MAX6330TUR-T ,Precision shunt regulator with reset. Reset threshold 3.06V, shunt regulator voltage 3.3VFeaturesThe MAX6330/MAX6331 combine a precision shunt' 100µA to 50mA Shunt Current Rangeregulator w ..
MAX6330TUR-T ,Precision shunt regulator with reset. Reset threshold 3.06V, shunt regulator voltage 3.3VELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(I = 1mA, C = 0.1µF, T = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical ..
MAX6333UR16D3+T ,3-Pin, Ultra-Low-Voltage, Low-Power µP Reset Circuitsapplications, the MAX6332/MAX6333/MAX6334 come packaged in a 3-pin SOT23.Selector Guide (Standard V ..
MAX6333UR18D3-T ,3-Pin, Ultra-Low-Voltage, Low-Power レP Reset CircuitsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = full range, T = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical valu ..
MAX6333UR19D3-T ,Ultra-low-voltage, low power microprocessor reset circuit. Reset threshold(typ) 1.9V, reset timeout(min) 100ms.applications, the MAX6332/MAX6333/MAX6334MAX6326/MAX6327/MAX6328come packaged in a 3-pin SOT23.
MAX6334UR16D2+T ,3-Pin, Ultra-Low-Voltage, Low-Power µP Reset CircuitsApplications®● Pentium II ComputersTypical Operating Circuit● Computers● ControllersV● Intelligent ..
MB15C03 ,Single Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-Chip prescalerFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-21349-1EDATA SHEETASSPSingle Serial InputPLL Frequency SynthesizerOn-Chip ..
MB15C03 ,Single Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-Chip prescalerFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-21349-1EDATA SHEETASSPSingle Serial InputPLL Frequency SynthesizerOn-Chip ..
MB15C03PFV ,Single Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-Chip prescalerFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-21349-1EDATA SHEETASSPSingle Serial InputPLL Frequency SynthesizerOn-Chip ..
MB15C103 ,IF Band PLL Frequency SynthesizerFEATURES• Low power supply current: ICC = 0.9 mA typ. (VCC = 3 V, 200MHz)• Pulse swallow function ..
MB15E03 ,Single Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-Chip 1.2 GHz Prescaler FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-21340-2EDATA SHEETASSPSingle Serial InputPLL ..
MB15E03L ,Single Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-Chip 1.2 GHz Prescaler FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-21352-1EDATA SHEETASSPSingle Serial InputPLL ..
Precision shunt regulator with reset. Reset threshold 4.63V, shunt regulator voltage 5.0V
________________General DescriptionThe MAX6330/MAX6331 combine a precision shunt
regulator with a power-on reset function in a single
SOT23-3 package. They offer a low-cost method of
operating small microprocessor (µP)-based systems
from high-voltage sources, while simultaneously pro-
tecting µPs from power-up, power-down, and brownout
Both active-low (MAX6330) and active-high (MAX6331)
push/pull output versions are available. The output
voltage has ±1.5% tolerance. The MAX6330/MAX6331
operate over a wide shunt current range from 100µA to
50mA, and offer very good transient immunity.
A 3-pin SOT23 package allows for a significant reduc-
tion in board space and improves reliability compared
to multiple-IC/discrete solutions. These devices have a
minimum order increment of 2,500 pieces.
Household Appliances
Intelligent Instruments
Critical µP and µC Power Monitoring
Portable/Size-Sensitive Equipment
____________________________Features100µA to 50mA Shunt Current RangeLow Cost3-Pin SOT23 Package±1.5% Tolerance on Output Voltage Three Shunt Voltages Available: 5V, 3.3V, 3.0VPrecision Power-On Reset Threshold:
1.5% Tolerance Available with Either
RESET (MAX6331) or RESET (MAX6330)
Outputs140ms Reset Timeout Period—No External
Components Required
Precision Shunt Regulators with Reset
in SOT23-3
___________________Pin Configuration
____________Typical Operating Circuit19-1348; Rev 0; 4/98
Precision Shunt Regulators with Reset
in SOT23-3
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(ISHUNT= 1mA, CL= 0.1µF, TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Terminal Voltage (with respect to GND),
All Pins Except SHUNT....................-0.3V to (VSHUNT + 0.3V)
Input Current (ISHUNT)........................................................60mA
Output Current (RESET/RESET)..........................................20mA
Short-Circuit Duration.................................................Continuous
Continuous Power Dissipation
SOT23-3 (derate 4mW/°C above +70°C)....................320mW
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
Precision Shunt Regulators with Reset
in SOT23-3
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(ISHUNT= 1mA, CL= 0.1µF, TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
Note 1:It is recommended that the regulation voltage be measured using a 4-wire force-sense technique when operating at high
shunt currents. For operating at elevated temperatures, the device must be derated based on a +150°C maximum allowed
junction temperature and a maximum thermal resistance of 0.25°C/mW junction to ambient when soldered on a printed cir-
cuit board. The TA= +25°C specification over load is measured using a pulse test at 50mA with less than 5ms on time.
Note 2:Minimum shunt current required for regulated VSHUNT.
Note 3:Maximum shunt current required for regulated VSHUNT.
Note 4:In a typical application where SHUNT serves as the system voltage regulator, note that both ISOURCEfor VOHand ISINKfor
VOLcome from VSHUNT(see the Typical Operating Circuit).
Precision Shunt Regulators with Reset
in SOT23-3
__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(Typical Operating Circuit, CL= 0.1µF, ILOAD= 0mA, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Precision Shunt Regulators with Reset
in SOT23-3
______________________________________________________________Pin Description
_______________Detailed Description
Reset OutputA microprocessor’s (µP’s) reset input starts the µP in a
known state. The MAX6330/MAX6331 µP supervisory
circuits assert reset to prevent code-execution errors
during power-up, power-down, or brownout conditions.
RESETis guaranteed to be a logic low for VSHUNT>
1V. Once VSHUNTexceeds the reset threshold, an
internal timer keeps RESETlow for the reset timeout
period; after this interval, RESETgoes high.
If a brownout condition occurs (VSHUNTdips below the
reset threshold), RESETgoes low. When VSHUNTfalls
below the reset threshold, the internal timer resets to
zero and RESETgoes low. The internal timer starts after
VSHUNTreturns above the reset threshold, and RESET
then remains low for the reset timeout period.
The MAX6331 has an active-high RESET output that is
the inverse of the MAX6330’s RESEToutput.
Shunt RegulatorThe shunt regulator consists of a pass device and a
controlling circuit, as illustrated in Figure 1. The pass
device allows the regulator to sink current while regu-
lating the desired output voltage within a ±1.5% toler-
ance. The shunt current range (ISHUNT) is 100µA to
The pass transistor in the MAX6330/MAX6331 main-
tains a constant output voltage (VSHUNT) by sinking the
necessary amount of shunt current. When ILOAD (see
Typical Operating Circuit) is at a maximum, the shunt
current is at a minimum, and vice versa:
Consider the following information when choosing the
external resistor RS:The input voltage range, (VIN)The regulated voltage, (VSHUNT)The output current range, (ILOAD)
Choose RSas follows:
(VIN(max)- VSHUNT (min)) / (50mA + ILOAD(min)) ≤RS≤
(VIN(min)- VSHUNT (max)) / (100µA + ILOAD(max))
Choose the largest nominal resistor value for RSthat
gives the lowest current consumption. Provide a safety
margin to incorporate the worst-case tolerance of the
Figure 1. Functional Diagram
Precision Shunt Regulators with Reset
in SOT23-3resistor used. Ensure that the resistor’s power rating is
adequate, using the following general power equation:= IIN(VIN(max)- VSHUNT)
= (VIN(max)- VSHUNT)2/ RS
_____________Applications Information
Negative-Going VSHUNTTransientsIn addition to issuing a reset to the µP during power-up,
power-down, and brownout conditions, the MAX6330/
MAX6331 are relatively immune to short-duration nega-
tive-going VSHUNTtransients (glitches). Additional
bypass filter capacitance mounted close to the SHUNT
pin provides additional transient immunity.
Choosing the Bypass Capacitor, CLThe bypass capacitor (CL) on the SHUNT pin can sig-
nificantly affect the device’s load-transient response, so
choose it carefully. When a load transient occurs, the
current for this load is diverted from the shunt regulator.
The maximum load current that can be diverted from
the regulator is:
ILOAD(diverted from regulator)
= ISHUNT(max)- ISHUNT(min)
= 50mA - 100µA
= 49.9mA
The shunt regulator has a finite response to this tran-
sient. The instantaneous requirements of the load
change are met by the charge on CL, resulting in over-
shoot/undershoot on VSHUNT. The magnitude of this
overshoot/undershoot increases with ISHUNTand
decreases with CL. When VSHUNTundershoots, the
shunt current decreases to where it will only draw qui-
escent current (IQ), and the shunt element turns off. At
this point, VSHUNTwill slew toward VINat the following
rate:VSHUNT/ Dt = (IIN- ILOAD - 60µA) / CL
As VSHUNTrises, it will turn on the shunt regulator when
it can sink 100µA of current. A finite response time for
the shunt regulator to start up will result in a brief over-
shoot of VSHUNTbefore it settles into its regulation volt-
age. Therefore, ILOADshould always be 100µA or more
below IIN, or VSHUNTwill not recover to its regulation
point. To prevent this condition, be sure to select the
correct series-resistor RSvalue (see theShunt
Figures 2, 3, and 4 show load-transient responses for
different choices of bypass capacitors on VSHUNT.
These photos clearly illustrate the benefits and draw-
backs of the capacitor options. A smaller bypass