MAX5903LBEUT-T ,+72 V, SOT23 simple swapper hot-swap controllerFeaturesThe MAX5902/MAX5903 are SOT23 hot-swap con- Wide +9V to +72V Operation trollers that allow ..
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MAX5903NNEUT ,+72V SOT23/TDFN Simple Swapper Hot-Swap ControllersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +9V to +72V, GND = 0V, ON/OFF open circuit, T = -40°C to +85°C, unle ..
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+72 V, SOT23 simple swapper hot-swap controller
+72V SOT23 Simple SwapperHot-Swap
Controllers19-1988; Rev 1; 9/02
General DescriptionThe MAX5902/MAX5903 are SOT23 hot-swap con-
trollers that allow a circuit card to be safely hot plugged
into a live backplane without causing a glitch on the
power-supply rail. These devices operate from +9V to
+72V and provide the simplest hot-swap solution by
eliminating all external components except the external
P-channel MOSFET.
The MAX5902/MAX5903 limit the inrush current to the
load and provide a circuit breaker function for overcur-
rent protection. During startup the circuit breaker func-
tion is disabled and the MAX5902/MAX5903 limit the
inrush current by gradually turning on the external
MOSFET. Once the external MOSFET is fully enhanced,
the circuit breaker function is enabled and the
MAX5902/MAX5903 provide overcurrent protection by
monitoring the voltage drop across the external MOS-
FET’s on-resistance.
The MAX5902/MAX5903 include an undervoltage lock-
out (UVLO) function, ON/OFFcontrol input and a
power-good status output, PGOOD(MAX5902) or
PGOOD (MAX5903). A built in thermal shutdown fea-
ture is also included to protect the external MOSFET in
case of overheating.
The MAX5902/MAX5903 offer latched or auto-retry fault
management and are available with 300mV, 400mV or
500mV circuit breaker thresholds. Both the MAX5902
and MAX5903 are available in a small SOT23 package,
and are specified for the extended -40°C to +85°C tem-
perature range. For specific ordering information refer
to the selector guide at the end of the data sheet.
ApplicationsNetwork RoutersServers
Network SwitchesRAID
Base Station LineIndustrial Systems
FeaturesWide +9V to +72V Operation Requires No External Sense Resistor Drives External P-Channel MOSFET Limits Inrush CurrentCircuit Breaker FunctionLess than 2mA Quiescent CurrentON/OFFInput Permits Load Power-Supply
Control and SequencingAdjustable Undervoltage LockoutPower-Good Output with +72V RatingLatching or Automatic Retry Fault ManagementThermal Shutdown Helps Protect the External
MOSFET Space-Saving SOT23-6 Package
Ordering Information*For specific part numbers see Selector Guide at end of data
Pin Configuration
Typical Operating Circuits
Typical Operating Circuits continued at end of data sheet.Simple Swapper is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products Inc.
+72V SOT23 Simple SwapperHot-Swap
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VS= +9V to +72V, GND = 0, ON/OFFopen circuit, TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VS= +48V
and TA= +25°C.) (Notes 2, 3)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Terminal Voltage (with respect to GND unless otherwise noted)
VS, DRAIN, PGOOD, PGOOD................................-0.3V to +76V
ON/OFF....................................................................-0.3V to +4V
GATE to VS............................................................-12V to +0.3V
Current into any Pin............................................................±3mA
Continuous Power Dissipation at TA= +70°C
6-Pin SOT23 (derate 9.1mW/°C above +70°C)..........727mW
Maximum Junction Temperature.....................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-60°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature.............................................................Note 1
Note 1:This device is constructed using a unique set of packaging techniques that impose a limit on the thermal profile the device
can be exposed to during board level solder attach and rework. This limit permits only the use of solder profiles recom-
mended in the industry standard specification, JEDEC 020A, paragraph 7.6, Table 3 for IR/VPR and convection reflow.
Preheating is required. Hand or wave soldering is not allowed.
+72V SOT23 Simple SwapperHot-Swap
ControllersGND, unless otherwise noted.
Note 3:All specifications are 100% tested at TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted. Specifications over -40°C to +85°C are guaran-
teed by characterization.
Note 4:This is the delay time from a valid on condition until VGSbegins rising. Valid on conditions are: the device is not in undervolt-
age lockout; ON/OFFis not driven low; and the device is not in thermal shutdown.
Note 5:This is the delay from a valid low on ON/OFFuntil VGSfalls. Pulses on ON/OFFless than tOFFare ignored, offering glitch
Note 6:Guaranteed by characterization, not production tested. CGATEis a capacitor from GATE to VS.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VS= +9V to +72V, GND = 0, ON/OFFopen circuit, TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VS= +48V
and TA= +25°C.) (Notes 2, 3)
Typical Operating Characteristics(VS= +48V, GND = 0, and TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted. See Figure 2 for test circuits.)
Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VS= +48V, GND = 0, and TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted. See Figure 2 for test circuits.)
+72V SOT23 Simple SwapperHot-Swap
MAX5902 toc04
MAX5902 toc05
t = 20ms/div
RL = 60Ω, CL = 100µFA : VOUT, 50V/div
B : IIN, 1A/div
C : VGATE, 50V/div
D : VIN, 50V/div
MAX5902 toc06
t = 2ms/div
RL = OPEN, CL = 100µFA : VOUT, 50V/div
B : IIN, 1A/div
C : VGATE, 20V/div
MAX5902 toc07
t = 2ms/div
RL = 60Ω, CL = 10µFA : VOUT, 50V/div
B : IIN, 0.5A/div
C : VGATE, 20V/div
MAX5902 toc08
t = 2ms/div
RL = 60Ω, CL = 100µFA : VOUT, 50V/div
B : IIN, 1A/div
C : VGATE, 20V/div
MAX5902 toc09
+72V SOT23 Simple SwapperHot-Swap
+72V SOT23 Simple SwapperHot-Swap
Controllersnecting the load immediately. If no circuit breaker fault
exists, the MAX5902/MAX5903 assert the power-good
output. Then, if any of four conditions exist, the power
good output deasserts and the MAX5902/MAX5903
turn off the MOSFET. The four conditions are: the volt-
age across the MOSFET exceeds the circuit breaker
threshold; the supply voltage falls below the undervolt-
age lockout level; the die temperature exceeds
+125°C; or ON/OFFis forced low. After a circuit break-
er fault, the MAX5902L/MAX5903L keep the MOSFET
off until the power is cycled, or the part is reset by tog-
gling ON/OFFlow for 10ms (typ). After a circuit breaker
fault, the MAX5902A/MAX5903A automatically restarts
in 150ms (typ). All versions automatically restart after a
thermal fault, or an undervoltage shutdown, if the fault
condition goes away for at least 150ms (typ).
ON/OFFoffers external control of the MAX5902/
MAX5903, facilitating power-supply sequencing, and
may also be used to change the undervoltage lockout
(UVL) level. UVLO keeps the external MOSFET
switched off as long as the input voltage is below the
desired level.
A power good output, PGOOD(MAX5902) or PGOOD
(MAX5903), asserts when the external MOSFET is fully
enhanced and the source-drain voltage is below the
circuit breaker threshold. PGOODand PGOOD are
open-drain outputs referenced to GND, and can with-
stand up to +72V.