MAX5524ETC+ ,Dual, Ultra-Low-Power, 10-Bit, Voltage-Output DACsApplicationsMAX5524ETC Force sense External AACKPortable Battery-Powered DevicesMAX5525ETC Force se ..
MAX5528GTA ,64-Tap, One-Time Programmable, Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometersapplications.Ordering InformationThe MAX5527/MAX5528/MAX5529 are available in3mm x 3mm, 8-pin TDFN ..
MAX5528GTA+T ,64-Tap, One-Time Programmable, Linear-Taper Digital PotentiometersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +2.7V to +5.5V, V = V , V = GND, T = -40°C to +105°C, unless otherwi ..
MAX5528GUA+ ,64-Tap, One-Time Programmable, Linear-Taper Digital PotentiometersMAX5527/MAX5528/MAX552919-3665; Rev 1; 7/09One-Time Programmable, Linear-Taper DigitalPotentiometers
MAX5529GUA+ ,64-Tap, One-Time Programmable, Linear-Taper Digital PotentiometersFeatures♦ Wiper Position Stored After One-Time FuseThe MAX5527/MAX5528/MAX5529 linear-taper digital ..
MAX5529GUA+T ,64-Tap, One-Time Programmable, Linear-Taper Digital PotentiometersApplicationsMAX5527GUA+ 8 µMAX 100 —Products Using One-Time Factory CalibrationMAX5528GTA+ 8 TDFN-E ..
MAZ3068-H ,Silicon planar typeelectrical characteristicsR1 Rwithin part numbersI V ··············· Specified value µ AR2 R3*Tempe ..
MAZ3091-L ,Silicon planar typeElectrical characteristics within part numbers T = 25°Ca•V = 2.0 V to 8.2 V (I = 5 mA)Z ZTemperatu ..
MAZ3200 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical characteristics within part numbers T = 25°Ca• V = 2.0 V to 8.2 V (I = 5 mA)Z ZTemperat ..
MAZ3200-M ,Silicon planar typeZener DiodesMAZ3000 SeriesSilicon planar typeUnit : mm+ 0.22.8 − 0.3For stabilization of power supp ..
MAZ8024 ,Small-signal deviceelectrical characteristicswithin part numbersReverse current I V Specified value µ AR R*3Temperatur ..
MAZ8027-H ,Silicon planar typeElectrical characteristics within part numbers T = 25°CaTemperaturecoefficient ofZener voltage Rev ..
Dual, Ultra-Low-Power, 10-Bit, Voltage-Output DACs
General DescriptionThe MAX5522–MAX5525 are dual, 10-bit, ultra-low-
power, voltage-output, digital-to-analog converters
(DACs) offering rail-to-rail buffered voltage outputs. The
DACs operate from a 1.8V to 5.5V supply and consume
less than 5µA, making the devices suitable for low-
power and low-voltage applications. A shutdown mode
reduces overall current, including the reference input
current, to just 0.18µA. The MAX5522–MAX5525 use a
3-wire serial interface that is compatible with SPI™,
Upon power-up, the MAX5522–MAX5525 outputs are
driven to zero scale, providing additional safety for
applications that drive valves or for other transducers
that need to be off during power-up. The zero-scale
outputs enable glitch-free power-up.
The MAX5522 accepts an external reference input and
provides unity-gain outputs. The MAX5523 contains a
precision internal reference and provides a buffered
external reference output with unity-gain DAC outputs.
The MAX5524 accepts an external reference input and
provides force-sense outputs. The MAX5525 contains a
precision internal reference and provides a buffered
external reference output with force-sense DAC outputs.
The MAX5524/MAX5525 are available in a 4mm x 4mm
x 0.8mm, 12-pin, thin QFN package. The MAX5522/
MAX5523 are available in an 8-pin µMAX package. All
devices are guaranteed over the extended -40°C to
+85°C temperature range.
For 12-bit compatible devices, refer to the MAX5532–
MAX5535 data sheet. For 8-bit compatible devices,
refer to the MAX5512–MAX5515 data sheet.
ApplicationsPortable Battery-Powered Devices
Automatic Trimming and Calibration in Factory
or Field
Programmable Voltage and Current Sources
Industrial Process Control and Remote
Industrial Devices
Remote Data Conversion and Monitoring
Chemical Sensor Cell Bias for Gas Monitors
Programmable LCD Bias
FeaturesUltra-Low 5µA Supply CurrentShutdown Mode Reduces Supply Current to
0.18µA (max)Single +1.8V to +5.5V SupplySmall 4mm x 4mm x 0.8mm Thin QFN PackageInternal Reference Sources 8mA of Current
(MAX5523/MAX5525)Flexible Force-Sense-Configured Rail-to-Rail
Output BuffersFast 16MHz, 3-Wire, SPI-/QSPI-/MICROWIRE-
Compatible Serial InterfaceTTL- and CMOS-Compatible Digital Inputs with
HysteresisGlitch-Free Outputs During Power-Up
Dual, Ultra-Low-Power,
10-Bit, Voltage-Output DACs
Ordering Information19-3064; Rev 1; 12/04
*EP = Exposed paddle (internally connected to GND).
MAX5522EUA-40°C to +85°C8 µMAX
MAX5523EUA-40°C to +85°C8 µMAX
MAX5524ETC-40°C to +85°C12 Thin QFN-EP*
MAX5525ETC-40°C to +85°C12 Thin QFN-EP*
SPI and QSPI are trademarks of Motorola, Inc.
MICROWIRE is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corp.
Selector Guide
MAX5523EUAUnity gainInternal—
MAX5524ETCForce senseExternalAACK
MAX5525ETCForce senseInternalAACL
Pin ConfigurationsPin Configurations continued at end of data sheet.
Dual, Ultra-Low-Power,
10-Bit, Voltage-Output DACs
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VDD = +1.8Vto +5.5V, OUT_ unloaded, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
VDDto GND..............................................................-0.3V to +6V
OUTA, OUTB to GND.................................-0.3V to (VDD+ 0.3V)
FBA, FBB to GND.......................................-0.3V to (VDD+ 0.3V)
SCLK, DIN, CSto GND..............................-0.3V to (VDD+ 0.3V)
REFIN, REFOUT to GND............................-0.3V to (VDD + 0.3V)
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
12-Pin Thin QFN (derate 16.9mW/°C above +70°C).....1349mW
8-Pin µMAX (derate 5.9mW/°C above +70°C).............471mW
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C
VDD = 5V, VREF = 4.096V±1±4Integral Nonlinearity (Note 1)INLVDD = 1.8V, VREF = 1.024V±1±4LSB
Guaranteed monotonic, VDD = 5V,
VREF = 4.096V±0.2±1
Differential Nonlinearity (Note 1)DNL
Guaranteed monotonic, VDD = 1.8V,
VREF = 1.024V±0.2±1
VDD = 5V, VREF = 4.096V±1±20Offset Error (Note 2)VOSVDD = 1.8V, VREF = 1.024V±1±20mV
Offset-Error Temperature Drift±2µV/°C
VDD = 5V, VREF = 4.096V±0.5±2Gain Error (Note 3)GEVDD = 1.8V, VREF = 1.024V±0.5±2LSB
Gain-Error Temperature
Power-Supply Rejection RatioPSRR1.8V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5V85dB
VDD = 5V, VREF = 3.9V±1±4Integral Nonlinearity (Note 1)INLVDD = 1.8V, VREF = 1.2V±1±4LSB
Guaranteed monotonic, VDD = 5V,
VREF = 3.9V±0.2±1
Differential Nonlinearity (Note 1)DNL
Guaranteed monotonic, VDD = 1.8V,
VREF = 1.2V±0.2±1
VDD = 5V, VREF = 3.9V±1±20Offset Error (Note 2)VOSVDD = 1.8V, VREF = 1.2V±1±20mV
Offset-Error Temperature Drift±2µV/°C
VDD = 5V, VREF = 3.9V±0.5±2Gain Error (Note 3)GEVDD = 1.8V, VREF = 1.2V±0.5±2LSB
Gain-Error Temperature±4ppm/°C
Dual, Ultra-Low-Power,
10-Bit, Voltage-Output DACs
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VDD = +1.8Vto +5.5V, OUT_ unloaded, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
REFERENCE INPUT (MAX5522/MAX5524)Reference-Input Voltage RangeVREFIN0VDDV
Normal operation4.1MΩReference-Input ImpedanceRREFINIn shutdown2.5GΩ
REFERENCE OUTPUT (MAX5523/MAX5525)No external load, VDD = 1.8V1.1971.2141.231
No external load, VDD = 2.5V1.9131.9401.967
No external load, VDD = 3V2.3912.4252.459Initial AccuracyVREFOUT
No external load, VDD = 5V3.8283.8853.941
Output-Voltage Temperature
CoefficientVTEMPCOTA = -40°C to +85°C (Note 4)1230ppm/°C
Line RegulationVREFOUT < VDD - 200mV (Note 5)2200µV/V
0 ≤ IREFOUT ≤ 1mA, sourcing, VDD = 1.8V,
VREF = 1.2V0.32
0 ≤ IREFOUT ≤ 8mA, sourcing, VDD = 5V,
VREF = 3.9V0.32Load Regulation
-150µA ≤ IREFOUT ≤ 0, sinking0.2
0.1Hz to 10Hz, VREF = 3.9V150
10Hz to 10kHz, VREF = 3.9V600
0.1Hz to 10Hz, VREF = 1.2V50Output Noise Voltage
10Hz to 10kHz, VREF = 1.2V450
VDD = 5V30Short-Circuit Current (Note 6)VDD = 1.8V14mA
Capacitive Load Stability Range(Note 7)0 to 10nF
Thermal Hysteresis(Note 8)200ppm
REFOUT unloaded, VDD = 5V5.4Reference Power-Up Time
(from Shutdown)REFOUT unloaded, VDD = 1.8V4.4ms
Long-Term Stability200ppm/
DAC OUTPUTS (OUTA, OUTB)Capacitive Driving CapabilityCL1000pF
VDD = 5V, VOUT set to full scale, OUT
shorted to GND, source current65
VDD = 5V VOUT set to 0V, OUT shorted to
VDD, sink current65
VDD = 1.8V, VOUT set to full scale OUT
shorted to GND, source current14
Short-Circuit Current (Note 6)
VDD = 1.8V, VOUT set to 0V, OUT shorted to
VDD, sink current14
Dual, Ultra-Low-Power,
10-Bit, Voltage-Output DACs
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VDD = +1.8Vto +5.5V, OUT_ unloaded, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
(MAX5522/MAX5524)VDD = 1.8V3.8DAC Power-Up Time
Coming out of standby
VDD = 1.8V to
Output Power-Up GlitchCL = 100pF10mV
FB_ Input Current10pA
2.7V < VDD ≤ 3.6V2.0Input High VoltageVIH
1.8V ≤ VDD ≤ 2.7V0.7 x VDD
4.5V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5V0.8
2.7V < VDD ≤ 3.6V0.6Input Low VoltageVIL
1.8V ≤ VDD ≤ 2.7V 0.3 x VDD
Input Leakage CurrentIIN(Note 9)±0.05±0.5µA
Input CapacitanceCIN10pF
DYNAMIC PERFORMANCEVoltage-Output Slew RateSRPositive and negative (Note 10)10V/ms
Voltage-Output Settling Time0.1 to 0.9 of full scale to within 0.5 LSB
(Note 10)660µs
VDD = 5V800.1Hz to 10HzVDD = 1.8V55
VDD = 5V620Output Noise Voltage
10Hz to 10kHzVDD = 1.8V476
POWER REQUIREMENTSSupply Voltage RangeVDD1.85.5V
VDD = 5V7.08.0
VDD = 3V6.48.0MAX5523/MAX5525
VDD = 1.8V7.08.0
VDD = 5V3.85.0
VDD = 3V3.85.0
Supply Current (Note 9)IDD
VDD = 1.8V4.76.0
VDD = 5V3.34.5
VDD = 3V2.84.0Standby Supply CurrentIDDSDMAX5523/MAX5525
(Note 9)
VDD = 1.8V2.43.5
Shutdown Supply CurrentIDDPD(Note 9)0.050.25µA
Dual, Ultra-Low-Power,
10-Bit, Voltage-Output DACs
Note 1:Linearity is tested within codes 24 to 1020.
Note 2:Offset is tested at code 24.
Note 3:Gain is tested at code 1023. For the MAX5524/MAX5525, FB_ is connected to its respective OUT_.
Note 4:Guaranteed by design. Not production testsed
Note 5:VDDmust be a minimum of 1.8V.
Note 6:Outputs can be shorted to VDDor GND indefinitely, provided that package power dissipation is not exceeded.
Note 7:Optimal noise performance is at 2nF load capacitance.
Note 8:Thermal hysteresis is defined as the change in the initial +25°C output voltage after cycling the device from TMAXto TMIN.
Note 9:All digital inputs at VDDor GND.
Note 10:Load = 10kΩin parallel with 100pF, VDD= 5V, VREF = 4.096V (MAX5522/MAX5524) or VREF= 3.9V (MAX5523/MAX5525).
TIMING CHARACTERISTICS(VDD= +4.5Vto +5.5V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
TIMING CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = 4.5V to 5.5V )Serial Clock FrequencyfSCLK016.7MHz
DIN to SCLK Rise Setup TimetDS15ns
DIN to SCLK Rise Hold TimetDH0ns
SCLK Pulse-Width HightCH24ns
SCLK Pulse-Width LowtCL24ns
CS Pulse-Width HightCSW100ns
SCLK Rise to CS Rise Hold TimetCSH0ns
CS Fall to SCLK Rise Setup TimetCSS20ns
SCLK Fall to CS Fall SetuptCSO0ns
CS Rise to SCK Rise Hold TimetCS120ns
TIMING CHARACTERISTICS(VDD = +1.8Vto +5.5V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
TIMING CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = 1.8V to 5.5V )Serial Clock FrequencyfSCLK010MHz
DIN to SCLK Rise Setup TimetDS24ns
DIN to SCLK Rise Hold TimetDH0ns
SCLK Pulse-Width HightCH40ns
SCLK Pulse-Width LowtCL40ns
CS Pulse-Width HightCSW150ns
SCLK Rise to CS Rise Hold TimetCSH0ns
CS Fall to SCLK Rise Setup TimetCSS30ns
SCLK Fall to CS Fall SetuptCSO0ns
CS Rise to SCK Rise Hold TimetCS130ns