MAX889SEVKIT ,Evaluation Kit for the MAX889SFeatures +2.7V to +5.5V Input RangeThe MAX889 IC is an inverting charge pump that deliv-ers a regu ..
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Evaluation Kit for the MAX889S
General DescriptionThe MAX889 IC is an inverting charge pump that deliv-
ers a regulated negative output voltage at loads up to
200mA. The device operates from an input of +2.7V to
+5.5V to produce a user-adjustable, regulated output of
-2.5V to -VIN.
The MAX889S evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assem-
bled and tested surface-mount board. The board is set
up to provide a -3.3V output from a +5.0V input supply.
The EV kit is shipped with a MAX889S (1MHz switching
frequency) installed. The board may also be used to
evaluate the MAX889R (500kHz) or the MAX889T
(2MHz). To do so, request a free sample of the
MAX889RESA or MAX889TESA, and refer to the
MAX889 data sheet for the appropriate capacitor val-
Features+2.7V to +5.5V Input RangeUses One 2.2µF and Two 10µF Ceramic
CapacitorsOutput Adjustable from -2.5V to -VIN200mA Output Current1MHz Switching FrequencyFully Assembled and Tested Surface-Mount
Evaluates: MAX889
MAX889S Evaluation Kit
________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products119-1861; Rev 0; 11/00
Quick StartThe MAX889S EV kit is fully assembled and tested.
Follow the steps below to verify board operation. Do
not turn on the power supply until all connections
are completed:Connect a voltmeter and the load to the VOUT pad.Place the shunts in the following positions: JU1 1-2,
JU2 closed, JU3 closed.Connect a +5.0V supply to the pad labeled VIN. Con-
nect the ground lead to the pad labeled GND.Turn on the power and verify that the output is 3.3V.
Ordering Information
Note:Please indicate that you are using the MAX889S when
contacting these suppliers.
Evaluates: MAX889
MAX889S Evaluation Kit
Detailed Description
Jumper SelectionThe MAX889 can be placed in shutdown mode, using
jumper JU1. See Table 1 for jumper settings.
Jumper JU2 connects VIN to the voltage-divider that
sets the output voltage. To use a voltage source other
than VIN as the reference, open JU2, and connect the
reference source to the pad labeled VREF.
The MAX889 can be placed into free-run mode (unreg-
ulated, VOUT = -VIN) by removing the shunt on JU3
and installing a shunt on JU2.
Output Voltage AdjustmentThe MAX889S EV kit is shipped with the resistor-divider
selected for an output of -3.3V and an input of +5.0V.
Output voltages other than -3.3V can be set one of two
ways:Change the resistor-divider formed by R1 and R2.
Use the following equation to determine the resistor
R2 = -(VOUT / VREF) R1
(The current through R1 and R2 should be at least
30µA.)Remove the shunt from JU2 and apply a voltage to
the VREF pad. Use the following equation to deter-
mine the voltage for VREF:
VREF = -(R1 / R2) VOUT
Capacitor SelectionUse capacitors with a low effective series resistance
(ESR), such as ceramic or surface-mount chip tantalum
types. Refer to the MAX889 data sheet for more infor-
Figure 1. MAX889S EV Kit Schematic Diagram
Table 1. Jumper Functions*Default position
Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are
implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.
MAX889S Evaluation KitFigure 2. MAX889S EV Kit Component Placement Guide—
Component Side
Figure 3. MAX889S EV Kit PC Board Layout—Component Side
Figure 4. MAX889S EV Kit PC Board Layout—Solder Side
Evaluates: MAX889