MAX755CSA-T ,-5V, Inverting, PWM DC-DC ConverterGeneral Description
The MAX735 and MAX755 are CMOS, inverting switch-
mode regulators with inte ..
MAX755ESA ,Negative output, inverting, current-mode PWM regulator. Converts +2.7V to +9V input to adjustable negative output.General Description
The MAX735 and MAX755 are CMOS, inverting switch-
mode regulators with inte ..
MAX755ESA ,Negative output, inverting, current-mode PWM regulator. Converts +2.7V to +9V input to adjustable negative output.features, along with high efficiency and appli-
cations circuits that lend themselves to miniaturi ..
MAX755ESA+ ,-5V, Inverting, PWM DC-DC ConverterFeatures
. Converts +2.7V to +9V In
Negative Output (MAX75
t" to Adjustable
. Converts +4 ..
MAX756CPA ,3.3V/5V/Adjustable-Output, Step-Up DC-DC ConvertersMAX756/MAX75719-0113; Rev. 2; 1/953.3V/5V/Adjustable-Output,Step-Up DC-DC Converters_______________
MAX756CPA ,3.3V/5V/Adjustable-Output, Step-Up DC-DC ConvertersGeneral Description ________
MB6M ,MINIATURE GLASS PASSIVATED SINGLE-PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIERThermal Characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol MB2M MB4M MB6M UnitDevic ..
MB6S ,Bridge RectifiersThermal Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)AParameter Symbol MB2S MB4S MB6S UnitDevic ..
MB7117E , Schottky TTL 2048-Bit Bipolar Programmable Read-Only Memory
-5V, Inverting, PWM DC-DC Converter
19-007Rev l: 9/92
AMI 2fjr2ClLAMl
"SWAdliusitahte, Negative-Output,
llnverting, Current-Mode PWM Regulators
General Description Features
The MAX735 and MAX755 are CMOS, inverting switch- . Converts +2.7V to o9V Ingut to Adjustable
mode regulators with internal power MOSFETs. The Negative Output(MAX75 )
MAX755 operates from a +2.7V to +9V input and generates
an adjustable negative output; 1W output power is guaran-
teed when powered from a +4.5V input. The MAX735
operates from a +4.0V to +6.2V output; 200mA output
current is guaranteed for inputs greater than +4.5V. Qui-
escent supply current for the MAX735 is typically 1,6mA,
and a shutdown mode reduces this to topA. These power-
conserving features, along with high efficiency and appli-
cations circuits that lend themselves to miniaturization,
make the MAX735/MAX755 excel in a broad range of
on-card and portable-equipment applications.
The MAX735/MAX755 employ a high-performance current-
mode pulse-width modulation (PWM) control scheme to
provide tight output-voltage regulation and low subhar-
monic noise. The fixed-frequency oscillator is factory-
trimmed to 160kHz, allowing for easy noise filtering. The
regulators are production tested in actual application cir-
cuits, and output accuracy is guaranteed to within 35%
over all specified conditions of line, load, and temperature.
The input-to-output differential of the MAX755 is limited
to VIN +lVOUTls11.7V.
For an adjustable-output device with a wider input voltage
range, refer to the MAX759 data sheet. For a fixed -5V part
with a wider input voltage range, refer to the MAX739 data
sheet. For fixed -12V and -15V versions, see the MAX736
and MAX737 data sheets. For lower-power applications,
refer to the MAX635/636/637 data sheet.
Board-Level DC-DC Conversion
Battery-Powered Equipment
Computer Peripherals
Typical Operating Circuit
t Convent; 44.0v to +6.2V Input to AN Output (MAX735)
. IW Guaranteed Output Power (VIN it 4.5V)
. 78% Typical Eftleleney
. 1.6mA Quiescent Current (MAX735)
. 10PA Shutdown Mode
t 160kHz Fixed-Frequency Oscillator
. Current-Mode PWM " Low Noise and Jitter
. Soft-Start
. Simple Application Clrcult
Ordering Information
MAX735CPA 0'C to +70'C 8 Plastic DIP
MAX735CSA DC to +70'C 8 SO
MAX7350/D 0"C to +70'C Dice'
MAX735EPA -40°C to +85'C 8 Plastic DIP
MAX735ESA 410°C to +85'C 8 SO 9
MAX735MJA -55''C to +125°C 8 CERDIP" I
MN(755CPA 0°C to +70°C 8 Plastic DIP
MAX755CSA OT) to +70'C 8 SO
MAX7550/D 0°C to +70°C Dice"
MAX755EPA ~40'C to +85'C 8 Plastic DIP
MAX7SSESA -40'C to +85''C 8 SO
MAX755MJA -55°C to +125°C 8 CERDIP"
. Contact factory for dice specifications.
" Contact factory for availability and processing to MlL-STD-883,
Pin Configuration
" (N T0 +6 2V
47m: ji WE Vout
ir- vw"hf'xAs"
"xt-ii- t" Ui - lf, I ilsoyt
T - 00 GND Emmi I1oottF
Eflil M
5 Vout
Tso-r; it MAXIM
lVl/l XI/Vl
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
Maxim Integrated Products 1
MAX 735/L'WAX 755
-5V/Adiustable, Negative-Output,
lnverting, ©urreniNWilodle PWM Regulators
Supply Voltage (V+ to GND) MAX735 ............ +7V, -O.3V Operating Temperature Ranges:
MAX755 (Note 1) ..... +11, -0.3V MAX7_5C__ ............................. 0°C to +70''C
Switch Voltage (LX to V+) ................... -12.5V, +0.3V MAX7_5E_ - ........................... -40°C to +85°C
Feedback Voltage (Vow to GND) .................. i25V MAX7_5MJA ........................ -55"C to +125'C
Auxiliary Ingut Voltages Junction Temperatures:
(SS, CC, SHDN to GND) ............. -O.3Vto(V+ + 0.3V) MAX7_SC/E__ ............................... +150'C
Peak Switch Current (ILx) .......................... 2.0A MAX7_5MJA ................................. +175'C
Reference Current (IVHEF) ..lV..._P...F__PFV._P.. 2.5mA Storage Temperature Range .............. -65''C to +160°C
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) .............. +300'C
Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mW/‘C above +70'C) ....... 727mW
SO (derate 5.88mW/‘ C above +70'C) .............. 471mW
CERDIP (derate 8.00mW/° C above +70°C) .......... 640mW
Stresses beyond those listed under 'Absolute MaXImum Ratings' may cause permanen! damage to the device, These aff stress ratings only, and functional
operation 0 {he device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated (rl {he operational sections of the speciRratiwm IS not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability
(Circuit of Figure 2, V+ = 5V, -5.25V s VOUT s -4.75v. ILOAD = 0mA, TA = TMIN to TMAX, typical values are at TA = +25'C, unless
otherwise noted.)
Input Voltage Range MAX735 4.0 6.2 V
MAX755 (Note 1) 2.7 9.0
OmA < ILOAD < 200mA.
TA = 0:010 +7010 -40'C to +85'C (MAX735) -5.25 Art) -4.75
Output Voltage V+ = 4dNto 6.2V TA = 0 Cto +70 C W755) v
OmA < y/PP < 175mA,
1 TA = -55 Cto +125°C (MAX735) -5.25 -5.0 -4.75
TA = -40'C to +85'C. -5SC to +125'C (MAX755)
TA = 0:C10 +70:C. -40°C to +85'C (MAX735) 200 275
V+ = 4.5V to 6.2V TA = 0 C010 +70 C £MAX755)
Output Current It : 45381315528. $153355 (MAX75§) 175 mA
V+ = 4.0V, VOUT = -5V 175
V+ = 2.7V. VouT = -5v. MAX755 only 125
Line Regulation V+ = 4.0V to 6.2V 0.1 %N
Load Regulation ILOAD = 0mA to 200mA 0.001 %/mA
Efficiency 1 OAD = 100mA I 78 %_
Includes switch MAX735 1.6 3.0
Supply Current current I MAX755 1.8 3.5 mA
Standby Current V War! = ov 10 100 pA
Short-Circuit Current 1.5 A
_Undervo|1age Lock-Out MAX735 only 3.7 4.0 V
LX On Resistance 0.5 Q
LX Leakage Current VDs = 10V 1 ML,
Reference Voltage TA = +25°C (Note 3) 1.15 1.23 1 30 V
Reference Drift TA = TMIN to TMAX 50 ppm/"C
Oscillator Frequency 160 kHz
Cmensation Pin Impedance 7500 Q
THt-or] Input Current 1 11A
s’HW Logic High_ 2.0 v
grTF Logic Low 0.25 V
Note 1: Additionaly, VIN is limited to: VlN S 11.7V - Nourl
Note 2: MAX755 external feedback resister tolerance is 0.1%.
Note 3: Tested at IVREF = OpA for the MAX735, 'VREF = 125PA tor the MAX755.