MAX4391CSA ,CMOS Micropower Inverting Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(+VS = +6.0V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted)
MAx634 MAX4391 - ..
MAX4391CSA ,CMOS Micropower Inverting Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(+VS = +6.0V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted)
MAx634 MAX4391 - ..
MAX4391CSA+ ,CMOS, Micropower, Inverting Switching RegulatorFeatures
. Converts Positive Voltage to Negative Voltage
. Low Operating Current-loop
. Compact ..
MAX4391ESA ,CMOS Micropower Inverting Switching RegulatorGeneral Description
Maxim's MAX634 and MAX4391 CMOS DC-DC regu-
lators are designed for simple, ..
MAX4391ESA ,CMOS Micropower Inverting Switching RegulatorGeneral Description
Maxim's MAX634 and MAX4391 CMOS DC-DC regu-
lators are designed for simple, ..
MAX4391ESA+ ,CMOS, Micropower, Inverting Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(+VS = +6.0V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted)
MAx634 MAX4391 - ..
MAX8215EPD ,5V / 12V (15V) Dedicated Microprocessor Voltage MonitorsGeneral Description ________
MAX8215ESD ,5V / 12V (15V) Dedicated Microprocessor Voltage MonitorsApplications' Wide Supply Range: 2.7V to 11VMicroprocessor Voltage Monitor' Built-In Hysteresis+5V, ..
MAX8215ESD+ ,±5V, ±12V (±15V) Dedicated Microprocessor Voltage MonitorsFeatures♦ 4 Dedicated Comparators plus 1 AuxiliaryThe MAX8215 contains five voltage comparators; fo ..
MAX8215ESD+ ,±5V, ±12V (±15V) Dedicated Microprocessor Voltage MonitorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +5V, GND = 0V, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted.)DD A MIN MAXPARA ..
MAX8216CPD ,5V / 12V (15V) Dedicated Microprocessor Voltage MonitorsMAX8215/MAX821619-0169; Rev 0; 8/93±5V, ±12V (±15V) DedicatedMicroprocessor Voltage Monitors_______ ..
MAX8216CSD ,5V / 12V (15V) Dedicated Microprocessor Voltage MonitorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +5V, GND = 0V, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted.)DD A MIN MAXPARA ..
CMOS Micropower Inverting Switching Regulator
"r,9-35, If F-iev a 5/86
2hlAL4ll Diet [LAM]
CMOS Micropower
Inverting Switching Regulator
General Description
Maxim' s MAX634 and MAX4391 CMOS DC- DC regu-
lators are designed for simple, efficient, inverting
DC-DC converter circuits. The MAX634 and MAX4391
switching regulators provide all control and power
handling functions in a compact 8 pin package: a
1.25V bandgap reference, an oscillator, a comparator
for output voltage regulation, and a 525mA P-channel
output MOSFET. A second comparator is also pro-
vided for convenient low battery detection.
The operating current is typically 100yA and is nearly
independent of output switch current and duty cycle.
thus ensuring high efficiency even in low power
battery operated systems. Operating in the inverting
configuration, the MAX634 and MAX4391 can convert
a positive input voltage in the range of +3V to 16.5V
to any negative output voltage up to -20V.
These devices are pin compatible enhancements of
the Raytheon bipolar circuit, RC4391. Improvements
include significantly higher efficiency, extended low
voltage operation and improved output voltage
accuracy (MAX634),
Maxim manufactures a broad line of DC-DC COnver-
ters, including the MAX635, MAX636, and MAX637;
which reduce the external component count in fixed
-5V, -12V, and 15V output DC-DC converter circuits,
See Table 2 on the last page of this data sheet for a
summary of other Maxim DC-DC converters.
- e - Applica tions
High Efficiency Battery Powered DC- DC
Board Level. Local Power Supply Generation
Regulated Negative Output Power Supplies
HN to :12V or I15V Power Conversion
Regulated Voltage Inverters
Pin Configuration
Top View
UN ' Ei m
Gil E MAX634 El um
Ex 2 E) 'lls
Mil E 5 Lt
_ Features
Converts Positive Voltage to Negative Voltage
Low Operating Current-100pA
Compact 8 Pin MiniDlP and so Packages
High Efficiency-MP/o Typical
Low Battery Detector
4% Output Voltage Accuracy (MAX634)
+3V to +16.5V Input Voltage Range
. Adjustable Output Voltage
-Up to -20V with Simple Coil
-Virtua0y Unlimited Voltage with
Ordering Information
s-sAxs:-ruFro' 0°C to:70°C (ice
WXEMCPA tVC to am: H 8 Lead Plastic DIP
MAX634CSA oac to +70%: 8 Lead SmaII (J_utline
MAX634EPA -40''C to 435°C 8 Lead Plastic DIP
WRMESA -40°C to ~85 c a Lead Small Outline
T/IAxeaAEJA we to ~as=c a Lead CERDIP
MAX634MJA 5560 to '125oC 8 Lead CERDIP'
MAxaaeicID _ 'occ Io +7030 Dice g
MAX4391CPA 0°C trf,70cc '3 Leaci PlastIc DIP
WMSQiCS—A H 000 to +7000 8 Lead Small oIIIiII-Ieg
MAX4391EPA H -40''C to 435°C 8 7Lead P astic DIP -
MAX4391ESA TA: Io -85'C a Lead Small Outune
MAx43eIEJA -40=c to 'B5°CH 8 Lead CERDIP -
¥MAX4391MJA -55''C to ~15°C 8 Lead CERDIP -
Typical Operating Circuit
I _ ~av III ly
LaII As he 8 av uu
Lilo MAX634 Van
l~ "W-
Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call ton free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
[- 6817XVMI/1789XVW
CMOS Micropower
Inverting Switching Regulator
Supply Voltage (Note l) ............................... +18V Power Chssipaton
Storage Temperature Range ............... -65°C to +160°C Plastic DIP (derate 8.33mW/°C above +50°C) ...... 625mW
Lead Temperature (Soldering. 10 seconds) ............ +300°C Small Outline (derate 6mW/''C above ~SO°C) ...... 450mW
Operahng Temperature Range CERDIP (aerate BmW/°C above '50''C) .......... 800mW
MAX634C, MAX4391C .................... 0°C to -70'C Input Voltage. Pins l, 3. 8 (Note 2) ......... 0 3V to 'Nh-, 10.3V
MAX634E, MAX4391E .................... -40"C) to *85‘0 Lx Output Current ........................... 525mA Peak
MAX634M, MAX4391M ................. -55''C to 425°C LBD Output Current ................................ 50mA
Stresses above those l/slad under "Absolule Maximum Ratings' may cause permanent damage IO the dawns Ihese are stress ral/ngs only. and Iuncrvnnal
opelahon of the dewce at these or any olher cond/I/ons above those mdwaled if [he operational sechOns of the specihcatons IS not Imp/red Exposure Io
absolute maxvmum rahngs condmons for extended pellods may affect dewce rehabmly
Ws = '6 OV, TA = +25%). unless otherwise noted)
MAX4 -
Supply Voltage (Note l) *VS 2/3 18.5 4.0 16 5 V
No External Loads
Supply Currem IIN ovs : 4 av 70 150 90 250 PA
'Vs = 16.5V 150 500 170 500
V001 ”om -- -5OV -520 -480 -5.35 -4 65
Output Voltage ' vow m = -15IN 45.70 -1430 -15_85 -1415 V
Voor nom = -5OV o
Lme Regulation (Note 4) Vw = 5.0V1015V 2.0 3.0 /uV,,m
Voor mm = -5.OV
*VS r, 4.5V, c, -- 350PF 0 4 O 4
Load Regulation (Note 4) PLOAD yhlw, to 75mW 00va
V007 nom - -15 0V
1V5:45V,Cx=350pF 0.14 0.14
P.0AD = OmW Io 75mW
Heterence Voltage 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.18 1 25 1 32 V
Switch Current ISW Pin 5 a 5.0V 75 150 75 150 mA
Switch Leakage Current tco Pin 5 I -18V, *VS T 6V 0.01 IO 0 01 5,0 ssA
I Capacvtor Charging Current 'cx 30 30 0A
C, f Threshold Voltage ~VS - 0.1 +VS - 01 V
1 Cx - Threshold Voltage 01 01
Operating Frequency Range
( (Note3) F0 0.1 75 0,1 75 kHz
Low Battery Output Current 'Lao VB = 0 4V. V, a Inv 500 1000 250 600 “A
_ Low Battery Output Leakage ILBDO v5 : 165V. v, 7 1 4V 0.01 3 0 0 01 5 0 MA
Lt_-otiitrt:ery Input Threshold ' 1.25 - 1.257 v, H
1 Low Battery InputBas Current Man 0.01 10 0.01 10 r"A
1 Feedback Input Bias Current Irs 0 01 10 0.01 10 nA
r Ethcierocy Figure 2 80 80 l %
Note 1: In addmon to me Absolute Mammum rating of '18V.themputvoltage also must not exceed 24 - 14/0011
Note 2: The input voltage limit may be exceeded prowded Input current 15 Ilrmtec to less than 1mA
Note 3: The operatmg frequency range vs guaranteed by design and uermeo With sample test ng,
Note 4: Gmranlced by correlation wwlh DC pulse measurements,
2 lVl/le/VI