MAX4599EXT ,PLASTIC ENCAPSULATED DEVICESTable of Contents I. ........Device Description V. ........Quality Assurance Information II ..
MAX4599EXT+T ,Low-Voltage, Single-Supply, SPDT Analog Switch in SC70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS— Single +5V Supply(V+ = +4.5V to +5.5V, V = +2.4V, V = +0.8V, T = T to T ..
MAX4599EXT-T ,Low-Voltage / Single-Supply / SPDT Analog Switch in SC70Applications TTL/CMOS-Logic CompatibleBattery-Operated EquipmentAudio and Video Signal Routing - ..
MAX4599EXT-T ,Low-Voltage / Single-Supply / SPDT Analog Switch in SC70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS— Single +5V Supply(V+ = +4.5V to +5.5V, V = +2.4V, V = +0.8V, T = T to T ..
MAX4599EXT-T ,Low-Voltage / Single-Supply / SPDT Analog Switch in SC70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +5V Supply (continued)(V+ =+4.5V to +5.5V, V = +2.4V, V = +0.8V, ..
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MAX8728ETJ+T ,Low-Cost Multiple-Output Power Supply for LCD Monitors/TVsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Circuit of Figure 1, V = V = V = 12V, V = +3.3V, V = 28V, GND1 = GND2 = ..
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July 10, 2003
Written by Reviewed by
Jim Pedicord Bryan J. Preeshl
Quality Assurance Quality Assurance
Reliability Lab Manager Executive Director
Conclusion The MAX4599 successfully meets the quality and reliability standards required of all Maxim products. In addition,
Maxim’s continuous reliability monitoring program ensures that all outgoing product will continue to meet Maxim’s quality
and reliability standards.
Table of Contents
I. ........Device Description V. ........Quality Assurance Information
II. ........Manufacturing Information VI. .......Reliability Evaluation
III. .......Packaging Information IV. .......Die Information .....Attachments
I. Device Description A. General
The MAX4599 single-pole/double-throw (SPDT) switch operates from a +2.0V to +5.5V single supply. It offers 60-
ohms max on-resistance (RON) at +5V and fast switching times (tON = 30ns max, tOFF = 25ns max).
The MAX4599 features excellent RON flatness (4 ohms max) and matching (1-ohm max) between channels. This
device also offers 5pC max charge injection.
The MAX4599 is available in tiny 6-pin SC70 and SOT23 packages. B. Absolute Maximum Ratings Item Rating Voltage Referenced to GND
V+ -0.3V to +6V
IN, COM, NO, NC (Note 1) -0.3V to (V+ + 0.3V)
Continuous Current (any terminal) ±20mA
Peak Current, COM, NO, NC (pulsed at 1ms, 10% duty cycle) ±40mA
Operating Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range -65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) +300°C
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C)
6-Pin SC70 245mW
6-Pin SOT23 571mW
Derates above +70°C
6-Pin SC70 3.1mW/°C
6-Pin SOT23 7.1mW/°C
Note 1: Signals on NO, NC, COM, or IN exceeding V+ or GND are clamped by internal diodes. Limit forward-diode current to maximum current rating.
II. Manufacturing Information A. Description/Function: Low-Voltage, Single-Supply, SPDT Analog Switch in SC70 B. Process: S12 (Standard 1.2 micron silicon gate CMOS) C. Number of Device Transistors: 89
D. Fabrication Location: California or Oregon, USA
E. Assembly Location: Philippines, Thailand or Malaysia F. Date of Initial Production: October, 1997
III. Packaging Information A. Package Type:
6-Pin SC70 6-Pin SOT23 B. Lead Frame: Copper Copper C. Lead Finish: Solder Plate Solder Plate D. Die Attach: Non-Conductive Epoxy Non-Conductive Epoxy E. Bondwire: Gold (1 mil dia.) Gold (1 mil dia.) F. Mold Material: Epoxy with silica filler Epoxy with silica filler
G. Assembly Diagram: # 05-1201-0150 #05-1201-0149
H. Flammability Rating: Class UL94-V0 Class UL94-V0
I. Classification of Moisture Sensitivity
per JEDEC standard JESD22-112: Level 1 Level 1
IV. Die Information A. Dimensions: 32 x 30 mils B. Passivation: Si3N4/SiO2 (Silicon nitride/ Silicon dioxide) C. Interconnect: Aluminum/Si (Si = 1%) D. Backside Metallization: None E. Minimum Metal Width: 1.2 microns (as drawn) F. Minimum Metal Spacing: 1.2 microns (as drawn) G. Bondpad Dimensions: 5 mil. Sq. H. Isolation Dielectric: SiO2 I. Die Separation Method: Wafer Saw
V. Quality Assurance Information A. Quality Assurance Contacts: Jim Pedicord (Reliability Lab Manager) Bryan Preeshl (Executive Director) Kenneth Huening (Vice President) B. Outgoing Inspection Level: 0.1% for all electrical parameters guaranteed by the Datasheet. 0.1% For all Visual Defects. C. Observed Outgoing Defect Rate: < 50 ppm D. Sampling Plan: Mil-Std-105D
VI. Reliability Evaluation A. Accelerated Life Test
The results of the 135°C biased (static) life test are shown in
Table 1. Using these results, the Failure Rate (l) is calculated as follows:
l = 1 = 1.83 (Chi square value for MTTF upper limit)
MTTF 192 x 4389 x 80 x 2 Temperature Acceleration factor assuming an activation energy of 0.8eV l = 13.57 x 10-9 l = 13.57 F.I.T. (60% confidence level @ 25°C)
This low failure rate represents data collected from Maxim’s reliability monitor program. In addition to
routine production Burn-In, Maxim pulls a sample from every fabrication process three times per week and subjects
it to an extended Burn-In prior to shipment to ensure its reliability. The reliability control level for each lot to be
shipped as standard product is 59 F.I.T. at a 60% confidence level, which equates to 3 failures in an 80 piece
sample. Maxim performs failure analysis on any lot that exceeds this reliability control level. Attached Burn-In
Schematic (Spec. # 06-5514) shows the static Burn-In circuit. Maxim also performs quarterly 1000 hour life test
monitors. This data is published in the Product Reliability Report (RR-1M). B. Moisture Resistance Tests
Maxim pulls pressure pot samples from every assembly process three times per week. Each lot sample
must meet an LTPD = 20 or less before shipment as standard product. Additionally, the industry standard
85°C/85%RH testing is done per generic device/package family once a quarter.
C. E.S.D. and Latch-Up Testing The AH67 die type has been found to have all pins able to withstand a transient pulse of ±1500V, per Mil-
Std-883 Method 3015 (reference attached ESD Test Circuit). Latch-Up testing has shown that this device
withstands a current of ±50mA.
Table 1 Reliability Evaluation Test Results
Static Life Test (Note 1) Ta = 135°C DC Parameters 80 0 Biased & functionality Time = 192 hrs.
Moisture Testing (Note 2) Pressure Pot Ta = 121°C DC Parameters SC70 77 0 P = 15 psi. & functionality SOT23 77 0 RH= 100% Time = 168hrs. 85/85 Ta = 85°C DC Parameters 77 0 RH = 85% & functionality Biased Time = 1000hrs.
Mechanical Stress (Note 2) Temperature -65°C/150°C DC Parameters 77 0 Cycle 1000 Cycles & functionality Method 1010
Note 1: Life Test Data may represent plastic DIP qualification lots.
Note 2: Generic Package/Process data
Attachment #1 TABLE II. Pin combination to be tested. 1/ 2/ 1/ Table II is restated in narrative form in 3.4 below. 2/ No connects are not to be tested. 3/ Repeat pin combination I for each named Power supply and for ground (e.g., where VPS1 is VDD, VCC, VSS, VBB, GND, +VS, -VS, VREF, etc). 3.4 Pin combinations to be tested. a. Each pin individually connected to terminal A with respect to the device ground pin(s) connected to terminal B. All pins except the one being tested and the ground pin(s) shall be open. b. Each pin individually connected to terminal A with respect to each different set of a combination of all named power supply pins (e.g., VSS1, or VSS2 or VSS3 or VCC1, or VCC2) connected to terminal B. All pins except the one being tested and the power supply pin or set of pins shall be open. c. Each input and each output individually connected to terminal A with respect to a combination of all the other input and output pins connected to terminal B. All pins except the input or output pin being tested and the combination of all the other input and output pins shall be open.
(NOTE 6)
R = 1.5kW
C = 100pf
S2 R1