MAX4639ESE ,3.5з, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1, Low-Voltage Analog MultiplexersFeaturesThe MAX4638/MAX4639 are single 8:1 and dual 4:1 Guaranteed RONCMOS analog multiplexers/dem ..
MAX4639ESE+ ,3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1, Low-Voltage Analog MultiplexersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—+5V Single Supply(V+ = +5V ±10%, V- = 0, V = +2.4V, V = +0.8V, T = T to ..
MAX4639EUE ,3.5з, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1, Low-Voltage Analog MultiplexersApplications Ordering InformationAutomatic Test EquipmentPART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGELow-Voltage Dat ..
MAX4639EUE+ ,3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1, Low-Voltage Analog MultiplexersApplicationsMAX4638ETE+T-40°C to +85°C 16 TQFN-EP* (4 4) Automatic Test EquipmentMAX4638EUE+T -40 ..
MAX4639EUE+T ,3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1, Low-Voltage Analog MultiplexersFeaturesThe MAX4638/MAX4639 are single 8:1 and dual 4:1♦ Guaranteed RONCMOS analog multiplexers/dem ..
MAX463CNG ,Two-Channel, Triple/Quad RGB Video Switches and BuffersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V+ = 5V, V- = -5V, -2V ≤ V ≤ +2V, R = 75Ω, unless otherwise noted.)IN LO ..
MAX8790AETP+ ,Six-String White LED Driver with Active Current Balancing for LCD Panel ApplicationsFeaturesThe MAX8790A is a high-efficiency driver for white light- ● Drives Six Parallel Strings wit ..
MAX8790AETP+T ,Six-String White LED Driver with Active Current Balancing for LCD Panel ApplicationsElectrical Characteristics(Circuit of Figure 1. V = 12V, V = V , CCV = 0.1μF, T = 0°C to +85°C, unl ..
MAX8790ETP+ ,High-Efficiency, 6-String, White-LED (WLED) Driver with Active Current Balancing for LCD Panel ApplicationsFeatures● Drives Six Parallel Strings with Multiple Series-The MAX8790 is a high-efficiency driver ..
MAX8790ETP+T ,High-Efficiency, 6-String, White-LED (WLED) Driver with Active Current Balancing for LCD Panel ApplicationsElectrical Characteristics(Circuit of Figure 1. V = 12V, V = V , CCV = 0.1μF, T = 0°C to +85°C, unl ..
MAX8791 ,Single-Phase, Synchronous MOSFET DriversELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Circuit of Figure 1, V = V = 5V, T = -40°C to +105°C, unless otherwise n ..
MAX8791GTA+ ,Single-Phase, Synchronous MOSFET DriversFeaturesThe MAX8791/MAX8791B are single-phase, synchro-♦Single-Phase, Synchronous MOSFET Driversnou ..
3.5з, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1, Low-Voltage Analog Multiplexers
General DescriptionThe MAX4638/MAX4639 are single 8:1 and dual 4:1
CMOS analog multiplexers/demultiplexers (muxes/
demuxes). Each mux operates from a single +1.8V to
+5V supply or dual ±2.5V supplies. These devices fea-
ture 3.5Ωon-resistance (RON) when powered with a
single +5V supply and have -75dB of off-isolation and
-85dB crosstalk from the output to each off channel.
The switching times are 18ns tONand 7ns tOFF. They
feature a -3dB 85MHz bandwidth and a guaranteed
0.25nA leakage current at +25°C.
A +1.8V to +5.5V operating range makes the MAX4638/
MAX4639 ideal for battery-powered, portable instru-
ments. All channels guarantee break-before-make
switching. These parts feature bidirectional operation
and can handle Rail-to-Rail®analog signals. All control
inputs are TTL/CMOS-logic compatible. Decoding is in
standard BCD format, and an enable input is provided to
simplify cascading of devices. These devices are avail-
able in small 16-pin QFN, TSSOP and SOIC packages,
as well as a 20-pin QFN package.
ApplicationsAutomatic Test Equipment
Low-Voltage Data-Acquisition Systems
Audio and Video Signal Routing
Medical Equipment
Battery-Powered Equipment
Relay Replacement
FeaturesGuaranteed RON
3.5Ω(+5V or ±2.5V Supplies)(+3V Supply)Guaranteed 0.4ΩRONMatch Between ChannelsGuaranteed 1ΩRONFlatness Over Signal RangeGuaranteed Low Leakage Currents
0.25nA at +25°CSwitching Times: tON =18ns, tOFF= 7ns+1.8V to +5.5V Single-Supply Operation
±2.5V Dual-Supply OperationRail-to-Rail Signal HandlingTTL/CMOS-Logic CompatibleCrosstalk: -80dB (1MHz)Off-Isolation: -60dB (10MHz)
3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1,
Low-Voltage Analog Multiplexers19-1782; Rev 1; 3/02
Ordering InformationRail-to-Rail is a Registered Trademark of Nippon Motorola, Ltd.
Pin Configurations/Functional Diagrams
Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.
3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1,
Low-Voltage Analog Multiplexers
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—+5V Single Supply(V+ = +5V ±10%, V- = 0, VIH= +2.4V, VIL= +0.8V, TA= TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(Voltages Referenced to GND)
V+ to V- .................................................................................+6V
V+, A_, EN ...............................................................-0.3V to +6V
V- ............................................................................+0.3V to -6V
NO_, COM_ (Note1)....................................-0.3V to (V+ + 0.3V)
Continuous Current A_, EN .............................................±30mA
Continuous Current NO_, COM_ ..................................±100mA
Peak Current (NO_, COM_)
(pulsed at 1ms, 10% duty cycle) ..............................±200mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
16-Pin QFN (derate 18.5mW/°C above +70°C)........1481mW
16-Pin TSSOP (derate 5.7mW/°C above +70°C)........457mW
16-Pin SO (derate 8.70mW/°C above +70°C) ............696mW
20-Pin QFN (derate 20mW/°C above +70°C)..........1600mW
Operating Temperature Range
MAX463_E_ E ...............................................-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range ...........................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) ...............................+300°C
Note 1:Signals on COM_, NO_ exceeding V+ or V- are clamped by internal diodes. A_ and EN are clamped only to V- and can
exceed V+ up to their maximum ratings. Limit forward-diode current to maximum current rating.
3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1,
Low-Voltage Analog Multiplexers
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—+5V Single Supply (continued)(V+ = +5V ±10%, V- = 0, VIH= +2.4V, VIL= +0.8V, TA= TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1,
Low-Voltage Analog Multiplexers
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—+3.0V Single Supply(V+ = +2.7V to +3.3V, V- = 0, VIH= +2.0V, VIL= +0.4V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at V+ = +3V
and TA= +25°C.)
3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1,
Low-Voltage Analog Multiplexers
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—+3.0V Single Supply (continued)(V+ = +2.7V to +3.3V, V- = 0, VIH= +2.0V, VIL= +0.4V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at V+ = +3V
and TA= +25°C.)
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—±2.5V Dual Supplies(V+ = +2.5 ±10%, V- = -2.5V ±10%, VIH= +2.0V, VIL= +0.4V, TA=TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at = ±2.5V and TA= +25°C.)
3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1,
Low-Voltage Analog Multiplexers
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—±2.5V Dual Supplies (continued)(V+ = +2.5 ±10%, V- = -2.5V ±10%, VIH= +2.0V, VIL= +0.4V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at = ±2.5V and TA= +25°C.)
this data sheet.
Note 3:∆RON= RON(MAX)- RON(MIN).
Note 4:Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of on-resistance as measured over the
specified analog signal ranges.
Note 5:Guaranteed by design.
Note 6:Off-Isolation = 20log10(VCOM_/ VNO_), VCOM_= output, VNO_= input to off switch.
Note 7:Between any two switches.
Note 8:∆RONmatching specifications for QFN packaged parts are guaranteed by design.
3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1,
Low-Voltage Analog Multiplexersypical Operating Characteristics(V+ = +5V, V- = 0, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
3.5Ω, Single 8:1 and Dual 4:1,
Low-Voltage Analog Multiplexers
Pin Description
Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V+ = +5V, V- = 0, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)