MX7545AKCWP+ ,CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsFeatures
. Improved Versions of MX7545
' Gain Accuracy to tl LSB Max.
' Fast Interface Timing
. ..
MX7545AKN ,CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsFeatures
. Improved Versions of MX7545
' Gain Accuracy to tl LSB Max.
' Fast Interface Timing
. ..
MX7545ALN ,CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsFeatures
. Improved Versions of MX7545
' Gain Accuracy to tl LSB Max.
' Fast Interface Timing
. ..
MX7545ALP ,CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACs19-0878; Rev 1; W96
lVI/J X I/Vl
CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACs
(Va, = HN, Vrer = +1ov, Vour = ov. AGND = DGND. Ta = T...N to TMAX ..
MX7545GLN ,CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACGeneral Description
The MX7545 is a 12-bit CMOS multiplying digital-to-
analog converter (DAC) ..
NDS8410A ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorMarch 1997 NDS8410ASingle N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8410S ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS8425 ,Single N-Channel, 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFETNDS8425January 2001NDS8425 Single N-Channel, 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET
NDS8426 ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8426A ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorJanuary 1998 NDS8426ASingle N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8433 ,Single P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACs
19-0878; Rev 1; 8/96
General Description
The MX7545A and MAX7645, 12-bit CMOS multiplying
digital-to-analog converters (DAG) with internal data
latches, are improved versions of the industry stand-
ard MX7545. The MX7545A features a 100ns max write
pulse width (150ns for MAX7645) which allows inter-
facing to a wide range of fast 8- and 16-bit
The MX7545A/MM7645_ige loaded by a single_12-bit
w_ide word when CS and WR are both low. The CS and
WR inputs can be connected low making the input
data latches transparent and allowing unbuffered
operation of these DACs.
The MX7545A is specified both with a single +5V and
+15V power supply. With a +5V supply, the digital
inputs are TTL and +5V-CMOS compatible while high
voltage CMOS compatibility is maintained with a +15V
AMLA] 2'C l] 21y'll
CMO§ 112-3171: Buffered Multiplying Diflgths
Fast Interface Timing
All Grades 12-Bit Accurate
MX7545A - TTLICMOS Compatible for VDD = 5V
CMOS Compatible for VDD = 15V
MAX7645 - TTLICMOS Compatible for VDD = 15V
Small Footprint Packages
' Improved ESD Protection
Improved Versions of MX7545
Gain Accuracy to tl LSB Max.
Ordering Information
Q 13791XVW/ W9 WQZXD’H
alifhpgi.+:23 mfgéryG45 is TTL and CMOS compatible PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE JIf,g,
Maxim MX7545A and MAX7645 use low tempco thin- MX7545ALN 0°C to +700C Plastic DIP tl LSB
film resistors laser trimmed to :1/4LSB linearity and MX7545AKN 0°C to +70°C Plastic DIP 13 LSB
better than 1-ILSB gain accuracy. The digital .inpqts MX7545ALCWP (PC to +7000 Wide so tl LSB
have improved protection against electrostatic dis- MX7545AKCWP 0°C to +7000 Wide so t3 LSB
charge (ESD) damage and can typically withstand MX7545AK/D (Y'C to +7000 Dice 3LSB
over 6,000V of ESD voltage. MX7545ALP 0°C to +70°c PLCC i1 LSB
Both the MX7545A and the MAX7645 are supplied in MX7545AKP 0°C to +70%; PLCC ll LSB
20-lead narrow DIP, surface mount Small Outline and Cr o '
PLCC packages. MX7545AKEWP -40 C to +85 C Wide so " LSB
MX7545ACQ -40°C to +85°C CERDIP tl LSB
Applications MX7545ABQ MCY'C to +85°C CERDIP s3 LSB
Motion Control Systems MX7545AUQ -55°C to +125°C CERDIP tl LSB
MX7545ATQ -55°C to +125°C CERDIP i3 LSB
Automatic Test Equipment .
Ordering Information comm ued at end of data sheet.
pp Controlled Systems Maxim reserves the right to ship ceramic sidebraze packages In
Programmable Gain Amplifiers /ieu oiCERDlPpackages.
Programmable Power Supplies Pin Configuration
Typical Operating Circuit TOPVIEW
oun E Eil Bra
C'','/1Q1') R 1 oanwsmE MAXIM E W
VREF19 MAX7645 Muc,J,t,B/NTa DAC F OUT1 0810 E MX7545A :6] ES
_2 AGND 039 [E MAX7545 E] DBU(LSB)
42} 088 [2 E 081
vi 1 J2, vDD DB7 E E OB
4i)s D85 CE E DB4
(33132.5) See page ll for Plastic Chip Gamer Ph Configuration
& the latest literature: http://,
Maxim Integrated Products 1
(BUXtsXi) 'ilSb4Blit .MWOIFGd Uiliyglilhi)lltyllint3 @A@s
VDD to DGND ............................................................ -0.3V, +17V Operating Temperature Ranges
Digital Input Voltage to DGND .............. AWN, Von + 0.3V MX7545AK/AL. MAX7645AC/BC ........................ 0°C to +70°C
VRFa, VREF to DGND .......q. '.. . ....... ........................ 125V MX7545AB/AC/AKE. MAX7645AE/BE ..... ....-40°C to +85°C
OUT1 to DGND ............... o..-C3V, Von + 0.3V MX7545AT/AU. MAX7645AM/BM .................. -55°C to +125°C
AGND to DGND ............................................... -0.3V, Von + 0.3V Storage Temperature ........................................ -65°C to +150°C
Power Dissipation (Any Package) to +75°C .................... 450mW Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) ............................ +300°C
Derate Above +75°C by .............................................. 6mWPC
Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings'' may cause permanent damage to the device. These am stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the speei%ations is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(Von = HN, VREF = +10V. Vour = 0V, AGND = DGND. Ta = Tue: to Tsaax unless otherwise noted.)
PARAMETER lsvunm] couomous J MIN TYP MAX lumrs
Resolution N 12 Bits
Relative Accuracy INL Endpoint measurement i1/2 LSB
. . - . ' All grades guaranteed
Differential Non Linearity DNL 12-bit monotonic over temperature range AI LSB
Measured using K B T TA = '25''C 13
. internal RFB; DAC ' ' TA = Tum to TMAX A4
Gain Error FSE register loaded L C U TA = +25°C kl LSB
with all Is. , ' TA = Tum to TMAX A2
Gain Tempco
AGain/ATemp. (Note 1) TCFS t2 d:5 ppm/°C
DC Supply Rejection - T, = +25°C 0.002
AGain/AVDD (Note 1) PSR AVDD - i596 T. = TM... to TM 0.004 m
' . To AI/S LSLOUH load is 1009 in parallel
(riuortrrlt/'''ttiing Time ts with 13pF. cs = OV. t2.AD output measured 1 us
from falling edge of WR.
From digital
inputs, DBII-
DB0, change to
Propagation Delay 90% of final _
(Notes 1, 2) tro analog output. TA - +25°C 200 ns
OUT1 load is
1000 in parallel
with 13pF.
Digital to Analog tr,; tdll',
Glitch Impulse 1000 in parallel TA = +25''C 5 nV-s
(Notes l, 2) with 13pF.
AC Feedthrough at OUT1 VHEF = A10V, 10kHz sine wave,
(Notes I, 3) FTE DB11-DBO = 0v. 5 mVp-p
Input Resistance Rae; Vner pin to AGND 10 15 20 kft
Input Resistance Tempco TCR -300 ppm/°C