MAX507BEWG ,Voltage-Output, 12-Bit DACs with Internal Reference19M338, Rev A 9/91
MAX5080ATE+ ,1A, 40V, MAXPower Step-Down DC-DC ConvertersApplications PACKAGE CODE16 TQFN-EP*MAX5080ATE -40°C to +125°C T1655-2®FireWire Power Supplies Auto ..
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MAX5083ATE ,1.5A, 40V, MAXPower Step-Down DC-DC ConvertersApplications® *EP = Exposed pad.● FireWire Power Supplies ● Industrial● Distributed Power Pin Confi ..
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MAX508ACPP+ ,Voltage-Output, 12-Bit DAC with Internal Reference and 12-Bit InterfaceGeneral Description
The MAX507/MAX508 are complete 12-bit, voltage-
output digital-to-analog co ..
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MAX9388EUP+ ,Differential 5:1 or 4:1 ECL/PECL Multiplexers with Single/Dual Output Buffersapplications, and feature♦ 0.3ps(RMS) Random Jitterextremely low propagation delays (318ps, typ) an ..
MAX9390EHJ ,Anything-to-LVDS Dual 2 x 2 Crosspoint SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX9390/MAX9391 dual 2 x 2 crosspoint switches 1.5GHz Operation with 250mV Differenti ..
MAX9390EHJ+ ,Anything-to-LVDS Dual 2 x 2 Crosspoint SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX9390/MAX9391 dual 2 x 2 crosspoint switches ♦ 1.5GHz Operation with 250mV Differenti ..
MAX9390EHJ+T ,Anything-to-LVDS Dual 2 x 2 Crosspoint SwitchesApplicationsGND 4 21 ENA0MAX9390High-Speed Telecom/Datacom EquipmentENB0 5 20 GNDMAX9391Central-Off ..
Voltage-Output, 12-Bit DACs with Internal Reference
194338, Rev A 9/91
2hlALh'll 'fi'd LAMI
1fonage-Ouitpuit, 12-Bit DACs
General Description
The MAX507/MAX508 are complete 12-bit, voltage-
output digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The DAC
output voltage and the reference have the same polarity,
allowing single-supply operation. Both DACs include an
internal buried-zener reference. Integrating a DAC,
voltage-output amplifier, and reference on one monolithic
devicegreatly enhances reliability overmulti-chip circuits.
Double-buffered logic inputs interface easily to micro-
processors (pPs). Data is transferred into the input
register either from a 12-bit-wide data bus (MAX507) for
16-bit PPS, or in a right-justified (8+4)-bit format
(MAX508) for 8- or 16-bityPs. All logic signals are level
triggered and are TTL and CMOS compatible. Interface
timing specifications insure compatibility with all
common pPs.
The DACs are specified and tested for both dual- and
single-supply operation. Usable supplies range from
single +12V to dual t15V.
On-board gain-setting resistors allow three output-
voltage ranges: 0V to +5V and 0V to +10V can be
generated when using either single or dual supplies.
With dual supplies, i5V is also available. The output
amplifier can drive a 2m load to +10\/.
Digital Offset and Gain Adjustment
Industrial Controls
Arbitrary Function Waveform Generators
Automatic Test Equipment
Automated Calibration
Machine and Motion Control
with Internal Reference
' 12-Blt Voltage Output
. Internal Voltage Reference
. Fast pP Interface
. 12 (MAX507) and 8+4 (MAX508) Data-Bus Widths
. Single +12V to Dual i15V Supply Operation
. 20- and 24-Pin DIP and Wide SO Packages
Ordering Information
MAX507ACNG ty'C to 00°C 24 Narrow Plastic DIP I 1/2
_MAX507BCNG CPC to -70''C 24 Narrow Plastic DIP :3/4 ,
MAX507ACWG 0°C to +70''C 24 Wide so - - l_1/L
MAX507BCWG 0°C to +70°C 24 Wide so Tam
MAX507BC/D 0°C to '70''C Dice' - t3/4
MAX507AENG -40"C to ~85°c 24 Narrow Plastic DIP 1 1/2 -
MAX507BENG -40"C to +85°C 24 Narrow Plastic DIP 13/4 _
MAX507AEWG 40°C to +85°C 24 Wide so l 1/2
MAX507BEWG -40''C to r85''C 24 Wide so t3/4 "
MAX507AMRG -55''C to +125°c 24 Narrow CERDIPT b1/2
MAX507BMRG -55''C to +125°c 24 Narrow cEnroh-l,v4
Ordering Information continued on page 12.
Contact factory tor dice specmcanons.
Contact factory for availability and processmg to MIt _STD-883,
Functional Diagram Pin Configurations
" I Rug
2;” To ii' TOP VIEW l
23 Vim 1 V17 ,’
--OVe Rw,[: Emu I
VRFF cy, HEFULJT 7 2] Vu I
\ W m AGND CE zvmxuw El ()LR T
t 011 DE MAX507 Tgg lDAC I
1 D10 CC 19 WR
AGN0-- -vss 99 E E as I
ill D8 CEC i',,',] 00
cs 18 DAG LATCH -''-c% D [E 16 ll,
M119 2 CONTROL /VI/JXI/Vl l)6 fl:,]] D
IT; LOG'C MAX507 [Yo 14 03
17] 5 T2
DO D11 DGND MAX508 on last page .J
IVI Pl A l IVI - Maxim Integrated Products 1
IVI I] A I IVI Is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.
Voltage-Output, 12-Bit DACs
with Internal Reference
V00 to AGND ......................... -0.3V, +17V
VDD to DGND ......................... Ah3V, +17V
V00 to vss ........................... -OBV, +34V
AGND to DGND ........................ -03V, VDD
Digital Input Voltage to GND .......... -0.3V, VDD r0BV
VOUT to AGND (Note 1) ................... Vss, V00
VOUT to Vss (Note 1) ...................... 0V, +34V
VOUT to VDD (Note 1) ..................... -34V, 0V
REFOUT to AGND (Note 1) ........... -0.3V, VDD +0.3V
Continuous Power Dissipation (any package)
to e75'' C .............................. 450mW
derate above +75°C ..................... 6mW/''C
Operating Temperature Ranges
MAX507_C_, MAX508_C_ ............ (PC to +70°C
MAX507_E_, MAX508_E_ ........... -401 to e85'C
MAX507_M_, MAX508_M, ......... -55''C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range ........... -65'' C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) ........... +300°C
Note 1: The output can be shorted to either supply rail if the package powerdissipation is not exceeded, Typical short-circuit current
to AGND is 25mA,
Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specification as not Implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Single Supply (VDD = t11.4V to +15.75v, Vss = AGND = DGND = OV, RL - 2m, CL = 100pF, REFOUT unloaded, all grades,
TA : TON to TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Resolution N , 12 Bits
MAX507/508A t 1/2
TA = +25%
_ MAX507/508B 13/4
Relative Accuracy INL LSB
T T t T MAX507/508A 13/4
A = M D
IN MAX MAX507/508B (_1
Differential Nonlinearity DNL ll LSB
I TA = +25%: 13
Unipolar Offset Error LSB
TA = TMIN to TMAX , 5
' DAC Gain Error " LSB
TA = +25° C 10.2
Full-Scale Output Voltage Error VDD = +12V or +15V %FSR
TA = TMIN to TMAX :06
TA = +25°C 10.12
Full-Scale Output Voltage Change VDD over full range "/oFSR/V
TA = TMIN to TMAX 10 2
F ll S I T MAX507/508_C/E t30 ppm
u - ca e em co o
p MAX507/508_M t40 FSR/ C
Unipolar Offset Error Change VDD = +12V : 5% or +15V _ 5% i1 mV