MAX706P ,+3V Voltage Monitoring, Low-Cost, µP Supervisory CircuitsFeatures
' PMAX Package: Smallest B-Pin SO
, Precislon Supply-Voltage Monitor
2.63V MAlt706PlR ..
MAX706PCPA ,+3V Voltage Monitoring, Low-Cost, レP Supervisory CircuitsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(MAX/CLP/R: Vcc = 2.70V10 5.5V, MAX70_S: VCC = 3.00V to 5EV, MAX10_T: ..
MAX706PCPA ,+3V Voltage Monitoring, Low-Cost, レP Supervisory CircuitsFeatures
The MAX706P/R/S/T and MAX708R/S/T microprocessor t pMAX Package: Smallest 8-Pin SO
( ..
MAX706PCPA ,+3V Voltage Monitoring, Low-Cost, レP Supervisory CircuitsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(MAX/CLP/R: Vcc = 2.70V10 5.5V, MAX70_S: VCC = 3.00V to 5EV, MAX10_T: ..
MAX706PCPA ,+3V Voltage Monitoring, Low-Cost, レP Supervisory Circuits_1t1o11rtrbL2f15., [VI IJXI/I/l
+3V Voltage Monitoring,
Low-Cost, MP Supervisory Circuits
MAX706PCPA ,+3V Voltage Monitoring, Low-Cost, レP Supervisory Circuits_1t1o11rtrbL2f15., [VI IJXI/I/l
+3V Voltage Monitoring,
Low-Cost, MP Supervisory Circuits
MB40C558PFV ,A/D Converter (1-channel, 8-bit, 45MHz)FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-28210-4EDATA SHEETASSP for Image ProcessingCMOSA/D Converter (1-channel ..
MB40C568 ,A/D Converter (1-channel, 8-bit, 20MHz)FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-28207-2EDATA SHEETASSP for Image ProcessingCMOSA/D Converter (1-channel ..
MB40C568 ,A/D Converter (1-channel, 8-bit, 20MHz)FEATURES• Resolution: 8 bits• Linearity error: – 0.20% (Typ.)• Maximum conversion rate: 20 MSPS ..
MB40C568H ,A/D Converter (1-channel, 8-bit, 30MHz)FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-28209-2EDATA SHEETASSP for Image ProcessingCMOSA/D Converter (1-channel ..
MB40C938V ,20 MSPS 3ch 8-bit D/A ConverterFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-28317-2EDATA SHEETASSPCMOS20 MSPS 3ch 8-bit D/A ConverterMB40C938Vn DESCR ..
MB40C950VPFQ ,85 MSPS 3ch 10-bit D/A ConverterFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-28318-2EDATA SHEETASSPCMOS85 MSPS 3ch 10-bit D/A ConverterMB40C950Vn DESC ..
+3V Voltage Monitoring, Low-Cost, µP Supervisory Circuits
19-0099. Rev 3. 1 7/01
AM] 2Ct:aLdly'l]
+allf Vollitaige Monitoring,
Low-Cost, MP Supervisory Circuits
General Description
The MAX706P/R/S/T and MAX708R/S/T microprocessor
(pP) supervisory Circuits reduce the complexity and num-
ber of components required to monitor +3V power-supply
levels in +3V to +5V uP systems. These devices Signifi-
cantly Improve system reliability and accuracy compared
to separate ICs or discrete components.
The MAX706P/R/S/T supen/isory circuits provide the fol-
Iowung four functions:
1) A reset output during power-up, power-down, and
brownout conditions.
2) An independent watchdog output that goes low it the
watchdog input has not been toggled within 1.6880.
3) A 1.25V threshold detector for power-tail warning. low-
battery detection, or for monitoring a power supply
other than the main supply.
4) An active-Iow manual-reset input.
The only difference between the MAX706R, MAX706S,
and MAX706T is the reset-threshold voltage levels, which
are 2.63V, 2.93V, and 3.08V, respectively. All have active-
low reset output signals. The MAX706P is identical to the
MAX706R. except its reset output signal is active-high.
The MAX708R/S/T provide the same functions as the
MAX706R/S/T. except they do not have a watchdog timer,
Instead, they provide both RESET and RESET outputs. As
with the MAX706. devices with R, S, and T suffixes have
reset thresholds of 2.63V. 2.93V and 3.08V. respectively.
All seven devices are offered in 8-pin SO. DIP, and pMAX
Battery-Powered Equipment
Portable Instruments
Controllers TOPVIEW v
Intelligent Instruments m_n - . - Wd
CriticalpP PowerMonitoring L mm JL
. . . . Vcc . 2 MAX706P T RESET
Typical Operating Circuits mo Fi" IT wm
MAXIM coi'gigcmn
MAX639 aw.33v DIP/SO
MAX706R/S/T - _ q V
- MR 4 mm E lol
H Vcc ‘H Wc i Vcc 2 MAX706R/S/T l] RESET
, _ MR GNU pm
* 1 SWITCH Typical Operating Cucwls continued
= = atond of data shoot Pin Configurations connnucda! end of data sheet
MAXIM Maximlntegrated Products 1
Fea tures
. pMAX Package: Smallest 8-Pin SO
. Precision Supply-Voltage Monitor
2.63V MAX706PIR, MAX708R)
2.93V MAX706S, MAX708S)
3.08V (MAX706T, MAX708T)
. 200ms Reset Time Delay
. Debounced TTL/CMOS-Compatible
ManuaI-Reset Input
t 100pA Quiescent Current
t Watchdog Timer(MAX706P/R/SIT only):
1.65ec Timeout
' Reset Output
Atrtive-HIgh Only (MAX706P)
Active-Low Only (MAX706RISIT)
Active-High and Active-Low (MAX708R/SIT)
. Voltage Monitor for Power-Fail or Low-Battery
8-Pin Surface-Mount Package
. Guaranteed RESET Assertion to Vcc = IV
Ordering Information
MAX706PCPA 0°C to +70°C 8 Plastic DIP
MAX706PCSA 0°C to +70°C 8 SO
MAX706PCUA 0"C to +70°C 8 uMAX
MAX706PEPA -4ty'C to +8530 8 Piastic DIP
MAX706PESA -40"C to '85'C 8 SO
Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.
. Contact factory for availability and orocessrng to MIL-STD-883
Pin Configurations
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at
1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at .
Al§lMQO£XVW ‘A/$/M/d901XVW
MAX 706F/R/S/1T, MAX7OBR/3/T
+31! Voltage Monitoring,
Low-thost, MP Supervisory Circuits
Terminal Voltage (with respect to GND)
Vcc ...................................................................... -0.3V to 6.0V
All Other Inputs (Note 1) ......................... -0.3V to Woo + 0.3V)
Input Current
Vcc ................................................................................. 20mA
GND ............................................................ 20mA
Output Current (all outputs) ................................................ 20mA
Continuous Power Dissipation
Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mWf'C above +70°C) ............ 727mW
SO (derate 5.88mW/°C above +70''C) ......................... 471mW
pMAX (derate 4.1mWf'C above +70°C) ...................... 330mw
CERDIP (derate 8.00mWf'C above +70°C) ................. 640mw
Operating Temperature Ranges:
MAX70_C_ - ....................................................... C'C to +70°C
MAX70_E_ _ ........m_.r....T_.r_.F..F._.......F..F..t..t....r... -40°C to +85°C
MAX70_M_ - ....mr._r.r..r....rr._..t._.._.Ft.F........t...... -55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range ............................. -65''C to +160°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, IOS) ................................. +300°C
Note 1: The input voltage limits on PFI, WDI and W can be exceeded if the input current is less than 10mA.
Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(MAX70_P/R: Vcc = 2.70V to 5.5V, MAX70_S: VCC = 3.00V to 5.5V, MAX70_T: Vcc = 3.15V to 5.5V, TA = TMIN to TMAx. unless
otherwise noted.)
O ti V It R n V MAX70_C 1.0 5.5 V
pera Ing C) age a ge CC MAX70_E/M 1.2 5.5
MAX706_C 90 200
MAX706 W 90 300
V . V -
CC < 3 6 MAX708_C 50 200
S I C nt I MAX708_E/M 50 300 A
upp y urre SUPPLY MAX706_C 135 350 u
MAX706 E/M 135 500
VCC < 5 5 MAX708_C 65 350
MAX708_E/M 65 500
MAX70_P/R 2.55 2.63 2.70
Reset Threshold (Note 2) VRST MAX70_S 2.85 2.93 3.00 V
MAX70_T 3.00 3.08 3.15
Reset Threshold Hysteresis
(Note 2) 20 mV
MAX70_P/R: Vcc = 3.0V; MAx7o_srr: vcc = 3.3V 140 200 280
Reset Pulse Widt (Note 2) RST VCC = 5.0V 200 ms
VOH lsounca = 500PA 0.8 x Vcc
V V 3.6V
VOL RST (max) < CC < Ismx = 1.2mA 0.3
RESET Output Voltage VOH ISOURCE = 800PA VCC - 1.5
4.5V V 5.5V V
(MAX70_R/S/T) VOL < cc < ISWK = 3.2mA 0.4
V MAX70_C: Vcc = 1.0V, ISINK = 50uA 0.3
OL MAX70_E/M: Vcc = 1.2V, ISINK = 100uA 0.3
V I = 215 A V - 0.6
OH VRST (max) < Vcc < 3.6V SOURCE u CC
RESET Output Voltage VOL ISINK = 1.2mA 0.3 V
(MAX706P) VOH Isouace = BOOpA VCC - 1.5
4. V V . V
VOL 5 < CC < 5 5 |SINK = 3.2mA 0.4