MAX6463XR26-T ,Ultra-Low-Power Voltage Detectors and UP Supervisory CircuitsApplicationsMAX6462UR_ _-T -40°C to +125°C 3 SOT23-3Precision Battery MonitoringMAX6462UK_ _-T -40° ..
MAX6466XR22+ ,Ultra-Low-Power Voltage Detectors and µP Supervisory CircuitsFeaturesThe MAX6461–MAX6466 family of ultra-low-power voltage ♦ Ultra-Low 1.0µA Supply Currentdetec ..
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MAX6467US44D3+T ,Microprocessor Supervisory Reset Circuits with Edge-Triggered, One-Shot Manual ResetApplications● Cell Phones/PDAsMAX6467● Embedded Control SystemsMAX6468● Industrial EquipmentRESETµP ..
MAX6467XS16D3 ,Microprocessor Supervisory Reset Circuits with Edge-Triggered, One-Shot Manual ResetElectrical Characteristics(V = +1.2V to +5.5V, T = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical ..
MAX6468US26D3-T ,2.625 V, 150/300 ms, microprocessor supervisory reset circuit with edge-triggered, one-shot manual resetApplicationsis generally held on standard versions only (see StandardVersions table). Standard vers ..
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Ultra-Low-Power Voltage Detectors and UP Supervisory Circuits
General DescriptionThe MAX6461–MAX6466 family of ultra-low-power voltage
detectors and µP reset supervisory circuits monitors bat-
tery, power-supply, and system voltages. Each circuit
includes a precision bandgap reference, a comparator,
internally trimmed resistor networks that set specified trip
thresholds, and an internal 5% threshold hysteresis circuit
(see the Functional Diagram). Output is asserted when
VCCfalls below the internal VTH- and remains asserted
until VCCrises above VTH+ (VTH+ = VTH- ×1.05). These
devices provide excellent circuit reliability and low cost
by eliminating external components and adjustments
when monitoring nominal system voltages from +1.6V to
+5.5V. The MAX6461/MAX6462/MAX6463 are voltage
detectors with a propagation delay of 17µs.
The MAX6464/MAX6465/MAX6466 are µP supervisory
circuits with a minimum reset timeout period of 150ms. All
devices are available with thresholds from +1.6V to +5.5V
in 100mV increments.
The family is available with three output stage options:
push-pull with active-low output, push-pull with active-
high output, and open drain with active-low output. These
devices are available in SC70 and SOT23 packages
specified over the -40°C to +125°C temperature range.
ApplicationsPrecision Battery Monitoring
Load Switching/Power Sequencing
Power-Supply Monitoring in Digital/Analog
Noise-Immune µP Reset Circuits
Portable/Battery-Powered Equipment
Cellular Phones/Cordless Phones
Portable Medical Devices
FeaturesUltra-Low 1.0µA Supply CurrentPreset Thresholds from +1.6V to +5.5V in 100mV
IncrementsInternal 5% Threshold Hysteresis±2.5% Threshold Accuracy Over TemperatureInternal Timeout Period Option (150ms min)Immune to Short Voltage TransientsNo External ComponentsAvailable in Three Output Options: Push-Pull
(Active Low/Active High) and Open Drain (Active
Low)Fully Specified from -40°C to +125°CSmall SC70 and SOT23 Packages
Ultra-Low-Power Voltage Detectors and
µP Supervisory Circuits
Pin Configurations
Ordering Information19-2533; Rev 1; 1/03
Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.
Selector Guide appears at end of data sheet.
Ultra-Low-Power Voltage Detectors and
µP Supervisory Circuits
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(All voltages referenced to GND unless otherwise noted.)
VCC, Open-Drain OUT..............................................-0.3V to +7V
Push-Pull OUT/OUT....................................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
Input/Output Current (all pins)............................................20mA
Output Short Circuit (VCCor GND)
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
3-Pin SC70 (derate 2.9mW/°C above +70°C)...........228.6mW
3-Pin SOT23 (derate 4.0mW/°C above +70°C)............320mW
5-Pin SOT23 (derate 7.1mW/°C above +70°C)............571mW
Operating Temperature Range.........................-40°C to +125°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C
Ultra-Low-Power Voltage Detectors and
µP Supervisory Circuits
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VCC= +1.2V to +6V, TA= -40°C to +125°C. Typical values are at TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note1)
Note 1:100% production testing done at +25°C. Limits over temperature are guaranteed by design.
Note 2:See Table 1 for VTH- and VTH+ values.
Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC= 5V, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Ultra-Low-Power Voltage Detectors and
µP Supervisory Circuits
Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VCC= 5V, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX6461/MAX6462/MAX6463 voltage detectors
and the MAX6464/MAX6465/MAX6466 µP reset supervi-
sory circuits monitor battery, power-supply, and system
voltages from +1.6V to +5.5V. These devices consume
only 1µA of supply current with a 3.6V supply voltage.
Whenever VCCfalls below the internal VTH- threshold,
the output is asserted and remains asserted until VCC
rises above VTH+ (VTH+ = VTH- ×1.05). All devices have
±2.5% threshold accuracy over temperature and offer
protection to short voltage transients. These devices are
ideal for low-cost and space-critical applications
because they do not require external components for
proper operation.
Ultra-Low-Power Voltage Detectors and
µP Supervisory Circuits
Functional Diagram
Applications Information
Interfacing to Different Logic Voltage
ComponentsThe MAX6463 and MAX6466’s active-low, open-drain out-
put versions can be used to interface with a different logic
voltage than VCC, as shown in Figure 1. This output struc-
ture sinks current when OUTis asserted. Connect a
pullup resistor from OUTto any supply from 0 to 6V.
Select a resistor value large enough to allow a valid logic
low (see the Electrical Characteristics) and small enough
to register a logic high while supplying all input current
and leakage paths connected to the OUTpin.
HysteresisThe MAX6461–MAX6466 feature internal hysteresis that
creates two trip points: one for rising supply voltage
and one for falling supply voltage. The hysteresis pre-
vents the output from oscillating (chattering) when VCC
is near the voltage threshold.
Transients ImmunityThese devices are relatively immune to short-duration
and falling VCCtransients (glitches). The Typical
Operating Characteristicsshow the Maximum Transient
Duration vs. Threshold Overdrive graph, for which OUT
is not asserted. The graph shows the maximum pulse
width that a falling VCCtransient typically might have
before the devices are asserted. As the amplitude of
the transient increases, the maximum allowable pulse
width decreases.
Ensuring Valid Output Down to 0VWhen VCCfalls below 1V, the MAX6461/MAX6464 out-
put sinking capability is reduced. Therefore, high-
impedance CMOS logic inputs connected to OUTcan
drift to undetermined voltages. This presents no prob-
lem in most applications, because most circuitry is
inoperative when VCCis below 1V. In applications
where OUTmust be valid down to ground, add a pull-
down resistor to ground so any stray leakage currents
flow to ground, holding OUTlow. Select a resistor large
enough not to load OUTand small enough to pull OUT
to ground. For most applications, 100kΩdoes not load
OUTand pulls OUTto ground.
Ultra-Low-Power Voltage Detectors and
µP Supervisory Circuits