MAX4649EKA+ ,45 Ohm SPDT Analog Switch in SOT23-8
MAX464CNI ,Two-Channel, Triple/Quad RGB Video Switches and BuffersFeaturesThe MAX463–MAX470 series of two-channel, ' 100MHz Unity-Gain Bandwidthtriple/quad buffered ..
MAX464CWI ,Two-Channel, Triple/Quad RGB Video Switches and Buffersapplications. Output amplifiers have a guaranteed out-MAX463CWG 0°C to +70°C 24 Wide SOput swing o ..
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MAX8808XETA+T ,1A Linear Li+ Battery Chargers with Integrated Pass FET and Thermal Regulation in 2mm x 2mm TDFNApplications Typical Operating CircuitCellular and Cordless PhonesSmartphones and PDAs 4.25V TO 15V ..
MAX8809AETL+ ,VRD11/VRD10, K8 Rev F 2/3/4-Phase PWM Controllers with Integrated Dual MOSFET DriversApplicationsfast and accurate transient-response performance, aswell as precise load current sharin ..
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MAX8814ETA+ ,28V Linear Li+ Battery Charger with Smart Autoboot AssistantApplications• Output for Autobooting (ABO)Smartphones• Reduce Power DissipationPortable Music Playe ..
45 Ohm SPDT Analog Switch in SOT23-8