MAX452EPA ,CMOS Video Multiplexer/AmplifierFeatures
_ Unlty-galn bandwidth of 50MHz typ.
Low Input capacitance: 7pF typ.
No frequency ..
MAX452ESA+ ,50MHz Video Amplifier and Mux AmpsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAX452/3/4/5
(V + = +5V, V‘ = -w, -2vs Mn S +2V, Output Load Resistor=1 ..
MAX4530CAP ,Low-Voltage / CMOS Analog Multiplexers/Switches with Enable Inputs and Address LatchingELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies(V+ = +5V ±10%, V- = -5V ±10%, GND = 0V, V = V = V = 2.4V, ..
MAX4530CAP ,Low-Voltage / CMOS Analog Multiplexers/Switches with Enable Inputs and Address LatchingApplicationsBattery-Operated Equipment PART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGEMAX4530CPP 0°C to +70°C 20 Plast ..
MAX4530CAP+ ,Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers Switches with Enable Inputs and Address LatchingFeaturesThe MAX4530/MAX4531/MAX4532 are low-voltage,♦ Pin Compatible withCMOS analog ICs configured ..
MAX4530CWP ,Low-Voltage / CMOS Analog Multiplexers/Switches with Enable Inputs and Address LatchingFeaturesThe MAX4530/MAX4531/MAX4532 are low-voltage,' Pin Compatible withCMOS analog ICs configured ..
MAX8595XETA+T ,High-Efficiency, 36V Step-Up Converters with TA Derating Option for 2 to 9 White LEDsFeatures♦ Up to Nine LEDs at 25mAThe MAX8595X/MAX8596X drive up to nine white LEDswith constant cur ..
MAX8595ZETA+ ,High-Efficiency, 32V Step-Up Converters with TA Derating Option for 2 to 8 White LEDsApplications ♦ TDFN 3mm x 3mm x 0.8mm Package with Exposed PaddleCell Phones and Smart PhonesOrderi ..
MAX8595ZETA+T ,High-Efficiency, 32V Step-Up Converters with TA Derating Option for 2 to 8 White LEDsfeatures an♦ Flexible Dimming Controlambient-temperature derating function to avoid over-Analogdriv ..
MAX8596XETA+ ,High-Efficiency, 36V Step-Up Converters with TA Derating Option for 2 to 9 White LEDsMAX8595X/MAX8596X19-3485; Rev 2; 7/06High-Efficiency, 36V Step-Up Converterswith T Derating Option ..
MAX8596XETA+T ,High-Efficiency, 36V Step-Up Converters with TA Derating Option for 2 to 9 White LEDsfeatures an♦ Flexible Dimming Controlambient-temperature derating function to avoid over-Analogdriv ..
MAX8596ZETA+ ,High-Efficiency, 32V Step-Up Converters with TA Derating Option for 2 to 8 White LEDsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 3.0V, L = 22µH, C = 2.2µF, C = 0.1µF, C = 0.1µF, R = 13Ω , V = 1.5V, ..
CMOS Video Multiplexer/Amplifier
'947978; Rev 0; 7/87
General Description
The MAX452 Is a unity-galn stable, 50MHz video amplifier
capable of driving a 75 ohm load directly. The MAX453,
MAX454. and MAX455 combine the 50MHz video ampli-
ter, of the MAX452. with an on-board multiplexer offering
2, 4, or 8 channels respectively. All of the MAX452tamily
devices operate from ehN supplies and typically con-
sume only 250mW.
Optimized for video applications, these amprfmrs will
directly drive a 150 ohm load to WI, and will swing tIV
into a 75 ohm load. All amplifiers are unity-gain stable and
do not require external frequency compensation com-
ponents. The MAX453/454/455 operate as positive-gain
ampWors, gain being set by Mo external resistors. Since
they are connected as non-lnverting amprfers, their
minimum closed-loop gain is OdB. In most applications
the ampWer's closed-Ioop gain will be set at MB or
+6dB (1 VN or 2 VN), which guarantees a minimum
bandwidth of 25MHz.
Video signal multiplexing
75 ohm cable drivers
Driving tiash converters
Video Crosspoinl Switches
OM05 Video Multiplexer/Amplifier
. . Unlty-galn bandwidth of SOMHz typ.
. Low Input capacitance: TPF typ.
. No trequency-compensatlon required
. Low power operation: 250mW typ.
. Low blas cunent: 10pA typ.
. Directly drives 75 ohm cable
. 70 dB typical OFF Isolation at 4 MHz
Ordering Information
MAX452CPA 0°C to + 70°C a lead plastic DIP
MAXASZCSA 0°C to f 70°C a lead small-outllne
MAX4520/D 0°Cto +7o°c che
MAX452EPA -4tf'tg to +85°C a lead plastlc DIP
MAX452EJA -4oocta + 8tioC a lead canon:
MAX452MJA -55°c to + 125°C 8 lead canon
MAX4530PA trot) to ' 70°C a lead plastic DIP
MAX453GSA tPty to ' 70°C a lead small-outline
MAX453EPA -4tf'Cto +85%; 8 lead plastic DIP
MAX453EJA 40°C to +05°c a lead CERDIP
MAX453MJA -550tg to + 125°C 8 lead CERDIP
MAX454CPD o°c lo ' 70°C 14 lead plastic DlP
MAX454080 0°C to + rooc 14 lead smalI-outllne
MAX454EPD -aooC to +ss°c 14 lead piasuc DIP
MAX454EJD 40°C to +35°c 14 lead CERDIP
(Ordering [Monnatlon Continued on Last Page.)
Pin Configurations
Top Wme
mnxun -m
MAX453 "
& the latest literature: http://,
Maxim Integrated Products 1
MAX452/ 3/ 4/ 5
CM03 Video Multiplexer/Amplifier
Total Supply Vona 9 (Veto, vn
Posmve Supply Volta age NCI. GND ............
Naganve Supply Voltage, v- (rel. GN )
Anal Input Voltage ..' ................ (V“’)+03 3V V10 (t) G. 3V
Dlglt Input Voltage ....................... Vto N')' +0. l V
Storage Temperature Range .................. -ei',lol c to +1eo°c
0 min Tern ralure Ran 9
'l'h"I'l%',h' posse. g
MAX454thMAX455C .......................... 0°C to ' 7o°c
MAX454E.MAX455E ......................... -4o°c to + 85°C
MAX454M,MAX455M ...................... -55"C to +125°C
Lead temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) ...................... 300°C
Durallon ot Output Shon-CIrcull to ground . . . ........... Irtdetlnlte
Input Current, power on or on
Dlgltal Inputs ............................. t 20 mA
All other plns ...................................... F, 50 mA
Oontlnuous Total Power Dlsslpatlon (TA: +70° C)
8 Pln CERDIP (aerate 8.0mW/°C above 70°C) ........... 640mW
14 Pin CERDIP (derate 9.5mW/°c above 70°C) ............ 760mW
20 Pln CERDIP (aerate 11.1mW/°C above 70°C) ........... 690mw
SPin Plastic DIP (derate 8.3mW/°C above 70°C) ....... 660mW
14 Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.0mW/°C above 70°C) ....... 800mW
20 Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.1mW/°C above 70°C) _....... 890mW
tl Pin SmaII-Outllne (aerate 5.9rnwtoC above 70°C) ....... 320mw
14 Pln Small-Outline (aerate 8.7mW/°C above 70°C) ....... 480mW
20 Pln Small-Outllne (derale 10.0mW/°c above 70°C) ...... 550mW
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional
operation ot the device at these oranyother conditions above those indicated In the operational sections a! the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may elect device "rliability.
(V+ = + 5V, V‘ = -5V, -2Vs Mn S + 2V, Output Load Rssistor--150fy,TA = + 25°C unless otherwise noted)
(MAX452/3/4/5) '
Input Voltage Range VIN Over Temperature Range (Note 2) -2 2 V
Input Offset Voltage Vos 2 5 mV
Offset Voltage Drift AVos/AT (Note 5) 20 100 )LV/°C
Input Bias Current TA = +25''C (Note 1) 0.01 10
Ir, Over Temperature C 1 10 n A
Range (Notes 1,2) E 3 30
M 50 500
Input Resistance Rm 1011 - n
Open-Loop Voltage Gain R L = 1000.0, 180 260
AVOL R L = 1500 45 7o VN
R L = 750 25 38
Open-Loop Gain Drift AAVOL/AT RL =150.0. 0.5 %/°C
P.ynon-Mode Re’ecum CMRR -2V C Vm s + av 60 80 dB
Power Supply Rejection PSRR , 4.5V to t 5.5V dB
Slew Rate SR (Note 5) 150 300 V/ps
Not. 1: Input bias current Includes the mueimxers ON-slale leakage cunem tor Ihe MAX453. W454 and MAX455.
Note 2: Operating temperature range tar "C" devlces Is 0°C to root:, tor "E" devIces Is -40°c to + 85°C. and tor "M" devices ls -55''c to + 125°C.
Not. t.. Input test signal: 3.58MHZ slnewave of amplitude 40 IRE superimposed on a Ilnear ramp (0 to 100 IRE), The ampWer ls operated at a galn of 2WV
whlle dtMng a 150 ohm kgad.
Not. 1: Guaranteed over the voltage Iange, v-< VIN
Not. 5: Guaranteed by design. (Continued on next page)