MAX614 ,Dual-Slot, PCMCIA Analog Power ControllerApplications' Break-Before-Make SwitchingNotebook and Palmtop Computers' VCC Switch ControlPersonal ..
MAX6141ESA ,SOT23, Low-Cost, Low-Dropout, 3-Terminal Voltage ReferencesFeaturesThe MAX6125/MAX6141/MAX6145/MAX6150/MAX6160' 3-Pin SOT23 Package (MAX6125/41/45/50)low-drop ..
MAX6143AASA41+ ,High-Precision Voltage Reference with Temperature SensorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX6143_25 (V = 2.5V)OUT(V = V = +5V, T = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherw ..
MAX6143AASA50 ,High-Precision Voltage Reference with Temperature SensorApplicationsA/D Converters Voltage RegulatorsPin Configuration appears at end of data sheet.D/A Con ..
MAX6145ESA ,SOT23, Low-Cost, Low-Dropout, 3-Terminal Voltage ReferencesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX6145(V = 4.7V, I = 0mA, T = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)I ..
MAX614CSA ,Dual-Slot PCMCIA Analog Power ControllersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCCIN = +5V, VPPIN = +12V, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted.)A MIN MA ..
MAZS150 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical characteristics within part numbers T = 25°C±3°CaTemperatureReverse Zener operatingcoef ..
MAZS1500L ,Silicon planar typeZener DiodesMAZS000 SeriesSilicon planar typeUnit : mmFor constant voltage, constant-current, wavef ..
MAZS160 ,Small-signal deviceelectrical characteristicsZK Zwithin part numbersZener operating resistance R I Specified value ΩZ ..
MAZS1600-M ,Silicon planar typeFeatures•SS-mini type 2-pin package•Low noise type•V rank classified (V = 2.4 V to 39 V)Z Z
MAZS220 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C±3°C aParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitForward volta ..
MAZS2400L ,Silicon planar typeelectrical characteristicsZ Zwithin part numbersReverse current I V ··············· Specified value ..
Dual-Slot, PCMCIA Analog Power Controller
_______________General DescriptionThe MAX613/MAX614 contain switches for the VPP
supply-voltage lines for Personal Computer Memory
Card International Association (PCMCIA) Release 2.0
card slots. These ICs also contain level-translator out-
puts to switch the PCMCIA card VCC.
The MAX613 allows digital control of two separate VPP
lines that can be switched between 0V, VCC, +12V,
and high impedance. It also includes level shifters that
allow the control of N-channel power MOSFETs for con-
necting and disconnecting the slot VCC supply voltage.
The MAX614 controls a single VPP supply-voltage line
and includes one level shifter in an 8-pin package.
________________________ApplicationsNotebook and Palmtop Computers
Personal Organizers
Digital Cameras
Bar-Code Readers
____________________________FeaturesLogic Compatible with Industry-Standard PCMCIA
Digital Controllers:
Intel 82365SL
Intel 82365SL DF
Vadem VG-365
Vadem VG-465
Vadem VG-468
Cirrus Logic CL-PD6710
Cirrus Logic CL-PD67200V/VCC/+12V/High-Impedance VPP Outputs Internal 1.6ΩVPP Power Switches10A Quiescent Supply CurrentBreak-Before-Make SwitchingVCC Switch Control
______________Ordering Information
Dual-Slot PCMCIA
Analog Power Controllers
________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products1
_________________Pin Configurations
_________Typical Operating Circuit
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.19-0188; Rev 0; 11/93
Dual-Slot PCMCIA
Analog Power Controllers_______________________________________________________________________________________
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCCIN = +5V, VPPIN = +12V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
VCCIN to GND.............................................................+7V, -0.3V
VPPIN to GND........................................................+13.2V, -0.3V
DRV5, DRV3, DRV to GND........................(VPPIN + 0.3V), -0.3V
AVPP, BVPP to GND..................................(VPPIN + 0.3V), -0.3V
All Other Pins to GND...............................(VCCIN + 0.3V), -0.3V
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
8-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C)....727mW
8-Pin SO (derate 5.88mW/°C above +70°C).......................471mW
14-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C).......800mW
14-Pin SO (derate 8.33mW/°C above +70°C)..............667mW
Operating Temperature Ranges:
MAX61_C__........................................................0°C to +70°C
MAX61_E__.....................................................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
Dual-Slot PCMCIA
Analog Power Controllers3
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VCCIN = +5V, VPPIN = +12V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics
(Circuit of Figure 1, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
_______________Detailed Description
VPP SwitchingThe MAX613/MAX614 allow simple switching of
PCMCIA card VPP to 0V, +5V, and +12V. On-chip
power MOSFETs connect AVPP and BVPP to either
GND, VCCIN, or VPPIN. The AVPP0 and AVPP1 control
logic inputs determine AVPP’s state. Likewise, BVPP0
and BVPP1 control BVPP. AVPP and BVPP can also be
programmed to be high impedance.
Each PCMCIA card slot has two VPP voltage inputs
labeled VPP1 and VPP2. Typically, VPP1 supplies the
flash chips that store the low-order byte of the 16-bit
words, and VPP2 supplies the chips that contain the
high-order byte. Programming the high-order bytes
separately from the low-order bytes may be necessary
to minimize +12V current consumption. A single 8-bit
flash chip typically requires at most 30mA of +12V VPP
current during erase or programming.
Thus, systems with less than 60mA current capability
from +12V cannot program two 8-bit flash chips simulta-
neously, and need separate controls for VPP1 and VPP2.
Figure 1 shows an example of a power-control circuit
using the MAX613 to control VPP1 and VPP2 separately.
Figure 1’s circuit uses a MAX662 charge-pump DC-DC
converter to convert +5V to +12V at 30mA output current
capability without an inductor. When higher VPP cur-
rent is required, the MAX734 can supply 120mA.
Use the MAX614 for single-slot applications that do
not require a separate VPP1 and VPP2. Figure 2
shows the MAX614 interfaced to the Vadem VG-465
single-slot controller.
To prevent VPP overshoot resulting from parasitic
inductance in the +12V supply, the VPPIN bypass
capacitor’s value must be at least 10 times greater than
the capacitance from AVPP or BVPP to GND; the AVPP
and BVPP bypass capacitors must be at least 0.01mF.
______________________________________________________________Pin Description
Dual-Slot PCMCIA
Analog Power Controllers_______________________________________________________________________________________
Dual-Slot PCMCIA
Analog Power Controllers
_______________________________________________________________________________________5Figure 2. MAX614 Single-Slot ApplicationFigure 3. Charge Pump
Dual-Slot PCMCIA
Analog Power Controllers_______________________________________________________________________________________
VCC SwitchingThe MAX613/MAX614 contain level shifters that simplify
driving external power MOSFETs to switch PCMCIA card
VCC. While a PCMCIA card is being inserted into the
socket, the VCC pins on the card edge connector should
be powered down to 0V to prevent “hot insertion” that
may damage the PCMCIA card. The MAX613/MAX614
MOSFET drivers are open drain. Their rise time is con-
trolled by an external pull-up resistor, allowing slow turn-
on of VCC power to the PCMCIA card.
The DRV3 and DRV5 pins on the MAX613 and the DRV
pin on the MAX614 are open-drain outputs pulled down
with internal N-channel devices. The gate drive to
these internal N-channel devices is powered from
VCCIN, regardless of VPPIN’s voltage. If VCCIN is left
unconnected or less than 2V is applied to VCCIN, the
DRV3/DRV5/DRV gate drivers will not sink current.
To switch VCC (M1 and M2 in Figure 1), use external
N-channel power MOSFETs. M1 and M2 should be
logic-level N-channel power MOSFETs with low on
resistance. The Motorola MTP3055EL and Siliconix
Si9956DY MOSFETs are both good choices. Turn on
M1 and M2 by pulling their gates above +5V. With the
gates pulled up to VPPIN as shown in Figure 1, VPPIN
should be at least 10V so that with VCC = 5.5V, M1 and
M2 have at least 4.5V of gate drive.
The gates of M1 and M2 can be pulled up to any 10V to
20V source, and do not need to be pulled up to VPPIN.
Typically, the +12V used for VPPIN is supplied from a
+5V to +12V switching regulator. To save power, the
+5V to +12V switching regulator can be shut down
when not using the VPP programming voltage, allowing
VPPIN to fall below +5V.
In this case, M1 and M2 should not be pulled up to
VPPIN, since M1 and M2 cannot be turned on reliably
when VPPIN falls below +10V. Any clock source can
be used to generate a high-side gate-drive voltage by
using capacitors and diodes to build an inexpensive
charge pump. Figure 3 shows a charge-pump circuit
that generates 10V from a +5V logic clock source.
__________Applications InformationThe MAX613 contains all the gate drivers and switch-
ing circuitry needed to support a +3.3V/+5V VCC
PCMCIA slot with minimal external components.
Figure 4 shows the analog power control necessary to
support two dual voltage PCMCIA slots. The A:VCC
and B:VCC pins on the Intel 82365SL DF power the
drivers for the control signals that directly connect to
the PCMCIA card.
A 3.3V card needs 3.3V logic-level control signals and
the capability to program VPP1 and VPP2 to 3.3V. The
MAX613’s VCCIN is switched with slot VCC, so AVPP0
= 1 and AVPP1 = 0 causes AVPP = slot VCC.
Likewise, A:VCC and B:VCC are connected to VCCIN,
so the Intel 82365SL DF control signals to the PCMCIA
card are the right logic levels.
PCMCIA card interface controllers other than the
Intel 82365SL DF can be used with Figure 4’s cir-
cuit. Table 4 shows the pins on the Cirrus Logic
CL-PD6720 that perform the same function as the
Intel 82365SL DF pins.