MAX4712ESE+T ,Fault-Protected, Low-Voltage, Quad SPST Analog SwitchesApplicationsMAX4711ESE -40°C to +85°C 16 Narrow SOCommunication SystemsMAX4711EPE -40°C to +85°C 16 ..
MAX4714EXT+T ,0.8-Ohm, Low-Voltage, Single-Supply SPDT Analog Switch in SC70Applications Ordering InformationPower RoutingPIN- TOPPART TEMP RANGEBattery-Operated EquipmentPACK ..
MAX4714EXT-T ,0.8 / Low-Voltage / Single-Supply SPDT Analog Switch in SC70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +3V Supply(V+ = +2.7V to +3.6V, V = +1.4V, V = +0.5V, T = T to T ..
MAX4715EXK+T ,0.4Ω, Low-Voltage, Single-Supply SPST Analog SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX4715/MAX4716 are low on-resistance, low-♦ Low RONvoltage, single-pole/single-throw ( ..
MAX4715EXK+T ,0.4Ω, Low-Voltage, Single-Supply SPST Analog SwitchesApplicationsPower RoutingBattery-Operated EquipmentAudio and Video Signal RoutingLow-Voltage Data-A ..
MAX8866SEUA ,Dual / Low-Dropout / 100mA Linear Regulators
MAX8866SEUA+ ,Dual, Low-Dropout, 100mA Linear Regulators
MAX8866TEUA+ ,Dual, Low-Dropout, 100mA Linear Regulators
MAX8867EUK25-T ,Low-noise, low-dropout, 150mA linear regulator. Preset output voltage 2.50V
MAX8867EUK28+T ,Low-noise, low-dropout, 150mA linear regulator. Preset output voltage 2.80V
MAX8867EUK28-T ,Low-noise, low-dropout, 150mA linear regulator. Preset output voltage 2.80V
Fault-Protected, Low-Voltage, Quad SPST Analog Switches
General DescriptionThe MAX4711/MAX4712/MAX4713 are fault-protected,
Rail-to-Rail®, low-voltage analog switches featuring low
on-resistance and guaranteed on-resistance flatness over
the specified signal range. Due to the fault protection fea-
ture the analog switch input (NO_ or NC_) and output
(COM_) pins are not symmetrical. The fault protection fea-
ture allows for the analog input to go beyond the plus or
minus supplies without the device drawing excessive
amounts of current from the analog inputs. When the ana-
log inputs are driven beyond the supply rails when the
switch is on, it will sense a fault and turn itself off and the
analog switch output will be clamped to the same polarity
supply as the input signal and will not go beyond the sup-
ply rails. This feature protects any electronic circuitry con-
nected to the output from excessive voltages present on
the analog inputs.
The MAX4711/MAX4712/MAX4713 are quad, single-
pole/single-throw (SPST) analog switches. The MAX4711
has four normally closed switches (NC), the MAX4712 has
four normally open switches (NO), and the MAX4713 has
two NO and two NC switches. Switching times are less
than 125ns for tON, and less than 80ns for tOFF. These
switches operate from a single +2.7V to +11V supply or
from dual ±2.7V to ±5.5V supplies. All digital inputs have
+0.8V to +2.4V logic thresholds, ensuring both TTL and
CMOS logic compatibility when using ±4.5V to ±5.5V or
single +4.5V to +11V supplies.
________________________ApplicationsCommunication Systems
Battery-Operated Systems
Signal Routing
Test Equipment
Industrial and Process Control Systems
Redundant/Backup Systems
FeaturesFault-Protected Analog Inputs±12V Fault Protection with Power Off±7V Fault Protection with ±5V Supplies+12V and -7V Fault Protection with +5V Supply+12V and -9V Fault Protection with +3V SupplyFault-Protected Digital Inputs May Exceed V+
Supply RailAll Switches Off with Power OffRail-to-Rail Signal HandlingOutput Clamped to Appropriate Supply Voltages
During Fault Condition25Ω(max) RONat +25°C1Ω(max) On-Resistance Match Between ChannelsSingle- and Dual-Supply OperationPin-Compatible with Industry-Standard
MAX391/MAX392/MAX393TTL- and CMOS-Compatible Logic Inputs19-1907; Rev 1; 11/03
Fault-Protected, Low-Voltage,
Quad SPST Analog Switches
Pin Configurations/Functional
Diagrams/Truth Tables
MAX4711CUE 0°C to +70°C16 TSSOP
MAX4711CSE 0°C to +70°C16 Narrow SO
MAX4711CPE 0°C to +70°C16 Plastic Dip
MAX4711EUE-40°C to +85°C16 TSSOP
MAX4711ESE-40°C to +85°C16 Narrow SO
MAX4711EPE-40°C to +85°C16 Plastic Dip
Ordering Information
Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.
Pin Configurations/Functional Diagrams/Truth Tables
continued at end of data sheet.Rail-to-Rail is a registered trademark of Nippon Motorola, Ltd.
Fault-Protected, Low-Voltage,
Quad SPST Analog Switches
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies(V+ = +4.5V to +5.5V, V- = -4.5V to -5.5V, VIH= +2.4V, VIL= +0.8V, GND = 0, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical
values are at TA= +25°C.) (Note 3)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability............................................................................-0.3V to +13V
V-............................................................................-13V to +0.3V
V+ to V-...................................................................-0.3V to +13V
IN_...........................................................(V- + 12V) to (V- - 0.3V)
COM_ (Note 1)......................................(V- - 0.3V) to (V+ + 0.3V)
NO_, NC_ (Note 2)..................................(V+ - 12V) to (V- + 12V)
Continuous Current into Any Terminal..............................±40mA
Peak Current, into Any Terminal
(pulsed at 1ms,10% duty cycle).................................±70mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
16-Pin TSSOP (derate 5.70mW/°C above +70°C)...........457mW
16-Pin Narrow SO (derate 8.70mW/°C above +70°C).....696mW
16-Pin Plastic Dip (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C)...842mW
Operating Temperature Ranges
MAX471_C_ E.....................................................0°C to +70°C
MAX471_E_ E..................................................-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C
ANALOG SWITCHFault-Free Analog Signal RangeV C OM_,N O_,V N O_Applies with power onC, EV-V+V
+25°C1625On-ResistanceRONV + = + 4.5V , V - = - 4.5V ,N O_, VN C _ = ±3.5V , IOU T = 10m AC, E30Ω
+25°C0.21On-Resistance Match Between
Channels (Note 4)∆RONV + = + 4.5V , V - = - 4.5V ,N O_, VN C _ = ±3.5V , IOU T = 10m AC, E2Ω
+25°C1.34On-Resistance FlatnessRFLATV + = + 4.5V , V - = - 4.5V ,N O_, VN C _ = ±3.5V , IOU T = 10m AC, E5Ω
+25°C-0.5+0.5NO_, NC_ Off-Leakage Current
(Note 5)
IN O_ ( OFF) ,
IN C _ ( OFF)
V+ = +5.5V, V- = -5.5V,
VCOM_ = ±4.5V,
VNO_, VNC_ = 4.5VC, E-10+10
+25°C-0.5+0.5COM_ Off-Leakage Current
(Note 5) ICOM_( OFF)
V+ = +5.5V, V- = -5.5V,
VCOM_ = ±4.5V,
VNO_, VNC_ = 4.5VC, E-10+10
+25°C-0.5+0.5COM_ On-Leakage Current
(Note 5)ICOM_(ON)
V+ = +5.5V, V- = -5.5V,
VCOM_ = ±4.5V,
VNO_, VNC_ = ±4.5V or floatingC, E-20+20
FAULTFault-Protected Analog Signal
VNC_Applies with power onC, E-12 + V+ +12 + V-V
Fault-Protected Analog Signal
VNC_Applies with power offC, E-12+12V
+25°C-50+50COM_ Output-Leakage Current,
Supplies ON (Note 5)ICOM
All channels off,
V+ = +5V, V- = -5V,
VNO_, VNC_ = ±7VC, E-500+500
Note 1:COM_ pin is not fault-protected. Signals on COM_ exceeding V+ or V- are clamped by internal diodes. Limit forward diode
current to maximum current rating.
Note 2:NO_ and NC_ pins are fault-protected. Signals on NO_ or NC_ exceeding -12V to +12V may damage device. These limits
apply with V+ = V- = 0.
Fault-Protected, Low-Voltage,
Quad SPST Analog Switches
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies (continued)(V+ = +4.5V to +5.5V, V- = -4.5V to -5.5V, VIH= +2.4V, VIL= +0.8V, GND = 0, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical
values are at TA= +25°C.) (Note 3)
Current, Supplies ON (Note 5)
V+ = +5V, V- = -5V,
VNO_, VNC_ = ±7VC, E-500+500nA
+25°C-0.5+0.5NO_ or NC_ Input-Leakage
Current, Supplies OFF (Note 5)
VNO_, VNC_ = ±12V,
V± = 0C, E-5+5µA
VNO_, VNC_ = +7V,
V+ = +5V, V- = -5V92033
Output Clamp CurrentICOM_
VNO_, VNC_ = -7V
V+ = +5V, V- = -5V
C, E
Output Clamp ResistanceRC LA M P _VNO_, VNC_ = ±7V+25°C200Ω
Fault Trip Threshold+25°CV-
- 0.4V
+ 0.4VV
±Fault Output Turn-On Delay
TimeVNO_, VNC_ = ±7V, RCOM = 1kΩ+25°C200ns
±Fault Recovery TimeV N O_, V N C _ = ±7V , RC OM = 1kΩ+25°C700ns
LOGIC INPUTInput Logic HighVIHC, E2.4V
Input Logic LowVILC, E0.8V
+25°C-1+1Input-Leakage Current
(Note 5)IINVIN_ = 0 or V+C, E-5+5µA
SWITCH DYNAMICS+25°C80125Turn-On TimetONV N O_ or V N C _ = ± 3V ,
RL = 300Ω, C L = 35p F, Fi g ur e 2C, E150ns
+25°C5080Turn-Off TimetOFFV N O_ or V N C _ = ± 3V ,
RL = 300Ω, C L = 35p F, Fi g ur e 2C, E100ns
+25°C1530Break-Before-Make Time Delay
(MAX4713 only)tBBMVNO_ or VNC_ = ±3V,
RL = 300Ω, CL = 35pF, Figure 2C, E5ns
Charge InjectionQVGEN = 0, RGEN = 0, CL = 1nF,
Figure 4+25°C25pC
NO_ or NC_ Off-CapacitanceCN_( OFF)f = 1MHz, Figure 5+25°C8pF
COM_ Off-CapacitanceCCOM_( OFF)f = 1MHz, Figure 5+25°C8pF
COM_ On-CapacitanceCCOM_( ON) f = 1MHz, Figure 5+25°C30pF
Off-Isolation (Note 6)VISORL = 50Ω, CL = 15pF, PIN = 0,
f = 1MHz, Figure 6+25°C-59dB
Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk
(Note 7)VCTRL = 50Ω, CL = 15pF, PIN = 0,
f = 1MHz, Figure 6+25°C-87dB
Fault-Protected, Low-Voltage,
Quad SPST Analog Switches
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies (continued)(V+ = +4.5V to +5.5V, V- = -4.5V to -5.5V, VIH= +2.4V, VIL= +0.8V, GND = 0, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical
values are at TA= +25°C.) (Note 3)
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—+5V Single Supply(V+ = +4.5V to +5.5V, V- = 0, VIH= +2.4V, VIL= +0.8V, GND = 0, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at= +25°C.) (Note 3)
POWER SUPPLYPower-Supply RangeV+, V-C, E±2.7±5.5V
+25°C3875V+ Supply CurrentI+All VIN_ = 0 or V+C, E100µA
+25°C3875V- Supply CurrentI-All VIN_ = 0 or V+C, E100µA
+25°C01GND Supply CurrentIGNDAll VIN_ = 0 or V+C, E10µA
ANALOG SWITCHFault-Free Analog Signal RangeV C OM_,N O_,VN C _Power onC, EV-V+V
+25°C3040On-ResistanceRONV + = + 4.5V ,N O_, V N C _ = + 3.5V , IOU T = 10m AC, E50Ω
+25°C0.32On-Resistance Match Between
Channels (Note 4)∆RONV + = + 4.5V ,N O_, V N C _ = + 3.5V , IOU T = 10m AC, E3Ω
On-Resistance FlatnessRFLAT
V+ = +4.5V,
VNO_, VNC_ = +1.5V, +2.25V,
+3.5V, IOUT = 10mAC, E6Ω
+25°C-0.5+0.5NO_, NC_ Off-Leakage Current
(Note 5)
V+ = +5.5V,
VCOM_ = +1V, +4.5V;
VNO_, VNC_ = +4.5V, +1VC, E-10+10
+25°C-0.5+0.5COM_ Off-Leakage Current
(Note 5)ICOM_(OFF)
V+ = +5.5V,
VCOM_ = +1V, +4.5V;
VNO_, VNC_ = +4.5V, +1VC, E-10+10
COM_ On-Leakage Current
(Note 5)ICOM_(ON)
V+ = +5.5V,
VCOM_ = +1V, +4.5V;
VNO_, VNC_ = +1V, +4.5V, or
floatingC, E-20+20
FAULTFault-Protected Analog Signal
RangeV N O_, V N C _ Power onC, E-12 + V++12V
Fault-Protected, Low-Voltage,
Quad SPST Analog Switches
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—+5V Single Supply (continued)(V+ = +4.5V to +5.5V, V- = 0, VIH= +2.4V, VIL= +0.8V, GND = 0, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at= +25°C.) (Note 3)
RangeV N O_, V N C _Power offC, E-12+12V
+25°C-50+50COM_ Output-Leakage Current,
Supplies ON (Note 5)ICOM_All channels off; VNO_, VNC_ =
+12V or -7V, V+ = +5VC, E-500+500nA
+25°C-50+50NO_ or NC_ Off-Leakage
Current, Supplies ON (Note 5)INO_, INC_VNO_, VNC_ = +12V or -7V,
V+ = +5VC, E-500+500nA
+25°C-0.5+0.5NO_ or NC_ Input-Leakage
Current, Supplies OFF (Note 5)INO_, INC_VNO_, VNC_ = ±12V,
V± = 0C, E-5+5µA
Output Clamp CurrentICOM_VNO_, VNC_ = +12V, V+ = 5VC, E2611m A
Output Clamp ResistanceRCLAMP_Clamp on+25°C500Ω
+Fault Output Turn-On Delay
VNO_, VNC_ = +12V,
RL = 300Ω, V+ = +5V+25°C200ns
+Fault Recovery TimeVNO_, VNC_ = +12V,
RL = 300Ω, V+ = +5V+25°C500µs
LOGIC INPUTInput Logic HighVIHC, E2.4V
Input Logic LowVILC, E0.8V
Input-Leakage Current (Note 5)IINVIN_ = 0 or V+C, E-1+1µA
SWITCH DYNAMICS+25°C170230Turn-On TimetONV N O_ or V N C _ = + 3V ,
RL = 300Ω, C L = 35p F, Fi g ur e 2C, E275ns
+25°C55100Turn-Off TimetOFFV N O_ or V N C _ = + 3V ,
RL = 300Ω, C L = 35p F, Fi g ur e 2C, E125ns
+25°C30115Break-Before-Make Time Delay
(MAX4713 only)tBBMV N O_ or V N C _ = + 3V ,
RL = 300Ω, C L = 35p F, Fi g ur e 2C, E20ns
Charge InjectionQVGEN= 0, RGEN = 0, CL = 1nF,
Figure 4+25°C-1pC
POWER SUPPLYPower-Supply RangeV+C, E2.711V
+25°C3465V+ Supply CurrentI+All VIN_ = 0 or V+C, E75µA