 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 v
Latch Input Voltage High VLH (Note 4) 1.4 2.0 1.4 2.0 V
Latch Input Voltage Low VLL (Note 4) 0.8 1.4 0.8 1.4 V
Latch Input Current High ILH mg" 1 20 1 20 11A
Latch Input Current Low ILL 2113:; 333V 1 20 1 20 PA