MAX457CPA ,Dual CMOS Video AmplifierApplications
Driving Flash Converters
Video Distribution Amplifiers
Wplcll Operating Circuit
MAX457CPA ,Dual CMOS Video AmplifierApplications
Driving Flash Converters
Video Distribution Amplifiers
Wplcll Operating Circuit
MAX457CPA ,Dual CMOS Video AmplifierApplications
Driving Flash Converters
Video Distribution Amplifiers
Wplcll Operating Circuit
MAX457CPA ,Dual CMOS Video Amplifier19-1318; Flev tk 2/89
Dual CMOS Vldeo Amplifier
The MAX457 cont ..
MAX457CPA+ ,Dual, 70MHz Video AmplifierFeatures
. Unity-Gain Bandwidth of 70MHz
. Low Input Capacitance: 4pF
. No Frequency Compe ..
MAX457CSA ,Dual CMOS Video AmplifierApplications
Driving Flash Converters
Video Distribution Amplifiers
Wplcll Operating Circuit
MAX8678ETE+ ,White LED Charge Pump with 1.1W Audio AmplifierApplications PART PIN-PACKAGE TOP MARK PKG CODECell Phones and Smartphones16 Thin QFNMAX8678ETE+ AF ..
MAX8678ETE+T ,White LED Charge Pump with 1.1W Audio AmplifierFeaturesThe MAX8678 integrates a charge pump for white light- ♦ High-Efficiency White LED Charge Pu ..
MAX867ESA ,3.3V/5V or Adjustable-Output / Single-Cell DC-DC ConvertersMAX866/MAX86719-0374; Rev 1; 5/963.3V/5V or Adjustable-Output, Single-Cell DC-DC Converters________ ..
MAX867ESA+ ,3.3V/5V or Adjustable Output, Single-Cell DC-DC ConvertersFeaturesThe MAX866 and MAX867 are ultra-small, high-efficiency,♦ 0.8V to 6.0V Input Supply Voltage ..
MAX867EUA ,3.3V/5V or Adjustable-Output / Single-Cell DC-DC ConvertersGeneral Description ________
MAX867EUA ,3.3V/5V or Adjustable-Output / Single-Cell DC-DC ConvertersApplicationsPART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGEPagers MAX866C/D 0°C to +70°C Dice*Remote Controls MA ..
Dual CMOS Video Amplifier
19- 1318; Rev 0; 2/89
Dual GEES Video 21mgtfff'for
General Description
The MAX457 contains two unity-galn stable video
amplifiers that are capable of driving 75n loads with
a -3dB bandwidth of 70MHz. The amplifiers operate
from A5V supplies and together consume about
350mW of power. Closed loop ain Is set by two
external resustors. The pinout of t e MAX457 follows
that of conventional 8-pin, dual op amps.
The amplifiers require no external compensation and
because of the CMOS process offer low input bias
current of typically 100pA. The isolation between the
amplifiers is typically 72dB at 5MHz and differential
phase and gain are 0.2 degrees and 0.5% respectively.
75n Cable Drivers
Output Amplifiers for Video Crosspoint
High Speed, Low Gain Applications
Driving Flash Converters
Video Distribution Amplifiers
Typical Ommtlng Glrcult
+51! AN
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INPUT l MAX457 I d -
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MAX457 Dual Video 70MHz Distribution Amplifier
Unlty-Galn Bandwldm of 70MHz
Low Input Capacitance: 4pF
No Frequency Compensation Required
Low Input Bias Current: 100pA
Directly Drives rsn Cables
High Isolatlon Between Arnpllflerw. 72dB at SMHa
t Low Offset Voltage: 2mV
Ordering 'nhtrrgtgtthtn
MAX457CPA tPC to +70°c a Lead mum DIP .
MAX457CSA tPC to '70''C a Lead so I
MAX457C/D tPC to +70°c Dice ;
MAX457EPA MtPC to +ss°c a Lead Plastic DIP i
MAX457EJA MtPC to +85''C 8 Lead CERDIP 1
Pin 0041mm
Top View
tnm E MAXIM E w
AM l: jlouu
Hm LE Trl-trea
W E MAX457 Cslem
Maxim Integrated Products 1
& the latest literature: http://wwwmaxim-Ic.com,
MAX“ 7
Dual cams Video Amplifier
Total Supply Voltage tv' to vo ..................... 12V
Analog Input Voltage ........... (V* *0.3V) to (V' -0.3V)
Storage Temperature Range ............ -65''C to +150°C
Operating Temperature Range
MAX457C/D ............................. tPC to +70°C
MAX457EPA, MAX457EJA .............. M0''C to '85''C
Lead temperature (Soldering 10 sec) ............ +300°C
Duration of Output Short Circuit to Ground ... Indefinite
lnpth Current, power on or ott .................. iSOmA
Continuous Total Power Dissipation at 7tPC
Plastic DIP (derate 8.3mW/°C above 7tPC) ..... 660mW
CEHDIP (dame 8.0mW/°C above 70°C) ........ 640mW
Small Outline (demo 5.9mW/°C above 70''C) ... 470mw
Stresses abon those listed under absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Those are stress ratings only, and
functional operation of the (10ka ttt Mass or any other conditions nbava those indicnod In the operational sections of the specification Is not
implied. Exposure to nbaolulo maximum rating condition: for extended periods may alloct device reliability.
N' = HN, V" = AN, -2V s VIN s +2V, Output Load Resistor = 1500, Ts = '25''C, unless otherwise noted.)
Input Voltage Range Vm Over Temperature Range -2 +2 V
Input Offset Voltage Vos -5 12 +5 mV
Offset Voltage Drlft dVos/dT 20 100 pV/°C
TA = +25°C 0.1 1
Input Bias Current l5 Ts = +70°C 5 40 nA
TA = +85°C 15 100
Input Resistance Rm T. = '25''C 10 Gn
Input Capacitance Cm Plastic Package 4 pF
RL = 10000 200 300
Open Loop Voltage Gain Arte Ru = 1500 45 65 WV
RL = 750 25 35
'i,'',',,''));,',':'',,),",,),'.,,'),':,,, We won 2: hPC
gzgmon Mode Rejection CMRR -2V S Vm s +2V 66 dB
2233' Supply Rejection PSRR 14.5w to A5.5V 66 dB
Slew Rate SR (Note 1) 150 an V/ps
-3dB Bandwidth GBW1 Av = M8, RL = 750 (Note 1) 50 70 MHz
-3dB Bandwidth GBW2 Av = 6dB, RL = 1500 (Note 1) 35 50 MHz
Differential Phase Error DP (Notes l, 2) 0.2 deg
Differential Gain Error DG (Notes 1, 2) 0.5 %
Settling Time to 1% ts & = 1500, Av = 6dB 50 ns
Output Impedance q Rour f = 100kHz, Av = 0dB 2 n
Full Scale Output Current low RL = 1500 k15 A20 mA
Output Voltage Swing VOUT RL = 1500 A2.1 $2.5 V
Input Noise, DC to 50MHz VN (Note 1) 0.15 0.5 mVmas
1t,tltld'''tv"''"1 ISOL f= 5MHz (Note 1) 60 72 dB
Operating Supply Voltage V', V" 14.5 15.5 V
Supply Current Is :2 : :gZE Both Amplifiers 333 33 fi mA
Non 1: Guaranteed by design.
Note 2: Input test signal: 3.58MHz sine wave of amplitude 40 IRE superimposed on a linear ramp (0 to 100 IRE). The amplifier
is operated at a gain ot 2VN white driving a 1500 load. 140 lRE = 1.0V.