MAX7500MSA ,Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal Watchdog with Bus Lockup ProtectionFeaturesThe MAX7500/MAX7501/MAX7502 temperature sen- Timeout Prevents Bus Lockupsors accurately m ..
MAX7500MSA ,Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal Watchdog with Bus Lockup ProtectionApplicationsMAX7502MUA -55°C to +125°C 8 µMAX2PCsI C is a trademark of Philips Corp.2Purchase of I ..
MAX7500MSA+ ,Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal Watchdog with Bus Lockup ProtectionApplications+125°CPCs Ordering Information/Selector Guide continued at end ofdata sheet.ServersPin ..
MAX7500MSA+T ,Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal Watchdog with Bus Lockup Protectionfeatures three address select lines, while♦ Register Readback Capabilitythe MAX7501–MAX7504 feature ..
MAX7500MUA+ ,Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal Watchdog with Bus Lockup ProtectionMAX7500–MAX750419-3382; Rev 4; 10/10Digital Temperature Sensors and ThermalWatchdog with Bus Lockup ..
MAX7500MUA+T ,Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal Watchdog with Bus Lockup ProtectionFeaturesThe MAX7500–MAX7504 temperature sensors accu- ♦ Timeout Prevents Bus Lockup (MAX7500,rately ..
MB6M ,MINIATURE GLASS PASSIVATED SINGLE-PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIERThermal Characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol MB2M MB4M MB6M UnitDevic ..
MB6S ,Bridge RectifiersThermal Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)AParameter Symbol MB2S MB4S MB6S UnitDevic ..
MB7117E , Schottky TTL 2048-Bit Bipolar Programmable Read-Only Memory
Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal Watchdog with Bus Lockup Protection
General DescriptionThe MAX7500/MAX7501/MAX7502 temperature sen-
sors accurately measure temperature and provide an
over-temperature alarm/interrupt/shutdown output.
These devices convert the temperature measurements
to digital form using a high-resolution, sigma-delta, ana-
log-to-digital converter (ADC). Communication is
through an I2C-compatible 2-wire serial interface. The
MAX7500/MAX7501/MAX7502 integrate a timeout fea-
ture that offers protection against I2C bus lockups.
The 2-wire serial interface accepts standard write byte,
read byte, send byte, and receive byte commands to
read the temperature data and configure the behavior
of the open-drain over-temperature shutdown output.
The MAX7500 features three address select lines, while
the MAX7501 and MAX7502 feature two address select
lines and a RESETinput. The MAX7500/MAX7501/
MAX7502s’ 3.0V to 5.5V supply voltage range, low
250µA supply current, and a lockup-protected I2C-
compatible interface make them ideal for a wide range
of applications, including personal computers (PCs),
electronic test equipment, and office electronics.
The MAX7500/MAX7501/MAX7502 are available in 8-
pin µMAX®and SO packages and operate over the
-55°C to +125°C temperature range.
Office Electronics
Electronic Test Equipment
Industrial Process Control
FeaturesTimeout Prevents Bus LockupI2C Bus Interface3.0V to 5.5V Supply Voltage Range 250µA (typ) Operating Supply Current 3µA (typ) Shutdown Supply Current±2°C (max) from -25°C to +100°C Temperature
AccuracyµMAX, SO Packages Save SpaceSeparate Open-Drain OS Output Operates as
Interrupt or Comparator/Thermostat InputRegister Readback CapabilityImproved LM75 Second Source
Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal
Watchdog with Bus Lockup Protection
Pin Configurations
Ordering Information19-3382; Rev 1; 10/04
Purchase of I2C components from Maxim Integrated Products
Inc., or one of its sublicensed Associated Companies, conveys
a license under Philips I2C Patent Rights to use these compo-
nents in an I2C system, provided that the system conforms to
the I2C Standard Specification as defined by Philips.
I2C is a trademark of Philips Corp.
µMAX is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated
Products, Inc.
Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal
Watchdog with Bus Lockup Protection
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Note 1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electrical specifica-
tions do not apply when operating the device beyond its rated operating conditions.
Note 2:When the input voltage (VI) at any pin exceeds the power supplies (VI< GND or VI> + VS), the current at that pin should be
limited to 5mA. The 20mA maximum package input current rating limits the number of pins that can safely exceed the power
supplies with an input current of 5mA to 4.
Note 3:Human Body Model, 100pF discharged through a 1.5kΩresistor.
(Note 1)
+VSto GND.............................................................-0.3V to +6V
OS, SDA, SCL to GND..........................................-0.3V to +6.0V
All Other Pins to GND................................-0.3V to (+VS+ 0.3V)
Input Current at Any Pin (Note 2) .....................................+5mA
Package Input Current (Note 2) .....................................+20mA
ESD Protection (all pins, Human Body Model, Note 3)...±2000V
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C)
8-Pin µMAX (derate 4.5mW/°C above +70°C)............362mW
8-Pin SO (derate 5.9mW/°C above +70°C).................471mW
Operating Temperature Range .......................-55°C to +125°C
Junction Temperature ....................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range ...........................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) ...............................+300°C
Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal
Watchdog with Bus Lockup Protection
Note 4:All parts operate properly over the +VS= 3V to 5V supply voltage range. The devices are tested and specified for rated
accuracy at their nominal supply voltage. Accuracy typically degrades 1°C per volt of change in +VSas it varies from the
nominal value.
Note 5:All parameters are measured at +25°C. Values over the temperature range are guaranteed by design.
Note 6:This specification indicates how often temperature data is updated. The devices can be read at any time without regard
to conversion state, while yielding the last conversion result.
Note 7:For best accuracy, minimize output loading. Higher sink currents can affect sensor accuracy due to internal heating.
Note 8:OS delay is user programmable up to six “over-limit” conversions before OS is set to minimize false tripping in noisy
Note 9:Default values set at power-up.
Note 10:All timing specifications are guaranteed by design.
Note 11:A master device must provide a hold time of at least 300ns for the SDA signal to bridge the undefined region of SCL’s
falling edge.
Note 12:CB= total capacitance of one bus line in pF. Tested with CB= 400pF.
Note 13:Input filters on SDA, SCL, and A_ suppress noise spikes less than 50ns.
Note 14:Holding the SDA line low for a time greater than tTIMEOUTcauses the devices to reset SDA to the IDLE state of the serial
bus communication (SDA set high).
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(+VS = +3.0V to +5.5V, TA= -55°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at +VS= +5V, TA= +25°C.) (Notes 4, 5)
Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal
Watchdog with Bus Lockup Protection
Typical Operating Characteristics(TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX7500/MAX7501/MAX7502 temperature sen-
sors measure temperature, convert the data into digital
form using a sigma-delta ADC, and communicate the
conversion results through an I2C-compatible 2-wire
serial interface. These devices accept standard I2C
commands to read the data, set the over-temperature
alarm (OS) trip thresholds, and configure other charac-
teristics. The MAX7500 features three address select
lines (A0, A1, A2) while the MAX7501 and MAX7502
feature two address select lines (A0, A1) and a RESET
input. The MAX7500/MAX7501/MAX7502 operate from
+3.0V to +5.5V supply voltages of and consume 250µA
of supply current.
Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal
Watchdog with Bus Lockup Protection2C-Compatible Bus InterfaceFrom a software perspective, the MAX7500/MAX7501/
MAX7502 appear as a set of byte-wide registers that
contain temperature data, alarm threshold values, and
control bits. A standard I2C-compatible 2-wire serial
interface reads temperature data and writes control bits
and alarm threshold data. Each device responds to its
own I2C slave address, which is selected using A0, A1,
and A2. See Table1.
The MAX7500/MAX7501/MAX7502 employ four stan-
dard I2C protocols: write byte, read byte, send byte,
and receive byte (Figures 1, 2, and 3). The shorter
receive byte protocol allows quicker transfers, provided
that the correct data register was previously selected
by a read-byte instruction. Use caution when using the
shorter protocols in multimaster systems, as a second
master could overwrite the command byte without
informing the first master. The MAX7500 has eight dif-
ferent slave addresses available; therefore, a maximum
of eight MAX7500 devices can share the same bus.
The MAX7501/MAX7502 each have four different slave
addresses available.
Table1. I2C Slave AddressesFigure 1. Serial Bus Timing