MAX5480BEEE ,8-Bit Parallel DAC in QSOP-16 PackageGeneral Description ________
MAX5480BEEE ,8-Bit Parallel DAC in QSOP-16 PackageFeaturesThe MAX5480 is a CMOS, 8-bit digital-to-analog con-' QSOP-16 Package (same footprint as SO- ..
MAX5480BEEE+ ,8-Bit Parallel DAC in QSOP-16 PackageELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +5V, V = +10V, V = V = 0V, Circuit of Figure 1, T = T to T , unless ..
MAX5480BEEE-T ,8-Bit Parallel DAC in QSOP-16 PackageGeneral Description ________
MAX5480BEEE-T ,8-Bit Parallel DAC in QSOP-16 PackageMAX548019-1300; Rev 0; 10/978-Bit Parallel DAC in QSOP-16 Package_______________
MAX5481EUD , 10-Bit, Nonvolatile, Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometers
MAZ2270 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical characteristics within part numbers T = 25°CaZener TemperatureTerminalReverseZener volt ..
MAZ22700B ,Silicon planar typeElectrical characteristics within part numbers T = 25°CaZener TemperatureTerminalReverseZener volt ..
MAZ3020 ,Silicon planar typeElectrical Characteristics T = 25°CaParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitForward voltage V ..
MAZ3024 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C aParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitForward voltage V ..
MAZ30300H ,Silicon planar type
MAZ30300H ,Silicon planar type
8-Bit Parallel DAC in QSOP-16 Package
_______________General DescriptionThe MAX5480 is a CMOS, 8-bit digital-to-analog con-
verter (DAC) that interfaces directly with most micro-
processors. On-chip input latches make the DAC load
cycle interface similar to a RAM write cycle, where CS
and WRare the only control inputs required.
Linearity of ±1/2LSB is guaranteed, and power con-
sumption is less than 500µW. Monotonicity is guaran-
teed over the full operating temperature range.
The MAX5480 can be operated in either voltage-output
or current-output mode. It is available in a small 16-pin
QSOP package.
________________________ApplicationsDigitally Adjusted Power Supplies
Programmable Gain
Automatic Test Equipment
Portable, Battery-Powered Instruments
VCO Frequency Control
RF Transmit Control in Portable Radios
____________________________FeaturesQSOP-16 Package (same footprint as SO-8)Single +5V Supply OperationVOUTor IOUTOperation8-Bit Parallel InterfaceGuaranteed Monotonic Over TemperatureLow Power Consumption—100µA max±1/2LSB Linearity Over Temperature
8-Bit Parallel DAC in
QSOP-16 Package
__________________Pin Configuration
__________Typical Operating Circuit19-1300; Rev 0; 10/97
8-Bit Parallel DAC in
QSOP-16 Package
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VDD= +5V, VREF= +10V, VOUT1= VOUT2= 0V, Circuit of Figure 1, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
VDDto GND............................................................-0.3V to +17V
REF to GND.........................................................................±25V
RFB to GND.........................................................................±25V
Digital Inputs to GND.................................-0.3V to (VDD+ 0.3V)
OUT1, OUT2 to GND................................................-0.3V to VDD
Operating Temperature Ranges
MAX5480_CEE....................................................0°C to +70°C
MAX5480_EEE.................................................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
MAX5480_ _EE (derate 8.3mW/°C above +70°C)........667mW
Lead Temperature (soldering 10sec)..............................+300°C
8-Bit Parallel DAC in
QSOP-16 Package
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VDD= +5V, VREF= +10V, VOUT1= VOUT2= 0V, Circuit of Figure 1, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Note 1:Gain error is measured using internal feedback resistor. Full-scale range (FSR) = VREF.
Note 2:Gain TempCo measured from +25°C to TMAXand from +25°C to TMIN.
Note 3:Guaranteed by design.
______________________________________________________________Pin Description
_______________Detailed DescriptionThe MAX5480 is an 8-bit multiplying digital-to-analog
converter (DAC) that consists of a thin-film R-2R resistor
array with CMOS current steering switches. Figure 3
shows a simplified schematic of the DAC. The inverted
R-2R ladder divides the voltage or current reference in
a binary manner among the eight steering switches.
The magnitude of the current appearing at either OUT
terminal depends on the number of switches selected;
therefore, the output is an analog representation of the
digital input. The two OUT terminals must be held at the
same potential so a constant current is maintained in
each ladder leg. This makes the REF input current inde-
pendent of switch state and also ensures that the
MAX5480 maintains its excellent linearity performance.
Interface-Logic Information
Mode SelectionThe inputs CSand WRcontrol the MAX5480’s operat-
ing mode (see Table 1).
Write ModeWhen CSand WRare both low, the MAX5480 is in write
mode, and its analog output responds to data activity at
the D0–D7 data-bus inputs. In this mode, the data
latches are transparent (see Tables 2 and 3).
Hold ModeIn hold mode, the MAX5480 retains the data that was
present on D0–D7 just prior to CSor WRassuming a
high state. The analog output remains at the value cor-
responding to the digital code locked in the data latch.
__________Applications Information
Using the MAX5480 in Voltage-
Output Mode (Single Supply)The MAX5480 can be used either as a current-output
DAC (Figures 1 and 6) or as a voltage-output DAC
(Figures 2 and 5).
To use the MAX5480 in voltage mode, connect OUT1 to
the reference input and connect OUT2 to ground. REF,
now the DAC output, is a voltage source with a con-
stant output resistance of 10kΩ(nominally). This output
is often buffered with an op amp (Figure 5).
An advantage of voltage-mode operation is single-
supply operation for the complete circuit; i.e., a nega-
tive reference is not required for a positive output. It is
important to note that the range of the reference is
restricted in voltage mode. The reference input (voltage
at OUT1) must always be positive and is limited to no
more than VDD- 3V. If the reference voltage exceeds
this value, linearity is degraded.
8-Bit Parallel DAC in
QSOP-16 Package
8-Bit Parallel DAC in
QSOP-16 PackageFigure 3. MAX5480 Functional Diagram
Figure 4. Write-Cycle Timing Diagram
Table 2. Unipolar Binary Code Table
8-Bit Parallel DAC in
QSOP-16 PackageFigure 5. Single-Supply Voltage-Output Mode (Buffered)
Figure 6. Bipolar (Four-Quadrant) Operation
Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are
implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.