MAX633 ,5V Fixed/Adjustable Output, Step-Up Switching RegulatorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(TA = +25°C,un1ess otherwise noted.)
DC to +70"C
-4(TC to +8SC
MAX6330LUR+T ,Precision Shunt Regulators with Reset in SOT23-3FeaturesThe MAX6330/MAX6331 combine a precision shunt regu- ● 100µA to 50mA Shunt Current Rangelato ..
MAX6330LUR-T ,Precision shunt regulator with reset. Reset threshold 4.63V, shunt regulator voltage 5.0VApplicationsPART* TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGEControllersMAX6330_UR-T -40°C to +85°C 3 SOT23-3Household ..
MAX6330SUR+ ,Precision Shunt Regulators with Reset in SOT23-3Electrical Characteristics(I = 1mA, C = 0.1µF, T = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical ..
MAX6330TUR+ ,Precision Shunt Regulators with Reset in SOT23-3ApplicationsMAX6331_UR-T -40°C to +85°C 3 SOT23-3● Controllers*Insert the desired suffix letter (fr ..
MAX6330TUR-T ,Precision shunt regulator with reset. Reset threshold 3.06V, shunt regulator voltage 3.3VFeaturesThe MAX6330/MAX6331 combine a precision shunt' 100µA to 50mA Shunt Current Rangeregulator w ..
MB15C03 ,Single Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-Chip prescalerFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-21349-1EDATA SHEETASSPSingle Serial InputPLL Frequency SynthesizerOn-Chip ..
MB15C03 ,Single Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-Chip prescalerFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-21349-1EDATA SHEETASSPSingle Serial InputPLL Frequency SynthesizerOn-Chip ..
MB15C03PFV ,Single Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-Chip prescalerFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-21349-1EDATA SHEETASSPSingle Serial InputPLL Frequency SynthesizerOn-Chip ..
MB15C103 ,IF Band PLL Frequency SynthesizerFEATURES• Low power supply current: ICC = 0.9 mA typ. (VCC = 3 V, 200MHz)• Pulse swallow function ..
MB15E03 ,Single Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-Chip 1.2 GHz Prescaler FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-21340-2EDATA SHEETASSPSingle Serial InputPLL ..
MB15E03L ,Single Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-Chip 1.2 GHz Prescaler FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDS04-21352-1EDATA SHEETASSPSingle Serial InputPLL ..
5V Fixed/Adjustable Output, Step-Up Switching Regulators
19-0916: Rev 0; 3/90
CMOS Fixed/Adjustable Output
/M] 2fjDCflgfllA]
Step-Up Switching Regulators
General Description
The MAX631 , MAX632, and MAX633 are +5V, +12V, and
+15V fixed output, step-up DC-DC converters for use in
low-power, high-efficiency switching regulator applica-
tions. The only external components required are an
output filter capacitor and a low-cost inductor. Included
on-cmp are low battery detection circuitry and a charge
pump output for generating a negative voltage in dual-
supply applications,
Though most simply used as fixed output regulators, the
MAX631/632/633 can also be set for other output volt-
ages by adding an external voltage divider,
Maxim manufactures a broad line of step-up, step-down,
and inverting DC-DC converters. with features such as
Iogic-level shutdown, adjustable oscillator frequency.
and external MOSFET drive.
Minimum Component, High-Efficiency
DC-DC Converters
Portable Instruments
fRechargeabe and Primary Battery
Power Conversion
Uninterruptable On-Board Power Supplies
Card Level Multiple Power Conversion
Pin Configuration
. Fixed +5V, +12V, +15V Output Voltages
. Adjustable Output with 2 Resistors
. 80% Typ Efficiency
. Only 2 External Components
. Charge Pump for Negative Output
. 135pA Typ Operating Current
Ordering Information
MAX631XCPA 0 c to -7ouc 8 Plasuc DIP
MAX631XCSA 0 C to not - JNarrow so
MAX631XC/D DC to +7(YC che
MAX631XEPA 401210 +85C a Plastic DIP
MAX631XESA 401310 +8523 8 Narrow so
MAX631XEJA 400 ( .855 a CERDIP
MAX631XMJA 5570 to +125 c 8 CERDIP
MAX632XCPA (YC to +70 C a Plastic D P W
MAX632XCSA o c to +73%: 8 Narrow so
MAX632XC/D (YC, to Hrc: - Dice
MAX632XEDA 7 - "IOC {o +85 C 8 hasuc DIP
MAX632XESA -40 c to '85 c a Narrow so
MAX632XEJA 40'C to +850 8 CERDIP
MAX632xh/JA -55"C to + 125 C a CERDIP
. X = A for 5% Output Accuracy X = B for 10% Accuracy
Ordenng Information commued on. last page
Typical Operating Circuit
_ i IX V00T 5 w
- . V 2vrosv* --V .
l80l2 MAX637 3 VFB T MAX637 .1 100m
(N) T MAX632
- MAX533 E C GNC) 3
LX i I vow LBI vra
[VI A X l/VI . Maxim Integrated Products
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
289/389/1- 5:9wi
CMOS Fixed/Adjustable Output
Step-Up Switching Regulators
Supply Voltage.VOUT _ _ .................... +18V
Output Voltage, LX and LED ................. +18V
Input Voltage, LBl and VFB T . -O.3V10(VOUT + 0.3V)
LX Output Current _ ......... 450mA Peak
LBO OutpulCurrent _ , V ...... 50mA
Power Dissipation
Plastic DIP (derate 8.33mW/"C above +50‘C) _ . T ' 625mW
SO (derale 6mW/'C above +50“C) _ T _ _ T _ _ 450mW
CCRDIP(derate 8mW/"C above +50 C) _ _ ...... 800mW
Operatng Temperature Range
MAX63_XE _ .,
MAX63_XM ......
Lead Temperature (Solderingioi sec.) _
. (YC to '70C
MOC Io '85C
E5 C to +125'C
-65 C10 +160 C
Stresses beyond those Ilszed under "Absolute Maximum Ralmgs' may cause permanen! damage lo the devrce These ale stress Iatmgs only and functional
opeIaI/on of Ihe dewce at these or any other cand/Iions beyond moss :nd/carea m the operazlonal secl/ons of the speC/licahons tS no! 'mpte0 Exposure :0
abso/ule mammum rating condrhons for extended periods may affect dewce re/tability
(TA = +25"C, unless otherwise noted.)
Voltage at VOUT
Operatmg Voltage Range Over Temperature (C, E) 2 O 16.5 1 V
Qver Temperature (M) - [ 2 4 '6 5 I -
Voltage at VOUT
. TA = +25 C IE 1 3
Start-up Voltage Over Temperature (C, E) 1 8 V
- - - _c)ver Temperature (M) l 2.0 7
LX 011. Over Temperature "
h VOUT= +5V. MAX631 0.135 0.4
Sspryy Curre l ls VOUT = *12v, MAX632 l 0.5 2 o mA
VOUT = +15V, MAX633 0.75 2.5
TA:+25C 1 1.24 131 138 t
Reference Voltage (Internal) Over Temperature 1 20 1 42 V l
No Load, VFB = GND
Over Temperature
MAX631A 4.75 5.0 5 25
MAX632A 5% Output Accuracy 11 4 12 O 1 6 _
VOUT Voltage 1 MAX633A 14.25 15.0 15 75 V
MAX631B 45 5.0 55 [
MAX632B 10% Output Accuracy 10 8 12 O 13 2
- i - -- i W MAX6338 13.5 15.0 16.57
Efficiency 80 %
imc Regulaton (Note 1) l +0 5VOUT<+Vs
Load Regueton (Note 1) 1 ggJT+:O()5nY\/Ovl£1somw 0.2 [ 93VOUT
, VOUT = +5V - - - 1 -
MAX631A 4O 45 50 _
MAX631 B 35 45 60
VOUT = +12V
Oscxllator Frequency f0 MAX632A 45.5 50 56 kHz
MAX632B 4O 50 65 l
VOUT = +15V
MAX633A 45.5 50 56
MAX633B l 40 50 65 l l
-oscillmor Frequency 'empco f l .50 E Hz/ C
MAX631, VOUT = +5v f 40 50 60
Oscnlator Duly Cycle MAX632. VOUT = +12V 40 50 60 %
MAX633. VOUT = +15V 40 50 60
LX On Resistance RON IX = 100mA, $881: :égv i 365 7 l Cl