MAX6576ZUT ,SOT Temperature Sensors with Period/Frequency OutputApplicationsOrdering InformationCritical µP and µC Temperature MonitoringPortable Battery-Powered E ..
MAX6576ZUT+ ,SOT Temperature Sensors with Period/Frequency OutputFeaturesThe MAX6576/MAX6577 are low-cost, low-current tem- ● Simple Single-Wire Outputperature sens ..
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SOT Temperature Sensors with Period/Frequency Output
General DescriptionThe MAX6576/MAX6577 are low-cost, low-current tem-
perature sensors with a single-wire output. The MAX6576
converts the ambient temperature into a square wave
with a period proportional to absolute temperature (°K).
The MAX6577 converts the ambient temperature into a
square wave with a frequency proportional to absolute
temperature. The MAX6576 offers accuracy of ±3°C at
+25°C, ±4.5°C at +85°C, and ±5°C at +125°C. The
MAX6577 offers accuracy of ±3°C at +25°C, ±3.5°C at
+85°C, and ±4.5°C at +125°C.
Both devices feature a single-wire output that minimizes
the number of pins necessary to interface with a micro-
processor. The period/frequency range of the output
square wave can be selected by hard-wiring the two
time-select pins (TS0, TS1) to either VDDor GND. The
MAX6576/MAX6577 are available in space-saving 6-pin
SOT23 packages.
ApplicationsCritical µP and µC Temperature Monitoring
Portable Battery-Powered Equipment
Cell Phones
Battery Packs
Hard Drives/Tape Drives
Networking and Telecom Equipment
Medical Equipment
FeaturesSimple Single-Wire Output Two Output Types Available
Temperature to Period (µs) (MAX6576)
Temperature to Frequency (Hz) (MAX6577)±0.8°C Accuracy at +25°C (±3°C max)No External Components Operates from +2.7V to +5.5V Supply VoltageLow 140µA Typical Supply CurrentStandard Operating Temperature Range:
-40°C to +125°CSmall 6-Pin SOT23 Package
SOT Temperature Sensors with
Period/Frequency Output19-1484; Rev 0; 4/99
Typical Operating Circuit
Ordering Information
Pin Configuration
SOT Temperature Sensors with
Period/Frequency Output
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VDD= +2.7V to +5.5V, TA= -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are specified at TA= +25°C and VDD= +5V,
unless otherwise noted.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Note 1:See the Temperature Accuracy histograms in the Typical Operating Characteristics.
Note 2:The output duty cycle is guaranteed to be 50% by an internal flip-flop.
Terminal Voltage (with respect to GND)
VDD......................................................................-0.3V to +6V
TS1, TS0, OUT.......................................-0.3V to (VDD+ 0.3V)
Input/Output Current, All Pins...........................................±20mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
6-pin SOT23 (derate 7.10mW/°C above +70°C).........571mW
Operating Temperature Range.........................-40°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
SOT Temperature Sensors with
Period/Frequency Output
Typical Operating Characteristics(VDD= +5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Table 1. MAX6576 Time-Select Pin
Table 2. MAX6577 Time-Select Pin
SOT Temperature Sensors with
Period/Frequency Output
Pin Description
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX6576/MAX6577 low-cost, low-current (140µA
typ) temperature sensors are ideal for interfacing with
microcontrollers (µCs) or microprocessors (µPs). The
MAX6576 converts ambient temperature into a 50% duty-
cycle square wave with a period proportional to absolute
temperature. The MAX6577 converts ambient tempera-
ture into a 50% duty-cycle square wave with a frequency
proportional to absolute temperature. Time-select pins
(TS1, TS0)permit the internal temperature-controlled
oscillator (TCO) to be scaled by four preset multipliers.
The MAX6576/MAX6577 feature a single-wire interface to
minimize the number of port pins necessary for interfac-
ing with a µP.
MAX6576 CharacteristicsThe MAX6576 temperature sensor converts tempera-
ture to period. The output of the device is a free-
running, 50% duty-cycle square wave with a period that
is proportional to the absolute temperature (°K) of the
device (Figure 1). The MAX6576 has a push/pull CMOS
output with sharp edges. The speed of the output
square wave can be selected by hard-wiring TS1 and
TS0 as shown in Table 1. One of four scaled output
periods can be selected using TS1 and TS0.
MAX6577 CharacteristicsThe MAX6577 temperature sensor converts tempera-
ture to frequency. The output of the device is a free-
running, 50% duty-cycle square wave with a frequency
that is proportional to the absolute temperature (°K) of
the device (Figure 2). The MAX6577 has a push/pull
CMOS output with sharp edges. The speed of the out-
put square wave can be selected by hard-wiring TS1
and TS0 as shown in Table 2. One of four scaled output
frequencies can be selected using TS1 and TS0.
Note:The temperature, in °C, may be calculated as follows:
Note: The temperature, in °C, may be calculated as follows:
Applications Information
Quick-Look CircuitsFigure 3 shows a quick-look application circuit for the
MAX6576 using a universal counter measuring period.
TS1 and TS0 are both tied to ground to select a scalar
multiplier of 10µs/°K. The MAX6576 converts the ambi-
ent temperature into a square wave with a period that is
10 times the absolute temperature of the device in µs.
At room temperature, the universal counter will display
approximately 2980µs.
Figure 4 shows a quick-look application circuit for the
MAX6577 using a universal counter measuring frequen-
cy. TS1 is tied to ground and TS0 is tied to VDDto
select a scalar multiplier of 1Hz/°K. The MAX6577 con-
verts the ambient temperature into a square wave with
a frequency that is equal to the absolute temperature of
the device in Hertz. At room temperature, the universal
counter will display approximately 298Hz.
Interfacing with a Microcontroller Figure 5 shows the MAX6577 interfaced with an 8051
µC. In this example, TS1 is tied to ground and TS0 is
tied to VDDto select a scalar multiplier of 1Hz/°K. The
MAX6577 converts the ambient temperature into a
square wave with a frequency that is equal to the
absolute temperature of the device in Hertz. The 8051
µC reads the frequency of the square-wave output of
the MAX6577 into Timer 0 and displays the temperature
as degrees Celsius in binary on Port 1. Listing 1 pro-
vides the code for this application. The interface is simi-
lar for the MAX6576, except the µC will perform a
period measurement.
Noise ConsiderationsThe accuracy of the MAX6576/MAX6577 is susceptible
to noise generated both internally and externally. The
effects of external noise can be minimized by placing a
0.1µF ceramic bypass capacitor close to the supply pin
of the devices. Internal noise is inherent in the opera-
tion of the devices and is detailed in Table 3. Internal
averaging minimizes the effect of this noise when using
longer scalar timeout multipliers. The effects of this noise
are included in the overall accuracy of the devices as
specified in the Electrical Characteristics.
SOT Temperature Sensors with
Period/Frequency OutputFigure 1. MAX6576 Timing DiagramFigure 2. MAX6577 Timing Diagram
SOT Temperature Sensors with
Period/Frequency OutputFigure 4. MAX6577 Quick-Look Circuit
Figure 3. MAX6576 Quick-Look Circuit
Figure 5. Interfacing with a µC
Table 3. Typical Peak Noise Amplitude
Chip InformationTRANSISTOR COUNT: 302