MAX8796GTJ+T ,1-Phase, Quick-PWM Intel IMVP-6/GMCH ControllersTable of Contents I. ........Device Description V. ........Quality Assurance Information II. .. ..
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1-Phase, Quick-PWM Intel IMVP-6/GMCH Controllers
Approved by Sokhom Chum
Quality Assurance
Reliability Engineer
Conclusion The MAX8796GTJ+ successfully meets the quality and reliability standards required of all Maxim products. In addition, Maxim"s
continuous reliability monitoring program ensures that all outgoing product will continue to meet Maxim"s quality and reliability standards.
Table of Contents
I. ........Device Description V. ........Quality Assurance Information
II. ........Manufacturing Information VI. .......Reliability Evaluation
III. .......Packaging Information IV. .......Die Information
I. Device Description A. General
The MAX8796/MAX8797/MAX17401 are 1-phase Quick-PWM(tm) step-down VID power-supply controllers for Intel notebook CPUs and graphics. The
Quick-PWM control provides instantaneous response to fast load current steps. Active voltage positioning reduces power dissipation and bulk output
capacitance requirements and allows ideal positioning compensation for tantalum, polymer, or ceramic bulk output capacitors. The
MAX8796/MAX8797/MAX17401 are intended for two different notebook CPU/GPU core applications: either bucking down the battery directly to create
the core voltage, or else bucking down the +5V system supply. The single-stage conversion method allows this device to directly step down
high-voltage batteries for the highest possible efficiency. Alternatively, 2-stage conversion (stepping down the +5V system supply instead of the
battery) at higher switching frequency provides the minimum possible physical size. A slew-rate controller allows controlled transitions between VID
codes. A thermistor-based temperature sensor provides programmable thermal protection. A power monitor provides an analog voltage output
proportional to the power consumed by the CPU/GPU. The MAX8796/MAX17401 implement both the Intel IMVP-6 CPU core specifications, as well
as the Intel GMCH graphics core specifications. The MAX8797 implements the Intel GMCH graphics core specifications. The MAX8796/MAX17401
are available in a 32-pin TQFN package. The MAX8797 is available in a 28-pin TQFN package.
II. Manufacturing Information A. Description/Function: 1-Phase, Quick-PWM Intel IMVP-6/GMCH Controllers
B. Process: S45
C. Number of Device Transistors: 10146
D. Fabrication Location: Texas
E. Assembly Location: Thailand
F. Date of Initial Production: January 22, 2010
III. Packaging Information A. Package Type: 32-pin TQFN 5x5
B. Lead Frame: Copper
C. Lead Finish: 100% matte Tin
D. Die Attach: Conductive
E. Bondwire: Au (1 mil dia.)
F. Mold Material: Epoxy with silica filler
G. Assembly Diagram: #05-9000-2634
H. Flammability Rating: Class UL94-V0 I. Classification of Moisture Sensitivity per
JEDEC standard J-STD-020-C Level 1 J. Single Layer Theta Ja: 47°C/W
K. Single Layer Theta Jc: 1.7°C/W
L. Multi Layer Theta Ja: 29°C/W
M. Multi Layer Theta Jc: 2.7°C/W
IV. Die Information A. Dimensions: 77 X 73 mils
B. Passivation: Si3N4/SiO2 (Silicon nitride/ Silicon dioxide)
C. Interconnect: Al/0.5%Cu with Ti/TiN Barrier
D. Backside Metallization: None
E. Minimum Metal Width: Metal1 = 0.5 / Metal2 = 0.6 / Metal3 = 0.6 microns (as drawn)
F. Minimum Metal Spacing: Metal1 = 0.45 / Metal2 = 0.5 / Metal3 = 0.6 microns (as drawn)
G. Bondpad Dimensions: 5 mil. Sq.
H. Isolation Dielectric: SiO2
I. Die Separation Method: Wafer Saw
MAX8796= ___1___ = 1.83 (Chi square value for MTTF upper limit)
MTTF 192 x 4340 x 96 x 2
V. Quality Assurance Information A. Quality Assurance Contacts: Don Lipps (Manager, Reliability Engineering)
Bryan Preeshl (Vice President of QA) B. Outgoing Inspection Level: 0.1% for all electrical parameters guaranteed by the Datasheet.
0.1% For all Visual Defects. C. Observed Outgoing Defect Rate: < 50 ppm
D. Sampling Plan: Mil-Std-105D
VI. Reliability Evaluation A. Accelerated Life Test
The results of the 135°C biased (static) life test are shown in Table 1. Using these results, the Failure Rate ( ) is calculated as follows:
= 11.4 x 10-9
(where 4340 = Temperature Acceleration factor assuming an activation energy of 0.8eV)
= 11.4 F.I.T. (60% confidence level @ 25°C)
The following failure rate represents data collected from Maxim"s reliability monitor program. Maxim performs quarterly life test
monitors on its processes. This data is published in the Reliability Report found at http:///qa/reliability/monitor.
Cumulative monitor data for the S45 Process results in a FIT Rate of 0.49 @ 25C and 8.49 @ 55C (0.8 eV, 60% UCL) B. E.S.D. and Latch-Up Testing (ESD lot TDCZGA027D D/C 0846, Latchup lot SDCZCA004H D/C 0802 ) The PE11 die type has been found to have all pins able to withstand a HBM transient pulse of +/-300 per JEDEC JESD22-
A114. Latch-Up testing has shown that this device withstands a current of +/-250mA.
Table 1 Reliability Evaluation Test Results
Static Life Test (Note 1) Ta = 135°C
Time = 192 hrs. DC Parameters 48 0 TDCZGQ002B, DC 0816
& functionality 48 0 TDCZGQ002A, DC 0816
Note 1: Life Test Data may represent plastic DIP qualification lots.
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