MAX889TESA ,High-Frequency, Regulated, 200mA, Inverting Charge PumpApplicationsOrdering InformationTFT PanelsTEMP. PIN- SWITCHINGPART RANGE PACKAGE FREQUENCYHard Disk ..
MAX889TESA+ ,High-Frequency, Regulated, 200mA, Inverting Charge PumpELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = V = +5V, capacitors from Table 1, T = 0°C to +85°C, unless otherwise ..
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High-Frequency, Regulated, 200mA, Inverting Charge Pump
General DescriptionThe MAX889 inverting charge pump delivers a regulated
negative output voltage at loads of up to 200mA. The
device operates with inputs from 2.7V to 5.5V to produce
an adjustable, regulated output from -2.5V to -VIN.
The MAX889 is available with an operating frequency of
2MHz (T version), 1MHz (S version), or 0.5MHz (R ver-
sion). The higher switching frequency devices allow the
use of smaller capacitors for space-limited applica-
tions. The lower frequency devices have lower quies-
cent current.
The MAX889 also features a 0.1µA logic-controlled
shutdown mode and is available in an 8-pin SO pack-
age. An evaluation kit, MAX889SEVKIT, is available.
________________________ApplicationsTFT Panels
Hard Disk Drives
Digital Cameras
Measurement Instruments
Battery-Powered Applications
Features200mA Output CurrentUp to 2MHz Switching FrequencySmall Capacitors (1µF)+2.7V to +5.5V Input Voltage RangeAdjustable Regulated Negative Output
(-2.5V to -VIN)0.1µA Logic-Controlled ShutdownLow 0.05ΩOutput Resistance (in regulation)Soft-Start and Foldback Current LimitedShort-Circuit and Thermal Shutdown Protected 8-Pin SO Package
High-Frequency, Regulated,
200mA, Inverting Charge Pump
Pin Configurationypical Operating Circuit19-1774; Rev 0; 7/00
Ordering Information
High-Frequency, Regulated,
200mA, Inverting Charge Pump
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
IN to GND.................................................................-0.3V to +6V
FB, SHDN, CAP+ to GND............................-0.3V to (VIN+ 0.3V)
AGND to GND.......................................................-0.3V to +0.3V
OUT to GND.............................................................-6V to +0.3V
CAP- to GND............................................(VOUT- 0.3V) to +0.3V
Continuous Output Current...............................................250mA
Output Short-Circuit Duration........................................Indefinite
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
8-Pin SO (derate 5.88mW/°C above +70°C)...............471mW
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) ................................+300°C
High-Frequency, Regulated,
200mA, Inverting Charge Pump
Note 1:Specifications to -40°C are guaranteed by design, not production tested.
Typical Operating Characteristics(Circuit of Figure 1, VIN= VSHDN= +5V, capacitors from Table 1, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
High-Frequency, Regulated,
200mA, Inverting Charge Pump10050150200250300350
vs. LOAD CURRENT vs. COUTMAX889 toc04
(VIN = 5V, VOUT = -3.3V)
MAX889 toc05
(VIN = 3.3V, VOUT = -2.5V)
MAX889 toc06
Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(Circuit of Figure 1, VIN= VSHDN= +5V, capacitors from Table 1, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
High-Frequency, Regulated,
200mA, Inverting Charge Pump
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX889 high-current regulated charge-pump DC-
DC inverter provides up to 200mA. It features the high-
est available output current while using small
capacitors (Table 1). The three versions available differ
in their switching frequencies (fOSC)—MAX889R/
MAX889S/MAX889T with fOSC= 500kHz/1MHz/2MHz,
respectively. Higher frequencies allow the use of small-
er components (Table 1). Even smaller capacitor values
than those listed in Table 1 are suitable when the
devices are loaded at less than their rated output cur-
rent. Designed specifically for compact applications, a
complete regulating circuit requires only three small
capacitors and two resistors, Figure 1. In addition, the
MAX889 includes soft-start, shutdown control, short-cir-
cuit, and thermal protection.
The oscillator, control circuitry, and four power MOSFET
switches are included on-chip. The charge pump runs
continuously at the operating frequency. During one-half
of the oscillator period, switches S1 and S2 close
(Figure 2), charging the transfer capacitor (CFLY) to the
input voltage (CAP- = GND, CAP+ = IN). During the
other half cycle, switches S3 and S4 close (Figure 3),
transferring the charge on CFLYto the output capacitor
(CAP+ = GND, CAP- = OUT).
Voltage RegulationVoltage regulation is achieved by controlling the flying-
capacitor charging rate. The MAX889 controls the
charge on CFLYby modulating the gate drive to S1
(Figure 2) to supply the charge necessary to maintain
output regulation. When the output voltage droops,
CFLYcharges higher due to increased gate drive. Since
the device switches continuously, the regulation
scheme minimizes output ripple, and the output noise
spectrum contains well-defined frequency components.
Feedback voltage is sensed with a resistor-divider
between an externally supplied positive reference or
the supply voltage and the negative inverted output.
The feedback loop servos FB to GND. The effective
output impedance in regulation is 0.05Ω. The output
remains in regulation until dropout is reached. Dropout
depends on the output voltage setting and load current
(see Output Voltage vs. Load Current in Typical
Operating Characteristics).
Free-Run Mode
(Unregulated Voltage Inverter)The MAX889 may be used in an unregulated voltage
inverter mode that does not require external feedback
resistors, minimizing board space. Connecting FB to IN
places the MAX889 in free-run mode. In this mode, the
charge pump operates to invert directly the input sup-
ply voltage (VOUT= -(VIN- IOUTx RO)). Output resis-
tance is typically 2Ωand can be approximated by the
following equation:≅[1 / (fOSCx CFLY) ] + 2RSW+
The first term is the effective resistance of an ideal
switched-capacitor circuit (Figures 2 and 3), and RSW
is the sum of the charge pump’s internal switch resis-
tances (typically 0.8Ωat VIN= 5V). The last two terms
take into consideration the equivalent series resistance
MAX889(ESR) of the flying and output capacitors. The typical
output impedance is more accurately determined from
the Typical Operating Characteristics.
Current Limit and Soft-StartThe MAX889 features a foldback current-limit/soft-start
scheme that allows it to limit inrush currents during
startup, overload, and output short-circuit conditions.
Additionally, it permits a safe, timed recovery from fault
conditions. This protects the MAX889 and prevents
low-current or higher output impedance input supplies
(such as alkaline cells) from being overloaded at start-
up or short-circuit conditions.
The MAX889 features two current-limit/soft-start levels
with corresponding response to rising and falling out-
put voltage thresholds of -0.6V and -1.5V. When the
falling output voltage crosses -1.5V, such as during an
overload condition, the input current is immediately lim-
ited to 400mA by weakening the charge-pump switch-
es. When the falling output voltage crosses -0.6V, such
as during a short-circuit condition, the MAX889 further
weakens the charge-pump switches, immediately limit-
ing input current to 200mA.
During startup or short-circuit recovery, the MAX889
limits input current to 200mA with charge-pump switch-
es at their weakest level. Rising output voltage crossing
-0.6V initiates a 2ms timer, after which the MAX889
increases switch strength to the next level. The rising
output voltage crossing -1.5V initiates a 2ms timer, after
which the MAX889 provides full-strength operation.
Shutdown When SHDN(a CMOS-compatible input) is driven low,
the MAX889 enters 0.1µA shutdown mode. Charge-
pump switching halts. Connect SHDNto IN or drive
high for normal operation.
Thermal ShutdownThe MAX889 features thermal shutdown with hysteresis
for added protection against fault conditions. When the
die temperature exceeds 160°C, the internal oscillator
stops, suspending device operation. The MAX889
resumes operation when the die temperature falls 15°C.
This prevents the device from rapidly oscillating around
the temperature trip point.
Applications Information
Resistor Selection
(Setting the Output Voltage)The accuracy of VOUTdepends on the accuracy of the
voltage biasing R1 in Figure 1. Use a separate refer-
ence voltage if greater accuracy than provided by VIN
is desired (Figure 4). Keep the feedback node as small
as possible, with resistors mounted close to the FB pin.
High-Frequency, Regulated,
200mA, Inverting Charge Pump