MAX441CPP ,High-Speed Video Multiplixer/AmplifierFeatures
. 160MHz Unity Galn Bandwidth
. 110MHz Bandwidth (Av = 6dB)
. 0.037004% Differential ..
MAX441CWP ,High-Speed Video Multiplixer/Amplifierapplications with a closed-loop gain of 6dB or greater.
An enable control on the MAX44O places the ..
MAX441EPP ,High-Speed Video Multiplixer/AmplifierGeneral Description
The MAX44O and MAX441 combine a unity-gain stable,
wideband video amplifier ..
MAX4420CPA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversGeneral Description
The MAX4420, MAX4429 and MXT429 are single-output
MOSFET drivers designed t ..
MAX4420CSA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversFeatures
. TTL/CMOS Compatible (IN f 10pA)
. 4.5V to 18V Supply Range (MAX4420/MAX4429)
O 1.59 ..
MAX4420CSA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversApplications
Switching Power Supplies
DC-DC Converters
Motor Controllers
Pin-Diode Drivers
MAX824SEXK+ ,5-Pin Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits with Watchdog Timer and Manual ResetELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +4.75V to +5.5V for MAX82_L, V = +4.5V to +5.5V for MAX82_M, V = +3. ..
MAX824TEUK+T ,5-Pin Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits with Watchdog Timer and Manual ResetFeaturesThe MAX823/MAX824/MAX825* microprocessor (µP) ♦ Precision Monitoring of +2.5V, +3V, +3.3V, ..
MAX825LEUK ,Microprocessor supervisory circuit. Reset threshold 4.63V. Active-low reset. Active-high reset. Manual reset input.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +4.75V to +5.5V for MAX82_L, V = +4.5V to +5.5V for MAX82_M, V = +3. ..
MAX825LEUK+T ,5-Pin Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits with Watchdog Timer and Manual ResetMAX823/MAX824/MAX82519-0487; Rev 5; 12/055-Pin Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits WithWatchdog Tim ..
MAX825LEUK+T ,5-Pin Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits with Watchdog Timer and Manual ResetFeaturesThe MAX823/MAX824/MAX825* microprocessor (µP) ♦ Precision Monitoring of +2.5V, +3V, +3.3V, ..
MAX825LEUK-T ,5-Pin Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits with Watchdog Timer and Manual ResetApplications MAX823_EXK-T-40°C to +85°CMAX823_EUK-T 5 SOT23-5-40°C to +125°CComputers and Controlle ..
High-Speed Video Multiplixer/Amplifier
19-4701: Rev 1; 7/95
General Description
The MAX440 and MAX441 combine a unity-gain stable,
wideband video amplifier with a high-speed, 8- or 4-
channel multiplexer (mux). The mux's fast 15ns switching
time and the amplifier's low differential gain and phase
errors (0.04% and 0.03'', respectively) make the
MAX440/MAX441 ideal for broadcast-quality video
applications. Both devices operate from i5V power
supplies and typically consume only 350mW.
The on-board video amplifier features a 160MHz unity-
gain bandwidth, 250V/us slew rate, and directly drives a
1509 load to WN. Pin-selectable frequency compensa-
tion allows the amplifier's AC response to be optimized
without external compensation components or complex
calculations. Slew rates of 37OV/ps are obtainable for
applications with a closed-loop gain of 6dB or greater.
An enable control on the MAX440 places the amplifier
output into a high-impedance state, allowing multiple
devices to be paralleled to form larger switch matrices.
The mux's low channel-input capacitance (4pF with
channel on or off) maximizes high-speed performance.
No input channels are located on adjacent package pins,
minimizing crosstalk and simplifying board layout.
Video Signal Multiplexing
Video Crosspoint Switches
Coaxial-Cable Drivers
Video Editing
Video Security Systems
Medical Imaging
MVD 2tfDjClLAy1]
High-Speed Video Uilullg'iipllexeidampllnieir
. 160MHz Unity Galn Bandwidth
' 110MHz Bandwidth (Av = 6dB)
. 0.03‘I0.04% Differential Phase/Gain Error
0 15ns Channel Switch Time
. 370V/gs Slew Rate
6 Dlrectly Drives 50n Cables
. 4pF On/Off Input Capatritamre
. No External Compensation Components
t PIn-Seletttttttie Frequency Compensation
6 Expandable for Larger Switch Matrices
Ordering Information
MAX440CPI 0°C to +70°C 28 Plastic DIP
MAX44OCWI 0°C to +70°C 28 Wide so
MAX440C/D 0°C to +70°C Dice'
MAX44OEPI -40''C to +85°C 28 Plastic DIP
MAX440EWI -40''C to +85°C 28 Wide so
MAX440MDI -55°C to +125°C 28 Ceramic SB"
MAX441CPP 0''C to +70''C 20 Plastic DIP
MAX441CWP 0'C to +70'C 20 Wide so
MAX441EPP -40°C to +85°C 20 Plastic DIP
MAX441EWP -40°C to +8S'C 20 Wide SO
. Dice are specified at +25 "C, DC parameters.
"Contact factory for availability and processing to MIL-STD-883.
Typical Operating Circuit
High-Speed Signal Processing 0W
Pin Configurations 01.11 f 4 EL
= s 21 22 Mill
-llf l 28 We; 15 IN7 00MP20 NC
LEVEL/EDGE E g] EN . v 13 . . 759 VIDEO
m1 [E mum: Es] A2 .l_N().li] 20 MNS 11 INS + 19 75n CABLE OUTPUT
GND E MAX440 E] Al LEVEUEDGEE mxw t9 Al 9 IN5 -
" E % A0 GNDE MAX441 18 M W4 -/ 2709 = 759
IN3 E E " " 5 w 5 N 2709 T
V- E ill V+ v-IE E COMP 3 (NI
IN4 E g] COMP 1112.14 Vow 1 =
GND E E Vout " E 13 IN- wo
INS E E IN- GND i t2 ll- A2 A1 A0 EN
(IN0 [E 'f,',; v- it') END 26 25 24 If a 16 l AN
Ni g 16 V- ' ' 0.1pF _ 0.1uF
(N) In .5 IN SELECT = l
MAXIM Maximlntegrated Products 1
a the latest literature: http://,
Mh'tglhr4Bparadl Waba Uhdltlhplltarmarii'laiiinipillMitsiis
Supply Voltage (V+ to V-) ...... . ..................... 12V
Analog InputVoltage ............. (V+ + 0.3V) to (V- - 0.3V)
Digital Input Voltage .................. -O.3V to (V+ + 0.3V)
Short-CircuitCurrent Duration ................... 1 minute
Input Current to Any Pin, Power On or Off ........... i50mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C)
204% Plastic DIP (derate 8.0)mWI' C above +70'C) . . . 640mW
20-Pin Wide SO (derate 10.00mW/'C above +70'C) . . . 800mW
289m Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mW/‘C above +70'C) . . . 727mW
28-Pin \MdeSO (aerate 12.50:an C above +70'C) . . . 1000mW
28Pin Ceramic SB (derate 16.67mWI' C above +70'C) . 1333mW
Stresses be
Operating Temperature Ranges:
44_C_ ............................. tYC to +70'C
MAX44_E_ ........................... -40'C to +850
MAX440MDI ........................... -55'C to +125'C
Storage Temperature Range .............. -65°C to +150'C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) .............. +300'C
d those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings' may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings on ' and functional
operation a the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not impl
. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(V+ = 5V, V- = -5V, VNS = AN, RL = 1509, TA = +25'C. unless otherwise noted.)
PARAMETER _lrmaBor.r commons I MIN TYP MAX I uurrs
I gut Voltage Range VIN TA = TMIN to TMAX -2 2 V
TA = +25'C $2.5 110
Input Offset Voltage V DC to +70'C t10
(All Channels) -40'C to .r85'C 115
-55'C to +125'C A20
TA = +25'C tl 12
Input Bias Current I - 0°C to +7o'c Hi
B VIN - 0V “A
(Channel On) 40.0 to +85'C 15
-55'C to +125'C t20
Input Leakage Current I V TA = +25'C 10.5 150 nA
IN = 0V
(Channel Off) LKG TA = mm to TMAX Al 11A
Input Resistance R -2V s; V s 2V TA = +25'C 0.5 2 Mn
(Channel On) IN CM TA = TMIN to TMAX 0.2
Input Capacitance Cm Channel on or off 4 pF
DC Output Resistance ROUT Av = MB 25 mo
Disabled Outppt Resistance ROUTdis MAX440 only, EN = 0V 130 kn
Disabled Output Capacitance Coumis MAX440 only, EN = 0V 15 pF
. RL = 759, TA = +25'C 50 60
C) n-Loo Volta e Gain Av L dB
pe p g ty -2V S VOUT S +2V TA = TMIN to TMAX 46
9o.rpmon-Mode Rejection CMRR -2V s VIN s +2V TA = +25'C 46 dB
Ratio TA = TMIN to TMAX 4O
.eoytsr-Supply Rejection PSRR . i4.75V to 15.25V TA = +25'C 54 dB
Ratio TA = TMIN to TMAX 54
. TA = +25'C t3
Out ut Volta e Swin V T V
p g g ou TA = TMIN to TMAX t2