MAX6652AUB ,Temperature Sensor and System Monitor in a 10-Pin UMAXfeatures 60Hz or 50Hz line-frequencyrejection for optimal performance. The device operatesfrom +2.7 ..
MAX6652AUB ,Temperature Sensor and System Monitor in a 10-Pin UMAXApplicationsoutput can also be masked by writing to the appropriateWorkstations Networkingbits in t ..
MAX6652AUB+ ,Temperature Sensor and System Monitor in a 10-Pin µMAXfeatures 60Hz or 50Hz line-frequencyrejection for optimal performance. The device operatesfrom +2.7 ..
MAX6652AUB+T ,Temperature Sensor and System Monitor in a 10-Pin µMAXApplicationsoutput can also be masked by writing to the appropriateWorkstations Networkingbits in t ..
MAX6653AEE ,Temperature Monitors and PWM Fan ControllersFeaturesThe MAX6653/MAX6663/MAX6664 are ACPI-compliant Remote-Junction Temperature Sensor Withinlo ..
MAX6653AEE+ ,Temperature Monitors and PWM Fan ControllersFeaturesThe MAX6653/MAX6663/MAX6664 are ACPI-compliant♦ Remote-Junction Temperature Sensor Withinlo ..
MB3763 ,Bidirectional Motor DriverFEATURES• Motor Drive Current: 150 mA maximum (DC)300 mA maximum (tON = 1 s, Duty = 50 %)• Wide Pow ..
Temperature Sensor and System Monitor in a 10-Pin UMAX
General DescriptionThe MAX6652 system supervisor monitors multiple
power-supply voltages, including its own, and also fea-
tures an on-board temperature sensor. Voltages and
temperature are converted to an 8-bit code using an
analog-to-digital converter (ADC). A multiplexer automat-
ically sequences through the voltage and temperature
measurements. The digitized signals are then stored in
registers and compared to the over/under threshold lim-
its programmed over the 2-wire serial interface.
When a temperature measurement exceeds the pro-
grammed threshold, or when an input voltage falls out-
side the programmed voltage limits, the MAX6652
generates a latched interrupt output ALERT. Three inter-
rupt modes are available for temperature excursions:
default mode, one-time interrupt mode, and comparator
mode. The ALERToutput is cleared, except for tempera-
ture interrupts generated in comparator mode, by read-
ing the interrupt status register (Table 5). The ALERT
output can also be masked by writing to the appropriate
bits in the interrupt mask register (Table 6) or by setting
bit 1 of the configuration register (Table 4) to 0. The
MAX6652 I2C™-compatible/SMBus interface also
responds to the SMB alert response address.
The 2-wire serial interface accepts both I2C and standard
system management bus (SMBus) write byte, read byte,
send byte, and receive byte commands to program the
alarm thresholds and to read voltage and temperature
data. Voltage data is scaled so that when the nominal
voltage is present at a pin (e.g., 3.3V for the 3.3VINpin),
the conversion result is equal to 3/4 of the ADC full-scale
range or a decimal count of 192 (Table 3). The tempera-
ture data format is 7 bits plus sign, with each data bit
representing 1°C, in two's complement format (Table 2).
The MAX6652 has only one address pin, ADD. One of
four different address codes can be selected by con-
necting the ADD pin to GND, VCC, SDA, or SCL.
Whenever an I2C-compatible/SMBus transaction is initiat-
ed, the two LSBs of the slave address register are deter-
mined by connection, setting the chip address to one of
four possible values. In addition, an address code can
also be directly written to the serial address register. This
code will overwrite the code set by connection of the
ADD pin, until the MAX6652 is taken through a power-on
reset cycle.
The MAX6652 features 60Hz or 50Hz line-frequency
rejection for optimal performance. The device operates
from +2.7V to +5.5V and is specified for operation from
-40°C to +125°C. It is available in a tiny 10-pin µMAX
FeaturesMonitors Four Voltages (2.5V, 3.3V, 12V, VCC)Monitors Local TemperatureTemperature Measurement Accuracy,
±2°C (TA= +25°C)User-Programmable Voltage and Temperature
ThresholdsAlert Function with Ability to Respond to SMB
Alert Response Address+2.7V to +5.5V Supply Range-40°C to +125°C Temperature Range60Hz or 50Hz Line-Frequency RejectionTiny 10-Pin µMAX Package
MAX6652emperature Sensor and System Monitor
in a 10-Pin µMAX
Pin Configuration19-1959; Rev 1; 8/01
Ordering InformationWorkstations
Typical Application Circuit and Functional Diagram appear
at end of data sheet.
MAX6652emperature Sensor and System Monitor
in a 10-Pin µMAX
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(TA= -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = +5V, TA= +25°C.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
VCC........................................................................-0.3V to +6.0V
Voltage on 12VIN...................................................-0.3V to +16V
All Other Pins ........................................................-0.3V to +6.0V
Output Current (SDA, ALERT) ............................-1mA to +50mA
Junction Temperature .....................................................+150°C
Operating Temperature Range ........................-40°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range ............................-65°C to +150°C
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
10-Pin µMAX(derate 5.6mW/°C above +70°C) ..........444mW
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) ................................+300°C
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSAll Voltages Are Referenced to GND
MAX6652emperature Sensor and System Monitor
in a 10-Pin µMAX
Note 2:A master device must provide at least a 300ns hold time for the SDA signal, referred to VILof the SCL signal, to bridge the
undefined region of SCL’s falling edge.
Note 3:CB= total capacitance of one bus line in pF. Rise and fall times are measured between 0.3 x VCCto 0.7 x VCC.
Note 4:Input filters on SDA, SCL, and ADD suppress noise spikes <50ns.
Note 5:Guaranteed but not tested over the entire temperature range.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(TA= -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = +5V, TA= +25°C.)
Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC= +5V, ADD = GND, ALERT= 10kΩto VCC, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
MAX6652emperature Sensor and System Monitor
in a 10-Pin µMAXypical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VCC= +5V, ADD = GND, ALERT= 10kΩto VCC, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Pin Description
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX6652 is a voltage and temperature monitor
designed to communicate through an I2C-compatible/
SMBus interface with an external microcontroller (µC).
A µC with no built-in I2C-compatibleor SMBus capabili-
ties can generate SMBus serial commands by “bit-
banging” general-purpose input-output (GPIO) pins.
The MAX6652 can monitor external supply voltages of typi-
cally 2.5V, 3.3V, and 12V, as well as its own supply voltage
and temperature. This makes it ideal for supervisor and
thermal management applications in telecommunications,
desktop and notebook computers, workstations, and net-
working equipment. All inputs are converted to an 8-bit
code using an ADC with an oversampling ratio of 8 to
improve noise rejection. The oversampling ratio can be
reduced by a factor of 4, with a corresponding reduc-
tion in the monitoring cycle time, by setting bit 5 of the
configuration register to 1. Each input voltage is scaled
down by an on-chip resistive divider so that its output,
at the nominal input voltage, is 3/4 of the ADC’s full-
scale range, or a decimal count of 192 (Table 3). Table
1 is the register map and Table 2 is the temperature
data format.
MAX6652emperature Sensor and System Monitor
in a 10-Pin µMAX
MAX6652Writing a 1 to bit 0 of the configuration register starts
the monitoring function. The device will perform a
sequential sampling of all the inputs, starting with the
internal temperature sensor and continuing with 2.5VIN,
12VIN, 3.3VIN, and VCC. If the master terminates the
conversion, the sequential sampling will not stop until
the sampling cycle is completed and the results are
stored. When it starts again, it will always start with the
temperature measurement.
An interrupt signal is generated when a temperature
measurement goes above the hot limit or when a volt-
age measurement is either above the high limit or
below the low limit. This will cause the open-drain out-
put (ALERT)to go to the active-low state and set each
corresponding interrupt status bit (bits 0 through 4) to 1
(Table 5). The interrupt will be cleared by reading the
interrupt status register, except for temperature inter-
rupts generated in comparator mode. Reading the
interrupt status register also clears the register itself,
except for temperature interrupt bits set in comparator
Unless the fault is removed, the ALERToutput will only
remain cleared until the end of the next conversion
cycle where it will again be asserted. The ALERToutput
can also be masked by writing to the appropriate bits in
the interrupt mask register (Table 6) or by setting bit 1
of the configuration register (Table 4) to 0.
ADC and MultiplexerThe ADC integrates over a 66ms period, an integral
multiple of the line period with excellent noise rejection.
The internal oscillator is trimmed to produce a 66ms
conversion time for temperature and 33ms for each
voltage. This is equivalent to 4 and 2 cycles of 60Hz,
respectively, and provides protection against noise
pickup from the main supply. The internal oscillation
frequency can be changed to provide the same protec-
tion against 50Hz by setting bit 7 in the configuration
register to 1 (Table 4). The multiplexer automatically
sequences through the inputs, measuring voltages, and
emperature Sensor and System Monitor
in a 10-Pin µMAX