MAX7574KN ,P Compatible 8 Bit A/D ConverterFeatures
. Improved Second Source (MAX160)
. Fast Conversion Time: 405 (MAX160)
15ys (MX7574)
MAX757CPA ,3.3V/5V/Adjustable-Output, Step-Up DC-DC ConvertersFeaturesThe MAX756/MAX757 are CMOS step-up DC-DC switch-' Operates Down to 0.7V Input Supply Voltag ..
MAX757CSA ,3.3V/5V/Adjustable-Output, Step-Up DC-DC ConvertersMAX756/MAX75719-0113; Rev. 2; 1/953.3V/5V/Adjustable-Output,Step-Up DC-DC Converters_______________
MAX757CSA ,3.3V/5V/Adjustable-Output, Step-Up DC-DC ConvertersApplicationsMAX756C/D 0°C to +70°C Dice*3.3V to 5V Step-Up ConversionMAX756EPA -40°C to +85°C 8 Pla ..
MAX757CSA ,3.3V/5V/Adjustable-Output, Step-Up DC-DC ConvertersFeaturesThe MAX756/MAX757 are CMOS step-up DC-DC switch-' Operates Down to 0.7V Input Supply Voltag ..
MAX757CSA ,3.3V/5V/Adjustable-Output, Step-Up DC-DC ConvertersApplicationsMAX756C/D 0°C to +70°C Dice*3.3V to 5V Step-Up ConversionMAX756EPA -40°C to +85°C 8 Pla ..
MB6M ,MINIATURE GLASS PASSIVATED SINGLE-PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIERThermal Characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol MB2M MB4M MB6M UnitDevic ..
MB6S ,Bridge RectifiersThermal Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)AParameter Symbol MB2S MB4S MB6S UnitDevic ..
MB7117E , Schottky TTL 2048-Bit Bipolar Programmable Read-Only Memory
P Compatible 8 Bit A/D Converter
" Campa tible 8 Bi t A/D Converter
_.—__ General Description Features
The MAX160 and Mx7574 are low cost micropro- . Improved Second Source (MAX160)
cessor compatible 8 bit analog-to-digital converters .
which use the successive-approximation technique to . Fast Convention Time: ttsoldN'gR;
achieve conversion times of 4ps (MAX160) and 15ps "
(Mx7574). . No Missing Codes Over Temperature
The A/Ds are designed to easily interface with micro- . Single +5V Supply
processors by appearing as a memory location or I/O
port without the need for external interfacing logic. . Ratiometrlc Operatlon
Data outputs use latched, three-state buffer circuitry . No External Clock Necessary
to allow direct connection to a microprocessor data
bus or system input port. Operation is simplified by . Easy Interface To Microprocessors
an on-chip clock, +5V power supply requirement, and
low supply current (5mA max). . -
The MAX160 provides major performance improve- Ordering Information
rents over the AD7574 in .t.itSuracy. and speed specifi- PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE ERROR
cations as well as compatibility with TTL logic levels. MAX160CPN 0°C to +70oC Plastic DIP '-1r-ff1
MAX160CC/D 0°C to +70°C _ Dice' _ gise
MAX160CWN 0°C to '70''C Small Outline 32/; Lst)
Applications MAX160§PN -40'Ctoii''t Plastic DIP /-'h LSB -
Digital Signal Processing MAX160EWN -40''C to '85'C Small Outline 'v, LSB
High Speed Data Acquisition MAX160MJN 555°C to 425°C CERDIP" f '5 LSB
Telecommunications MX7574KN __0°c to '70otr Plastif: DIP . ' viz LSB
Process Automation Mx7574JN 0''C to +70% _ Plastlc DIP 31/: LSB
Instrumentation MX7574KCWN 0''C to +70°c Small Outline 'rt LSB
Avionics MX7574JCWN 0°C to +70°C Small Outline W. LSB
t All dewces - 18 lead packages
. Consult factory for dice specifications.
" Maxim reserves the right to ship Ceramic Packages In lieu of
Functional Diagram CERDIP packages.
Ordering Information continued on last page
Van Van Am Burs " .
I 4 __ Pin Configuration
Top View
513 5 END
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iT6 M cu D34 9 CE 083
MAXIM Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
MAX160/MX75 74
Id' Compatible a Bit A/D Converter
Supply Voltage, VDD to AGND ........-.... OV, +7V Storage Temperature Range .............. -65°C to t150'' C
Voo to DGND . . . . . . ' . . ......... OV, +7V Operating Temperature Ranges
AGND to DGND ........ ' ..... . . . . . . ....... -0.3V, VDD MAX160CPN,MX7574JN/KN/JCWN/KCWN . . . tPCto +70"C
Digital Inputs/Outputs (Pins 6-17) . . . . DGND - 0.3V, _ 0.3V MX7574AD/BD/AO/BO ................. -25°C to '85'C
Analog Inputs (Pins 2-4) ......... . . . ........ -20V, +2OV MAX160EPN ........................ -40''C to +85°C
Power Dissipation (Any Package) to 00°C .......... 670mW MAX160MDN/MJN ................... -55°C to +125''C
Derate Above +70°C by ................... 8.3mW/°C MX7574SD/TD/SQ/Tt2 . . . ............. -55°C to +125°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 seconds) .......... 400°C
Stresses above those listed under "Atrsoiute Manmum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the dsvrco. These ale stress Ianngs only, and lunchonal
operation of the device at rheso or any other conditions above Ihttstt Indicalad in the operational sections of tne specification Is nat Implied, Exposure to
absolute maxrmum ratings condmons for axlended periods may trfftrct the device reliability,
(VDD = +5V, VREF = -10V, Unipolar Configuration, Slow Memory Mode using External Clock fcus = 2.0MHz for MAX160 and
0.5MHz forMX7574 (Fig. g), TA = TWN to TMAX, unless specified otherwise.)
ACCURACY ttcot = 2.0MH: tor MAX160 and 0.5MHz for MX7574)
Resolution 8 bits
F MAX160,M)<7574K/B/T *7:
Relative Accuracy Error MX7574J/A/S , 'a LSB
. . . _ MAX160, MX7574K/B/T t%
Differential Non-Linearity MX7574J/A/S ' Va LSB
MAX160, TA = ’25°C t3
Full Scale Error (Note 1) MX7574K/B/T TA a TM.“ to TMAX :45
(Gain Error) - o
MX7574J/A/S TA - o25 C *5
TA = TMIN to TMAX th5
TA 7 +25°C f 20
MAX160 TA = Tum to me " 30
TA a 45°C t30
Offset Error (Note 2) Mx7574K/B/T TA = TMIN to TMAX t50 mV
TA 2 '25''C t60
MX7574J/A/S TA , TMIN to TMAX :80
Mismatch Between Bops and Am 'l 5 w
Resistances (Note 3) _ Ft
Vner Input Resistance 5 10 15 k1)
Aw Input Resistance 10 20 30 ktt
Boss Input Resistance 10 20 30 kit
Reference Voltage VRE; t5%for specified transfer accuracy -10 V
Reference Voltage Range (Note 4) -5 -15 V
T Unipolar Mode 0 \Vnsd
Nominal Analog Input Range Bipolar Mode "VREFI *‘aned V
MAX160; E). g 2.4
Logic Input High Voltage VWH MX7574; RD, CS 3.0 V
MAX180, MX7574; CLK 3.0
MAx160,Mx7574; RT). CS 018
Logic InputLow Voltage V.NL MAX160; CLK 0.8 V
MX7574; CLK 0.4
i - - TA a '25''C 1
Logic Input Current IIN RD, CS. VIN - 0, Von TA = Tum to TM” _ 10 uA
. - TA T +25%:
Clock Input High Current VIN - Voo _ T Twr, to TMAX 3 mA
- TA = *25°C 1
Clock Input Low Current Vm - 0V TA , TMIN to TMAX 10 I MA
1 Input Capacitance (Note 5) Cm M, T; 5 7 I pF
2 - lVl/J X I An