MAX502ACWG+T ,Voltage-Output, 12-Bit Multiplying DACsApplications
Digital Attenuators
Gain Amplifiers
Digital to 4mA-to-20mA Converters
Automatic ..
MAX502AEWG+ ,Voltage-Output, 12-Bit Multiplying DACsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
Dual Supply (VDD = +11.4V to +15.75V, Vss = -11.4V to -15.75V, VREF = ..
MAX502AEWG+T ,Voltage-Output, 12-Bit Multiplying DACsGeneral Description
The MAX501/MAX502 are 12-bit, 4-quadrant, voltage-
output, multiplying digi ..
MAX5033AASA+ ,500mA, 76V, High-Efficiency, MAXPower Step-Down DC-DC ConverterElectrical Characteristics (MAX5033_U_ _)(V = +12V, V = +12V, I = 0, T = 0°C to +85°C, unless other ..
MAX5033AUSA+ ,500mA, 76V, High-Efficiency, MAXPower Step-Down DC-DC ConverterFeaturesThe MAX5033 easy-to-use, high-efficiency, high-voltage, ● Wide 7.5V to 76V Input Voltage Ra ..
MAX5033AUSA+T ,500mA, 76V, High-Efficiency, MAXPower Step-Down DC-DC ConverterElectrical Characteristics (MAX5033_U_ _) (continued)(V = +12V, V = +12V, I = 0, T = 0°C to +85°C, ..
MAX920ESA ,SOT23 / 1.8V / Nanopower / Beyond-the-Rails Comparators With/Without ReferenceApplicationsOrdering Information2-Cell Battery Monitoring/ManagementTEMP. PIN- SOT Ultra-Low-Power ..
MAX920ESA ,SOT23 / 1.8V / Nanopower / Beyond-the-Rails Comparators With/Without ReferenceFeaturesThe MAX917–MAX920 nanopower comparators in♦ Ultra-Low Supply Currentspace-saving SOT23 pack ..
MAX920ESA+ ,SOT23, 1.8V, Nanopower, Beyond-the-Rails Comparators With/Without ReferenceMAX917–MAX92019-1512; Rev 2; 10/10SOT23, 1.8V, Nanopower, Beyond-the-RailsComparators With/Without ..
MAX920ESA+T ,SOT23, 1.8V, Nanopower, Beyond-the-Rails Comparators With/Without ReferenceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX917/MAX918 (continued)(V = +5V, V = 0V, V = V , T = -40°C to +85°C, u ..
MAX920EUK+T ,SOT23, 1.8V, Nanopower, Beyond-the-Rails Comparators With/Without ReferenceApplicationsADIQMAX917EUK+T 5 SOT23 U5+12-Cell Battery Monitoring/Management—MAX917ESA+ 8 SO S8+2Ul ..
MAX920EUK-T ,SOT23 / 1.8V / Nanopower / Beyond-the-Rails Comparators With/Without ReferenceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX917/MAX918(V = +5V, V = 0, V = V , T = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwi ..
Voltage-Output, 12-Bit Multiplying DACs
t9.40tt;Rev1;12l% 2AlAL4lh'ietlhMlAl
1fonatge-Ouilpuiit, 12-Bi2 Multiplying DACs
------ General Description Features
The MAX501/MAX502 are 12-bit, 4-quadrant. voltage- . 12-Blt Voltage Output DAC
oytput, multiplying dig.i.ty-toeP.alog converters (DACs) . d:UW and Sm A Output Drttte
with an output amplifier. Thin-film resistors, laser
trimmed at the wafer level. maintain accuracy over the . Mortotonltt thmr Temperature
full operating temperature range. . Four Range-Scallng Resistors
The MAX501/MAX502 have buffered latches that are t 8+4 (MAX501) and 1243" (MAX502) Interface
easily interfaced with microprocessors. Data is trans- . 24.5% mp and Wide so pang”
ferred into the input register in either a right-justified -
8+4-bit format (MAX501) or with a 12-bit-wide data path .
(MAX502). In the MAX501, an LDAC signal transfers data _.---.---.--.-... Ordering Information
from the input registerto the DAC register. In the MAX502,
the ingut rtst1Lsters are .tigr.ttLttlled by standard mm TEMP. RANGE pm. ERROR
CHIPSELECT (CS) mg wangm/R) signals. For stand- WW5 (L350
alone operation, the CS and WR inputs are grounded, MAxsmACNG tPC to +7o°c 24 Narrow Plastic DIP Al/it
7 making all latches transparent. All logic inputs are level MAX501 BCNG tr t 70.6 24 N Pl u MP 13/4
, triggered and compatible with TTL and +5V CMOS logic c o + mow as c
[ levels. MAX501ACWG tPC to wow 24 Wide so an
The internally compensated, low-input offset-voltage MAX501 BCWG tPC to "trc 24 Wide so A3/4
) outputamplifier provides an output voltagefrom +1OV to MAX501 BC/D tPC to +70°C Dice' 13/4
; -10V while sourcing and sinking up to 5mA. MAX501AENG MIPC to H2PC 24 Narrow Plastic DIP 11/2
_ A pplications MAX501BENG 40°C to '85''C 24 Narrow Plastic DIP 13/4
Digital Attenuators MAXSOIAEWG 40°C to +8tPC 24 vhae so A1/2
Programmable-Gain Amplifiers MAX5018EWG MO Cto +85 C 24 Wide so i3/4
Servo Controls MAX501AMRG -55°Cto +125 C 24 Narrow CERDIP 11/2
Digital to 4m A-to-Mm A C onvert ers MAX501BMRG -66 c to +125 6 24 Narrow CERDIP i3/4
. . Order! I 101mm continued on last .
Automatic Test Equipment . Conga; factory for dice C,'u1'fJJ',1'."
Programmable Power Supplies " Contact factory for availability and processing to MIL>S TD-833.
Functional Diagram _.----------- Pin Configurations
[20 |21 |22 [23J24 vow: Em
011 CE ca no
010 [E E RB
17 09 EE MAXI/Vl Z] RA
VREF 12-BIT DAC 1 08 LE MAX502 Efl Von
zvmxum -ar 07 7 E Vss
MAX502 18 D6 CE El AGND
DATA LATCH 19 03 CE Tsl Tim
f - v55 02 E DO
DGND " n 01
Ml l It _16 _15
Do ... m1 DGND M WE DIP/SO
MAX501 on last page
MAXIM Maxim Integrated Products 1
& the latest literature: http://www.maxim-Ic.com,
1htnage-ithrtput, 1ltb4Bit Multiplying DACs
Von to DGND. . . . . ' ............. . Ah 3V, +17V Digital Input Voltage to DGND . . . . . ......... -O.3V, V99
1tss to DGND . . . . ....... . ...... . ...... +0. 3V, -17V Continuous Power Dissipation (any package)
VREFtoAGND.......... ............. ..... 125V to+75°C ........ ........ ............ . .650mW
RFBtoAGND..... ..... ................... 125V darateabove+75°c ......... ......... '.yi0iii7i'iii
RA to AGND . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . ............. A25V Operating Temperature Ranges:
R810 AGND ..... . ........................ A25V MAX501_C_, MAX502_C_ . . . . . . . . . . . . tPC to +7ty'C
R010 AGND . . . . . . . ' ...... . . . . ........ A25V MAX501_E_, MAX502_E__ ......... . . -40''C to +85°C
VOUT to AGND (Note1). .......... VDD +0. 3V, vss -0. 3V MAX501_M_, MAX502_M_ . . ' . . . . . . -55''C to +125°C
Vpoto AGND . . . . ....... . . . . ....... . . . Al. 3V, +17V Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . -65°Cto +150°C
AGND to DGND . . . . . ................... Ah3V, VDD Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) ...... . . . . . +30tPC
Note 1: Vou-r may be shorted to AGND, VDD, or Vss if the power dissipation of the package is not exceeded.
Stresses beyond those under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and fundIonal
operation of the device at [hose or any other conditions beyond those Indicated in the operational sections of the specification Is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device mIIabiIity.
Dual Supply (Von = +11.4V to +15.7SV, Vss = -11.4V to -15,75V, VREF = +10\/, AGND = DGND = ov, RL = 2m, th. = 100pF, all grades,
TA = TMIN to TMAx, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2)
MAX5017/ MAX502
Resolution N 12 Bits
MAX501/502A 11/2
TA = +25'' C
. MAX501/502B 13/4
Relative Accuracy INL LSB
T T t T i' MAX501/502A A3/4
A MIN MAX MAX501/502B tl
Differential Nonllnearity DNL cel L88
TA = +25°C ll
Zero-Code Offset Error T T t T MAX501/502_C/E A2 mV
A MIN MAX MAX501/502_M A3
. . Avos/ o
OffsetTemperalure Coefficient ATemp A5 pV/ C
RFB, Vour connected A3
Gain Error 'Jig Egjmnwe" to Vour, A4% LSB
RA, Vour connected, VREF = 2.5V i6
. . . AGain/ o
Gain Temperature Coefficient ATem p AI ppm/ C
Reference Input Resistance RFB 8 12 16 kft
Application Resistor
Ratio M etching RA to RBto RC match 0.5 %