MAX4684EUB ,0.5 /0.8 Low-Voltage / Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSPMAX4684/MAX468519-1977; Rev 3; 2/030.5Ω/0.8Ω Low-Voltage, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSP
MAX4684EUB+ ,0.5Ω/0.8Ω Low-Voltage, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSPMAX4684/MAX468519-1977; Rev 4; 1/09Ω Ω Ω Ω0.5 /0.8 Low-Voltage, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSP
MAX4684EUB+T ,0.5Ω/0.8Ω Low-Voltage, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSPApplications Ordering InformationSpeaker Headset Switching PIN/B U M P- TOPPART TEMP RANGEMARKMP3 ..
MAX4684EUB-T ,0.5Ω/0.8Ω Low-Voltage, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSPfeatures a 0.8Ω max on-♦ R Match Between ChannelsONresistance for both NO and NC switches at a +2.7 ..
MAX4684EUB-T ,0.5Ω/0.8Ω Low-Voltage, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSPApplications Ordering InformationSpeaker Headset Switching PIN/B U M P- TOPPART TEMP RANGEMARKMP3 ..
MAX4685EBC+T ,0.5Ω/0.8Ω Low-Voltage, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSPfeatures a 0.8Ω max on-♦ R Match Between ChannelsONresistance for both NO and NC switches at a +2.7 ..
MAX8860EUA18+ ,Low-Dropout, 300mA Linear Regulator in µMAXMAX886019-1422; Rev 2; 1/01Low-Dropout, 300mA Linear Regulator in µMAX
MAX8860EUA18+T ,Low-Dropout, 300mA Linear Regulator in µMAXMAX886019-1422; Rev 2; 1/01Low-Dropout, 300mA Linear Regulator in µMAX
MAX8860EUA25 ,Low-Dropout / 300mA Linear Regulator in MAXELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +3.6V, C = 33nF, T = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical ..
MAX8860EUA25 ,Low-Dropout / 300mA Linear Regulator in MAXfeatures include a 10nA, logic-controlled shut- Small, Space-Saving µMAX Package down mode, short ..
MAX8860EUA25+ ,Low-Dropout, 300mA Linear Regulator in µMAXApplicationsWireless HandsetsDSP Core PowerOrdering InformationPCMCIA CardsPIN- VOUTPART TEMP RANGE ..
MAX8860EUA25+T ,Low-Dropout, 300mA Linear Regulator in µMAXELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 3.6V, C = 33nF, T = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical ..
0.5 /0.8 Low-Voltage / Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSP
General DescriptionThe MAX4684/MAX4685 low on-resistance (RON), low-
voltage, dual single-pole/double-throw (SPDT) analog
switches operate from a single +1.8V to +5.5V supply.
The MAX4684 features a 0.5Ω(max) RONfor its NC
switch and a 0.8Ω(max) RONfor its NO switch at a
+2.7V supply. The MAX4685 features a 0.8Ωmax on-
resistance for both NO and NC switches at a +2.7V
Both parts feature break-before-make switching action
(2ns) with tON= 50ns and tOFF= 40ns at +3V. The digi-
tal logic inputs are 1.8V logic-compatible with a +2.7V to
+3.3V supply.
The MAX4684/MAX4685 are packaged in the chipscale
package (UCSP)™, significantly reducing the required
PC board area. The chip occupies only a 2.0mm ✕
1.50mm area. The 4 ✕3 array of solder bumps are
spaced with a 0.5mm bump pitch.
________________________ApplicationsSpeaker Headset Switching
MP3 Players
Power Routing
Battery-Operated Equipment
Relay Replacement
Audio and Video Signal Routing
Communications Circuits
Cellular Phones
Features12-Bump, 0.5mm-Pitch UCSPNC Switch RON
0.5Ωmax (+2.7V Supply) (MAX4684)
0.8Ωmax (+2.7V Supply) (MAX4685)NO Switch RON
0.8Ωmax (+2.7V Supply)RONMatch Between Channels
0.06Ω(max)RONFlatness Over Signal Range
0.15Ω(max)+1.8V to +5.5V Single-Supply OperationRail-to-Rail®Signal Handling1.8V Logic CompatibilityLow Crosstalk: -68dB (100kHz)High Off-Isolation: -64dB (100kHz)THD: 0.03%50nA (max) Supply CurrentLow Leakage Currents
1nA (max) at TA= +25°C
0.5Ω/0.8ΩLow-Voltage, Dual SPDT
Analog Switches in UCSP 19-1977; Rev 3; 2/03
Pin Configurations/Functional Diagrams/Truth TableUCSP is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
Rail-to-Rail is a registered trademark of Nippon Motorola, Ltd.
*UCSP reliability is integrally linked to the user’s assembly
methods, circuit board material, and environment. Refer to the
UCSP Reliability Notice in the UCSP Reliability section of this
data sheet for more information.
Note:Requires special solder temperature profile describing
the Absolute Maximum Ratings section.
Ordering Information
0.5Ω/0.8ΩLow-Voltage, Dual SPDT
Analog Switches in UCSP
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(All Voltages Referenced to GND)
V+, IN_......................................................................-0.3V to +6V
COM_, NO_, NC_ (Note1)...........................-0.3V to (V+ + 0.3V)
Continuous Current NO_, NC_, COM_..........................±300mA
Peak Current NO_, NC_, COM_
(pulsed at 1ms, 50% duty cycle).................................±400mA
Peak Current NO_, NC_, COM_
(pulsed at 1ms, 10% duty cycle).................................±500mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
12-Bump UCSP (derate 11.4mW/°C above +70°C)...909mW
10-Pin µMAX (derate 5.6mW/°C above +70°C)..........444mW
Operating Temperature Ranges..........................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C
Bump Temperature (soldering) (Note 2)
Infared (15s)................................................................+220°C
Vapor Phase (60s)......................................................+215°C
Note 1:Signals on NO_, NC_, and COM_ exceeding V+ or GND are clamped by internal diodes. Limit forward-diode current to
maximum current rating.
Note 2:This device is constructed using a unique set of packaging techniques that impose a limit on the thermal profile the device
can be exposed to during board level solder attach and rework. This limit permits only the use of the solder profiles recom-
mended in the industry-standard specification, JEDEC 020A, paragraph 7.6, Table 3 for IR/VPR and Convection reflow. Pre-
heating is required. Hand or wave soldering is not allowed.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—+3V SUPPLY(V+ = +2.7V to +3.3V, VIH= +1.4V, VIL= +0.5V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at +3V and +25°C.)
(Notes 3, 9, 10)
0.5Ω/0.8ΩLow-Voltage, Dual SPDT
Analog Switches in UCSP
Note 3:The algebraic convention used in this data sheet is where the most negative value is a minimum and the most positive
value a maximum.
Note 4:Guaranteed by design.
Note 5:∆RON= RON(MAX)- RON(MIN), between NC1 and NC2 or between NO1 and NO2.
Note 6:Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of on-resistance as measured over the
specified analog signal ranges.
Note 7:Leakage parameters are 100% tested at TA= +85°C, and guaranteed by correlation over rated temperature range.
Note 8:Off-isolation = 20log10(VCOM/ VNO), VCOM= output, VNO= input to off switch.
Note 9:UCSP and QFN parts are 100% tested at +25°C only and guaranteed by design and correlation at the full hot-rated
Note 10:-40°C specifications are guaranteed by design.
0.5Ω/0.8ΩLow-Voltage, Dual SPDT
Analog Switches in UCSP
Typical Operating Characteristics(TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
0.5Ω/0.8ΩLow-Voltage, Dual SPDT
Analog Switches in UCSP
Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
0.5Ω/0.8ΩLow-Voltage, Dual SPDT
Analog Switches in UCSP
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX4684/MAX4685 are low on-resistance, low-
voltage, dual SPDT analog switches that operate from a
+1.8V to +5.5V supply. The devices are fully specified
for nominal 3V applications. The MAX4684/MAX4685
have break-before-make switching and fast switching
speeds (tON= 50ns max, tOFF= 40ns max).
The MAX4684 offers asymmetrical normally closed
(NC) and normally open (NO) RONfor applications that
require asymmetrical loads (examples include speaker
headsets and internal speakers). The part features a
0.5Ωmax RONfor its NC switch and a 0.8Ωmax RON
for its NO switch at the 2.7V supply. The MAX4685 fea-
tures a 0.8Ωmax on-resistance for both NO and NC
switches at the +2.7V supply.
Applications Information
Digital Control Inputs The MAX4684/MAX4685 logic inputs accept up to
+5.5V regardless of supply voltage. For example, with
a +3.3V supply, IN_ may be driven low to GND and
high to 5.5V. Driving IN_ rail-to-rail minimizes power
consumption. Logic levels for a +1.8V supply are 0.5V
(low) and 1.4V (high).
Analog Signal LevelsAnalog signals that range over the entire supply volt-
age (V+ to GND) are passed with very little change in
on-resistance (see Typical Operating Characteristics).
The switches are bidirectional, so the NO_, NC_, and
COM_ pins can be either inputs or outputs.
Power-Supply Sequencing and
Overvoltage Protection
Caution:Do not exceed the absolute maximum rat-
ings because stresses beyond the listed ratings
may cause permanent damage to devices.Proper power-supply sequencing is recommended for
all CMOS devices. Always apply V+ before applying
analog signals, especially if the analog signal is not
current limited. If this sequencing is not possible, and if
the analog inputs are not current limited to <20mA, add
a small signal diode (D1) as shown in Figure 1. Adding
a protection diode reduces the analog range to a diode
drop (about 0.7V) below V+ (for D1). RONincreases
slightly at low supply voltages. Maximum supply volt-
age (V+) must not exceed +6V. Protection diode D1
also protects against some overvoltage situations. No
damage will result on Figure 1’s circuit if the supply
voltage is below the absolute maximum rating applied
to an analog signal pin.