MAX6627MKA-T ,Remote 1C Accurate Digital Temperature Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial InterfaceFeaturesThe MAX6627/MAX6628 precise digital temperature Accuracy sensors report the temperature of ..
MAX6627MTA+T ,Remote ±1°C Accurate Digital Temperature Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial InterfaceApplications SDO● Hard Disk DriveDXP● Smart Battery PacksµC2200pF CS● Industrial Control SystemsDXN ..
MAX6628MKA+T ,Remote ±1°C Accurate Digital Temperature Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial InterfaceMAX6627/MAX6628 Remote ±1°C Accurate Digital Temperature Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial Interfa ..
MAX6629MUT#TG16 ,12-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensors with Serial InterfaceElectrical Characteristics(V = +3.0V to +5.5V, T = -55°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical ..
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Remote 1C Accurate Digital Temperature Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial Interface
General DescriptionThe MAX6627/MAX6628 precise digital temperature
sensors report the temperature of a remote sensor. The
remote sensor is a diode-connected transistor, typically
a low-cost, easily mounted 2N3904 NPN type that
replaces conventional thermistors or thermocouples.
The MAX6627/MAX6628 can also measure the die tem-
perature of other ICs, such as microprocessors (µPs) or
microcontrollers (µCs) that contain an on-chip, diode-
connected transistor.
Remote accuracy is ±1°C when the temperature of the
remote diode is between 0°C and +125°C and the tem-
perature of the MAX6627/MAX6628 is +30°C. The tem-
perature is converted to a 12-bit + sign word with
0.0625°C resolution. The architecture of the device is
capable of interpreting data as high as +145°C from
the remote sensor. The MAX6627/MAX6628 tempera-
ture should never exceed +125°C.
These sensors are 3-wire serial interface SPI™ compat-
ible, allowing the MAX6627/MAX6628 to be readily con-
nected to a variety of µCs. The MAX6627/MAX6628 are
read-only devices, simplifying their use in systems
where only temperature data is required.
Two conversion rates are available, one that continu-
ously converts data every 0.5s (MAX6627), and one
that converts data every 8s (MAX6628). The slower ver-
sion provides minimal power consumption under all
operating conditions (30µA, typ). Either device can be
read at any time and provide the data from the last con-
Both devices operate with supply voltages between
+3.0V and +5.5V, are specified between -55°C and
+125°C, and come in the space-saving 8-pin SOT23
ApplicationsHard Disk Drive
Smart Battery Packs
Industrial Control Systems
Notebooks, PCs
±1°C (max) from 0°C ≤TRJ≤
+125°C, TA= +30°C
±2.4°C (max) from -55°C ≤TRJ≤
0°C ≤TA≤
+70°C12-Bit + Sign, 0.0625°C ResolutionLow Power Consumption
30µA (typ) (MAX6628)
200µA (typ) (MAX6627)Operating Temperature Range (-55°C to +125°C)Measurement Temperature Range, Remote
Junction (-55°C to +145°C)0.5s (MAX6627) or 8s (MAX6628) Conversion RateSPI-Compatible Interface+3.0V to +5.5V Supply Range8-Pin SOT23 Package
Remote ±1°C Accurate Digital Temperature
Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial Interface19-2032; Rev 1; 7/01
Ordering InformationSPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc.
Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet.
Remote ±1°C Accurate Digital Temperature
Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial Interface
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
All Voltages Referenced to GND
VCC...........................................................................-0.3V to +6V
SO, SCK, DXP, CS........................................-0.3V to VCC+ 0.3V
DXN.......................................................................-0.3V to +0.8V
SO Pin Current Range.........................................-1mA to +50mA
Current Into All Other Pins..................................................10mA
ESD Protection (Human Body Model)................................2000V
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C)
8-Pin SOT23 (derate 9.7mW/°C above +70°C)...........777mW
Operating Temperature Range.........................-55°C to +125°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s)...................................Note 1
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(3.0V ≤VCC≤5.5V, -55°C ≤TA≤+125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C, VCC= +3.3V, unless otherwise
Note 1:This device is constructed using a unique set of packaging techniques that impose a limit on the thermal profile the device
can be exposed to during board-level solder attach and rework. This limit permits only the use of the solder profiles
recommended in the industry-standard specification, JEDEC 020A, paragraph 7.6, Table 3 for IR/VPR and Convection
Reflow. Preheating is required. Hand or wave soldering is not allowed.
Remote ±1°C Accurate Digital Temperature
Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial Interface
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(3.0V ≤VCC≤5.5V, -55°C ≤TA≤+125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C, VCC= +3.3V, unless otherwise
Note 3:Temperature error specification applies for a 0°C to +70°C temperature range for the MAX6627/MAX6628 package.
Note 4:Serial timing characteristics guaranteed by design.
Remote ±1°C Accurate Digital Temperature
Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial InterfaceAVERAGE OPERATING CURRENT
MAX6627/8 toc01
MAX6627/8 toc02
MAX6627/8 toc03
Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC = +3.3V, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Remote ±1°C Accurate Digital Temperature
Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial Interface
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX6627/MAX6628 remote digital thermometers
report the temperature of a remote sensor. The remote
sensor is a diode-connected transistor—typically, a
low-cost, easily mounted 2N3904 NPN type—that
replaces conventional thermistors or thermocouples.
The MAX6627/MAX6628 can also measure the die tem-
perature of other ICs, such as µPs or µCs, that contain
an on-chip, diode-connected transistor.
Remote accuracy is ±1°C when the temperature of the
remote diode is between 0°C and +125°C and the tem-
perature of the MAX6627/MAX6628 is +30°C. Data is
available as a 12-bit + sign word with 0.0625°C resolu-
tion. The operating range of the device extends from
-55°C to +125°C, although the architecture of the
device is capable of interpreting data up to +145°C.
The device itself should never exceed +125°C.
The MAX6627/MAX6628 are designed to work in con-
junction with an external µC or other intelligent device
serving as the master in thermostatic, process-control,
or monitoring applications. The µC is typically a power
management or keyboard controller, generating SPI
serial commands by “bit-banging” GPIO pins.
Two conversion rates are available; the MAX6627 con-
tinuously converts data every 0.5s, and the MAX6628
continuously converts data every 8s. Either device can
be read at any time and provide the data from the last
conversion. The slower version provides minimal power
consumption under all operating conditions. Or, by tak-
ing CSlow, any conversion in progress is stopped, and
the rising edge of CSalways starts a fresh conversion
and resets the interface. This permits triggering a con-
version at any time so that the power consumption of
the MAX6627 can be overcome, if needed. Both
devices operate with input voltages between +3.0V and
+5.5V and are specified between -55°C and +125°C.
The MAX6627 and MAX6628 come in space-saving 8-
pin SOT23 packages.
ADC Conversion SequenceThe device powers up as a free-running data converter
(Figure 1). The CSpin can be used for conversion con-
trol. The rising edge of CSresets the interface and
starts a conversion. The falling edge of CSstops any
conversion in progress, overriding the latency of the
part. Temperature data from the previous completed
conversion is available for read (Tables 1 and 2). It is
required to maintain CS high for a minimum of 320ms
to complete a conversion.
Idle ModePull CSlow to enter idle mode. In idle mode, the ADC is
not converting. The serial interface is still active and
temperature data from the last completed conversion
can still be read.
Power-On ResetThe POR supply voltage of the MAX6627/MAX6628 is
typically 1.6V. Below this supply voltage, the interface
is inactive and the data register is set to the POR state,
Table 1. Data Output Format
Remote ±1°C Accurate Digital Temperature
Sensors with SPI-Compatible Serial Interface0°C. When power is first applied and VCCrises above
1.6V (typ), the device starts to convert, although tem-
perature reading is not recommended at VCClevels
below 3.0V.
Serial InterfaceFigure 2 is the serial interface timing diagram. The data
is latched into the shift register on the falling edge of
the CSsignal and then clocked out at the SO pin on the
falling edge of SCK with the most-significant bit (MSB)
first. There are 16 edges of data per frame. The last 2
bits, D0 and D1, are always in high-Z mode. The falling
edge of CSstops any conversion in progress, and the
rising edge of CSalways starts a new conversion and
resets the interface. It is required to maintain a 320ms
minimum pulse width of high CSsignal before a con-
version starts.
Applications Information
Remote-Diode SelectionTemperature accuracy depends upon having a good-
quality, diode-connected, small-signal transistor.
Accuracy has been experimentally verified for all of the
devices listed in Table 3. The MAX6627/MAX6628 can
also directly measure the die temperature of CPUs and
other ICs with on-board temperature-sensing diodes.
The transistor must be a small-signal type with a rela-
tively high forward voltage. This ensures that the input
voltage is within the A/D input voltage range. The for-
ward voltage must be greater than 0.25V at 10µA at the
highest expected temperature. The forward voltage
must be less than 0.95V at 100µA at the lowest expect-
ed temperature. The base resistance has to be less
than 100Ω. Tight specification of forward-current gain
(+50 to +150, for example) indicates that the manufac-
turer has good process control and that the devices
have consistent characteristics.
ADC Noise Filtering The integrating ADC has inherently good noise rejec-
tion, especially of low-frequency signals such as
60Hz/120Hz power-supply hum. Micropower operation
places constraints on high-frequency noise rejection.
Lay out the PC board carefully with proper external
noise filtering for high-accuracy remote measurements
in electrically noisy environments.
Table 3. SOT23-Type Remote-Sensorthe collector).
Table 2. Temperature Data Format
(Two’s Complement)