MAX6665ASA45 ,Fan Controller/Driver with Factory- Programmed Temperature ThresholdsApplications+125°CNotebook and Desktop Computers -40°C toMAX6665ASA55 8 SO-EP* 55°C+125°CServers-40 ..
MAX6665ASA55+T ,Fan Controller/Driver with Factory-Programmed Temperature ThresholdsApplications+125°CNotebook and Desktop Computers -40°C toMAX6665ASA55 8 SO-EP* 55°C+125°CServers-40 ..
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Fan Controller/Driver with Factory- Programmed Temperature Thresholds
General DescriptionThe MAX6665 is a fully integrated thermal switch with
an internal power transistor for driving a cooling fan
rated up to 24V and 250mA. When the MAX6665’s tem-
perature rises above a factory-programmed threshold,
the FANOUTpin becomes active and powers the fan.
The MAX6665 is available with factory-programmed fan
activation threshold temperatures from +40°C to +70°C
in 5°C increments. Accuracy of the fan activation trip
point is ±1°C (typ) and ±3°C (max). The trip point’s hys-
teresis is pin selectable to 1°C, 4°C, or 8°C. Two open-
drain logic outputs indicate overtemperature con-
ditions: WARNis activated when the temperature is
15°C above the fan activation threshold, and OTis acti-
vated when the temperature is 30°C above the thresh-
old. These features can be used to safely power down
systems that are overheated.
The MAX6665 operates from a +2.7V to +5.5V power
supply, and the associated fan can be powered from
4.5V to 24V. It is available in an 8-pin SO package and
operates from -40°C to +125°C.
ApplicationsNotebook and Desktop Computers
PC Power Supplies
Laboratory Instruments
Card Racks
FeaturesOn-Chip 250mA Fan SwitchNo External Components RequiredFactory-Programmed ThresholdsTwo Overtemperature Warning SignalsPin-Selectable 1°C, 4°C, and 8°C HysteresisLow 65µA Supply Current
Fan Controller/Driver with Factory-
Programmed Temperature Thresholds
Pin Configuration
Typical Operating Circuit19-2056; Rev 0; 5/01
Ordering Information*Exposed paddle
Fan Controller/Driver with Factory-
Programmed Temperature Thresholds
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
ture threshold.
VDDto GND..............................................................-0.3V to +6VFANOUTto GND....................................................-0.3V to +28V
FORCEON, HYST, FANON to GND............-0.3V to (VDD+ 0.3V)WARN, OTto GND...................................................-0.3V to +6V
FANOUTContinuous Current............................................400mA
All Other Pins....................................................................±20mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C)
8-Pin SO (derate 19.6mW/°C above +70°C).............1568mW
Operating Temperature Range.........................-40°C to +125°C
Junction (storage) Temperature Range............-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C
Fan Controller/Driver with Factory-
Programmed Temperature ThresholdsMAX6665 toc01
MAX6665 toc02
MAX6665 toc03
SUPPLY CURRENT (-2.0-0.5-1.50.5-
Typical Operating Characteristics(VDD = +3.3V, unless otherwise noted.)
Fan Controller/Driver with Factory-
Programmed Temperature Thresholds
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX6665 is a simple fan controller/driver that turns
on the internal power transistor when its die tempera-
ture exceeds a factory-set threshold. By connecting a
small (typically 5V to 12V, 100mA to 250mA) cooling
fan to FANOUT, a simple on/off fan-control system is
created. FANOUTdrives the fan’s low side. The fan’s
positive supply pin should be connected to its normal
power-supply voltage (up to 24V nominal).
To turn the fan on when the MAX6665’s die temperature
is less than the threshold voltage, drive FORCEONlow.
This overrides the internal control circuitry and allows
an external device to activate the fan. FANON is an
active-high push-pull logic output that goes high when
the fan is turned on, either when temperature exceeds
the threshold or the fan is forced on.
WARNis an active-low, open-drain digital output that
indicates the MAX6665’s die temperature exceeds
15°C above the fan trip threshold. WARNoutput serves
as a warning that the system temperature has contin-
ued to rise well above the fan activation temperature.is an active-low open-drain digital output that indi-
cates the MAX6665’s die temperature exceeds 30°C
above the fan trip threshold. It serves as a thermal shut-
down output to the system in case of excessive temper-
ature rise. Figure 1 shows a typical application circuit
for a high-reliability, fail-safe temperature monitor.
Applications Information
Thermal Considerations and HysteresisThe temperature comparator has hysteresis to prevent
small temperature changes near the threshold temper-
ature from causing the fan to turn on and off repeatedly
over short periods of time. The FANOUTpin goes
active and powers the fan when the MAX6665’s die
temperature exceeds the factory-programmed trip tem-
perature. As the cooling fan operates, the circuit board
temperature should decrease, which in turn causes the
MAX6665’s die temperature to decrease. When the die
temperature is equal to the trip threshold minus the
hysteresis, the FANOUTpin turns the fan off, removing
power from the fan. The HYST pin sets the amount of
hysteresis to 1°C, 4°C, or 8°C by letting the pin float or
connecting to GND or VDD, respectively. This allows
the amount of hysteresis to be matched to the cooling
and noise requirements of the system.
Hysteresis is also affected by self-heating of the
MAX6665’s die. The fan current flowing through the on-
chip power transistor causes the die temperature to
increase. For example, assume the MAX6665 controls
a 125mA fan. When the fan is operating, the voltage
drop across the output transistor is typically under
250mV. At 250mV, the power dissipation is 31.25mW.
The thermal resistance of the MAX6665 package (with
EP soldered) is 51°C/W, so the die temperature
increases by a maximum of:
51°C/W x 0.03125W = 1.59°C
Therefore, the effective hysteresis is about 1.59°C high-
er than the hysteresis selected by the HYST pin. For
example, setting the HYST pin for 8°C of hysteresis
results in an effective hysteresis of about 9.6°C.
A larger fan with a power-supply current of 250mA
causes a maximum voltage drop of 0.6V at the output
pin. This results in 150mW power dissipation and the
die temperature increases by:
51°C/W x 0.150W = 7.65°C
If the HYST pin has been set for 8°C of hysteresis, the
total effective hysteresis will be about 15.7°C.
Using fans with somewhat higher operating current
than 250mA results in higher voltage across the output
transistor. The increased power dissipation caused by
the higher current and voltage levels will increase self-
heating, thereby increasing the effective hysteresis.
When using higher-power fans, be sure that the
MAX6665’s power dissipation does not cause so much
self-heating that the MAX6665 stays on constantly.
Locating the MAX6665The location of the MAX6665 in the system affects its
operation. Because the fan is turned on and off based
on the MAX6665’s die temperature, place the MAX6665
close to major heat-generating components in the sys-
tem—a high-speed CPU or a power device, for exam-
ple. A higher supply voltage reduces the FANOUT
voltage, which reduces the self-heating effects.
The die temperature of the MAX6665 tracks the tempera-
ture of its leads and the EP. If it is soldered to a PC board,
it quickly reaches the temperature of the traces in that
section of the circuit board. Air temperature affects the die
temperature. Since the plastic package does not conduct
heat as well as the leads, the effect of air temperature is
much less than that of lead temperature.
Layout IssuesThe MAX6665’s GND pin is ground return for the fan dri-
ver and the device. Large fan current induces noise
(ground bounce) to the MAX6665. Bypass VDDto GND
with a 1µF tantalum capacitor located as close to the
MAX6665 as possible. For long VDDand GND lines, an
additional bypass capacitor may be needed. The bypass
capacitor reduces GND noise. The EP is internally con-
nected to the GND pin. Solder the EP to the ground plane
for better electrical and thermal performance.
Fan Controller/Driver with Factory-
Programmed Temperature Thresholds
Fan Controller/Driver with Factory-
Programmed Temperature ThresholdsMaxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are
implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.
Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are
implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.
Package Information
Chip InformationTRANSISTOR COUNT: 1543 MOS