MAX435CPD ,Wideband Trasconductance AmplifiersGeneral Description
The MAX435 and MAX436 are high-speed, wideband
transconductance amplifiers ..
MAX435CPD ,Wideband Trasconductance AmplifiersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS - MAX435
(V+ = W, V- = -5v, -2.5vs IN+ s 2.5V, -2.5V s IN- s 2.5V, ZL+ ..
MAX435CPD+ ,Wideband Trasconductance AmplifiersGeneral Description
The MAX435 and MAX436 are high-speed, wideband
transconductance amplifiers ..
MAX435EPD ,Wideband Trasconductance Amplifiers19-0042; Rev 1; 4/93
[VI lle/VI
Wideband 'rransetondluctamte Amplifiers
MAX435ESD ,Wideband Trasconductance Amplifiersapplications, sucn a5 lllgll'apku "F%Pbtbr0r's'''""'"''"' -
plitiers and wideband, high-gain bandp ..
MAX435ESD+T ,250MHz Wideband Transconductance Amplifier with Differential Output Not Recommended for New Designs This product was manufactured for Maxim by an outside wafer foun ..
MAX815LCSA ,+-1% accuracy, low-power, microprocessor supervisory circuit. Reset trip threshold (min) 4.65V (max) 4.75V, push-pull active-low reset output, manual reset, power-fail monitor, watchdog circuit.General Description ________
MAX815LESA ,+-1% accuracy, low-power, microprocessor supervisory circuit. Reset trip threshold (min) 4.65V (max) 4.75V, push-pull active-low reset output, manual reset, power-fail monitor, watchdog circuit.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, +5V Parts (MAX814/MAX815K, L, N)(VCC = 4.85V to 5.5V for MAX814K/MAX815 ..
MAX815LESA ,+-1% accuracy, low-power, microprocessor supervisory circuit. Reset trip threshold (min) 4.65V (max) 4.75V, push-pull active-low reset output, manual reset, power-fail monitor, watchdog circuit.applications needing high-accuracy reset' ±1% Low-Line Threshold Accuracy (MAX814)thresholds. The R ..
MAX815LESA+ ,±1% Accuracy, Low-Power, +3V and +5V µP Supervisory CircuitsGeneral Description ________
MAX815N ,【1% Accuracy, Low-Power, +3V and +5V レP Supervisory Circuitsapplications needing high-accuracy reset' ±1% Low-Line Threshold Accuracy (MAX814)thresholds. The R ..
MAX815NCPA ,+-1% accuracy, low-power, microprocessor supervisory circuit. Reset trip threshold (min) 4.50V (max) 4.60V, push-pull active-low reset output, manual reset, power-fail monitor, watchdog circuit.FeaturesThe MAX814/MAX815/MAX816 are high-accuracy' ±1% Worst-Case Reset Threshold Accuracymicropro ..
Wideband Trasconductance Amplifiers
19-0042, Rev 1; 4/93
General Description
The MAX435 and MAX436 are high-speed, wideband
transconductance amplifiers (WTAs) with true differen-
tial, high-impedance inputs. Their unique architecture
provides accurate gain without negative feedback, elim-
inating closed-loop phase shift - a primary cause of
circuit oscillation in conventional high-speed amplifiers.
The output oi the WTA is a current that is proportional to
the applied differential input voltage, providing inherent
short-circuit protection for the outputs. Circu it gain is set
by the ratio of two impedances and an internally set
current gain factor (K).
The current output and the absenceof negative feedback
allow the differential output MAX435 to achieve a
bandwidth of 275MHz, an BOOV/us slew rate, and a 1%
settling time of tans to a 0.5V step input. The single-
ended output MAX436 achieves a bandwidth of 200MHz,
an 850V/ps slew rate, and a 1% settling time of 18ns to a
0.5V step input. Both amplifiers offer exceptional
wideband common-mode rejection, with a CMRR of
53dB at 10MHz, 300W input offset voltage offers a level
of DC precision rarely found in high-speed op amps.
Unlike current-ieedback amplifiers, the MAX435/MAX436
have fully symmetrical, high-impedance inputs that tol.
erate wide differential input voltages without destruc-
tive failure or amplifier saturation, virtually eliminating
overload recovery time. The unique performance tea-
tures of these WTAs suit them for a wide variety of
applications, such as high-speed instrumentation am-
plifiers and wideband, high-gain bandpass amplifiers.
And, with its differential output, the MAX435 can be
used in high-speed differential line driver and receiver
High-Speed Instrumentation Amplifiers
High-Speed Filters
Wideband, High-Gain Bandpass Amplifiers
Differential Line Receivers
Differential Line Drivers
2fiy'l] g!lr2aLAlAil
Wiidlelbamdl 'irranseondluetamte Amplifiers
. 275MHz Bandwidth (MAX435)
. 850Wps Slew Rate
O18ns Sottiing Time to 1%
. 53dB CMRR at 10MHz
' Low Noise, 7nVNFE at 1kHa
0 No Feedback
. True Differential High-Impedanca Inputs
. Shutdown Capability: 450PA (MAX435)
Ordering Information
MAX4350PD CC to +70'C 14 Plastic DIP
MAX435CSD on to not 14 so
MAX435CID cc to not Dice'
MAX435EPD 40-0 to +850 14 Plastic DIP
MAX435ESD -40'C to +850 14 so
MAX435MJD -55'C to +1250 14 CERDIP
Ordering Infonm tion continued on last page.
. Dice are specified at TA = +25'C, DC parameters only.
Pin Configurations
. V . *U
IN. E MAX435 iil 'DUh IN. E MAW36 E] Iour
I, E Ci] q, " E Vr
N c E El Isst N c E [E Isa
1- E iil ll. 2-1: V-
IN» E El Iout- IN-E E] N C
ll. , E ll. VI m V-
Typical Operating Circuits
Maxim integrated Products 1
& the latest literature: http://www.maxlm-ic.com,
Wideband 'irranseMtmiluetitamte Amplifiers
Total Supply Voltage (V+ to V-) .F.wFF...r_._r_r_..$_r 12V SO (derate 8.33mW/‘C above +70'C) ............ 667mw
Positive Supply Voltage (V+ to GND) .................. 6.0V CERDIP (derate 9.09mW/'C above +70'C) ........ 727mW
Negative Supply Voltage (V- to GND) ................ -6.0V Operating Temperature Ranges:
InputVoltage ................... (V- - O.3V)1o (V + + 0.3V) MAX43_C__ ............................ " to +70'C
Current Limit through 2+ or Z- ...................... 10mA MAX43_E_ - .......................... -40'C to +85'C
OutputShon-CircuitDuration .................. Continuous MAX43_MJD ..F...rr._.r.....srtrtw.. -55'C to +125'C
lss'r Short-Circuit Duration (to GND or VEE) ............ 1 sec Storage Temperature Range .............. -65'C to +160’C
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70'C) Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) ............. +300'C
Plastic DIP (derate 10/XWW/T above +70'C) ..... BOOmW
Stresses be and those listed under 'Abscluro Maximum Ratings'may cpuso permanent damage to the device. These am stress ratings only, and functional
operation a the device at mesa or any other conditions beyond those mdicarogi In the operational sections of the spesifisatitms is not 'mplled. Exposure to
absolute maxinum raring conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(V+ = 5V, V- = -5V, -2.5Vs IN» s 2.5V, RSV s IN ' 2.5V, 2Le = 2L. = 50:}, Z. = 4000._FL<;sr = 5.9m, TA = +25'C. Ti = +25'C, unless
otherwise noted. Spayiicatkrt is at +25'C unction tem stature due to requirements of highspeed automatic testin . Actual values at
operating temperatures ma/exceed the v e at T; = + 5'C. No-load operating junction temperature may rise arc 10 'C above ambient)
Operating Supply Voltage Vo, V- -55'C to +125'C $4.75 15.00 $5.25 V
Supply Current ts -55'C to +1250 30 35 41 mA
Input Voltage Range IN+, IN- -55'C to +125'C -2.5 2.5 V
Input Offset Voltage Vos 0.3 3.0 mV
Input Offset-Voltage Drift AVos/AT 3.5 wNIt
TA = +25'C 1.0 3.0
Input Bias Current Ia JC to o70'C 5 PA
Arc to +850 10
-55'C to +125' 10
Input Resistance Rm 200 800 kn
DC Resistance Looking into 2+ or Z, R2 0.15 1.50 n
Output Voltage Range Vout., Vow. ZL. = ZL. = 5000 -3.5 3.5 V
Output Impedance ROUT 2.0 3.5 kn
Output Current IOUT -10 10 mA
Differential Output Offset Current los, DIFF Zo and Z- are open, inputs are grounded -140 0 140 “A
Output Offset Current (either side) Ios 2+ and Z- are open, inputs are grounded -1oo -20 100 pA
$iRhgt)"cur"'nt Drift AJos/AT 2+ and Z- are open, inputs are grounded 2.3 tsAl'C
TA = +25'C 3.90 4.00 4.10
Current Gain Ratio K " to +70": 3.80 4.15 AIA
MOT) to +85'C 3.70 4.15
-55'C to +125' 3.60 4.20
Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR At DC 70 90 dB
At 10MHz, z, = 2000. ZL+ " ZL. = 25n 53
Power-Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR At DC 50 77 dB
Settling Time to 1% ts Zt-- 2009, a, = 2L. = 25n 18 ns
Slew Rate SR z, shorted 800 Wps
z, shorted, ZL. .= ZL. = 250 550
-3dB Bandwidth BW 21: 2000, a, = ZL. = 25n 275 MHZ
Input Noise-Voltage Density en At 1kHz, singksended input, z, = Mn 7.0 nVNFE