MAX430EPA ,【15V Chopper-Stabilized Operational AmplifierFeatures
. No External Capacitors Required
. 10pV Max Offset Voltage
. 30pA Input Bias Cur ..
MAX4310ESA ,High-Speed / Low-Power / Single-Supply / Multichannel / Video Multiplexer-AmplifiersApplicationsMAX4314EEE -40°C to +85°C 16 QSOPVideo Signal Multiplexing Broadcast VideoMAX4314ESD -4 ..
MAX4310ESA ,High-Speed / Low-Power / Single-Supply / Multichannel / Video Multiplexer-Amplifiersapplications. They operate from a sin-' Rail-to-Rail Outputs: Drives 150Ω to within gle +4V to +10. ..
MAX4311EEE ,High-Speed / Low-Power / Single-Supply / Multichannel / Video Multiplexer-AmplifiersFeaturesThe MAX4310–MAX4315 single-supply mux-amps com-' Single-Supply Operation Down to +4Vbine hi ..
MAX4312EEE+ ,High-Speed, Low-Power, Single-Supply Multichannel, Video Multiplexer-AmplifiersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V = +5V, V = 0V, SHDN≥ 4V, R =∞, V = 2.5V, T = T to T , unle ..
MAX4312EEE+T ,High-Speed, Low-Power, Single-Supply Multichannel, Video Multiplexer-AmplifiersMAX4310–MAX431519-1379; Rev 3; 3/08High-Speed, Low-Power, Single-SupplyMultichannel, Video Multiple ..
MAX812TEUS-T ,Microprocessor voltage monitor with manual reset input. Reset threshold voltage 3.08V. Push-pull active-high reset output.MAX811/MAX81219-0411; Rev 3; 3/994-Pin µP Voltage Monitors with Manual Reset Input________________
MAX813L ,Low-Cost, µP Supervisory CircuitsGeneral Description Beneits and
MAX813LCPA ,Low-Cost / uP Supervisory CircuitsFeaturesThe MAX705-MAX708/MAX813L microprocessor (µP) ' µMAX Package: Smallest 8-Pin SOsupervisory ..
MAX813LCPA+ ,Low-Cost, µP Supervisory CircuitsMAX705–MAX708/MAX813L Low-Cost, μP Supervisory Circuits
MAX813LCSA ,Low-Cost / uP Supervisory CircuitsMAX705–MAX708/MAX813L19-4334; Rev. 5; 9/95Low-Cost, µP Supervisory Circuits_______________
MAX813LCSA ,Low-Cost / uP Supervisory CircuitsApplicationsComputers_________________Pin ConfigurationsControllersIntelligent Instruments TOP VIEW ..
【15V Chopper-Stabilized Operational Amplifier
19-0904; Re v a 8/98
General Description
The MAX430 and MAX432 are CMOS t15V chopper-stabi-
lized amplifiers designed for high accuracy signal condi-
tioning, amplification, and instrumentation applications.
They offer input offset and drift specifications superior to
previous "precision" bipolar op amps and monolithic chop-
per amplifiers. External capacitors, required with previous
CMOS chopper amplifiers, are NOT needed with the
MAX430/MAX432. Both amplifiers are packaged in 8-pin
plastic DlPs.
The combination of t15V operation, low-power, and stan-
dard op-amp pin configuration allows these devices to plug
directly into almost any OPO7/OP77/LM108/uA741 socket
regardless of what offset balancing or frequency compen-
sation circuitry might be present. A wide input voltage range
that includes the negative supply allows applications not
Lt "llf 1t2hoppeeuStialbiiliiizedl
Operational! Amplliifier
F ea tures
. No External Capacitors Required
t 10pV Max Offset Voltage
. 30pA Input Bias Current
. Low Input Voltage Noise 0.3pr-p (DC-1Hz)
0 Low Input Current Noise 0.01pA/M at 10H:
t :15V Supply Operation
. Input Voltage Range Includes V"
. Low Power CMOS Design
Ordering Information
possible with most conventional operational amplifiers. _PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE
' © + c, q DIP
The MAX430 has a maXImum supply current of 2mA and a MAX43OCPA 0 C P: Clie- -8_r-eed_Pl1stic -
unity-gain frequency of 500kHz; the MAX432 has a maxi- MA1430EPA 40°C to +85 C 8 Lead Pytc Dip
mum supply current of 0.5mA and a unity-gain frequency MAX432CPA 0°C to +70% 8 Leal Piastic DIP
of 125kHz. MAX432EPA 40°C to +85°c 8 Lead Plastic DIP
Applications _- _ " - - - -
Precision Amplifiers
Signal Conditioning for:
Strain Gauges, Load Cells Typical Operating Giretuit
Resistance Temperature Devices (RTDs)
High Accuracy Data Acquisition .5v
DC Stabilization of Amplifiers and Systems
4mA-20mA Process Control Transmitters
Pin Configuration m
art' =
Top View A l .m
. \r MAX430 ' " I
MCI: Li] m: -
-1mmT mnxum E ll'
'll1NTE MAX432 E OUTPUT mm
HE E] m: M
Bridge Amplifier
MAXI/Vl Maxim Integrated Products 1
& the latest literature: http://, .
For small orders, phone 1-800-835-8769.
i' ll 5 tf (Chopper-Sita/Milli-til
Operational amplliifiier
Total Supply Voltage (V+ to V-) ......................... +36V Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sec) ................. +300°C
Input Voltage ........................ (V* +0.3V) to (W' -0.3V) Duration o10utputShortCircuit ................... Indefinite
Storage Temperature Range ................. -65''C to +160°C Current into Any Pin .................................. 10mA
Operating Temperature Range Continuous Total Power Dissipation 375mW
MAX430C, MAX432C
0°C to +70°C
MAX430E, MAX432E ..................... -40t to +85°C
Stresses above 1hose/.3.’ed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation ot the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated m the operational sections of the specmcaI/ons IS no! implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum ratings conditions lot extended periods may affect device reliability,
N' : +15V, V“ = -15V, TA = +25''C, Test circuit unless otherwise noted)
Input Offset Voltage *Vos TA = +25°C 2 1O 2 1O yV
Average Temperature L
Coefficient of xgtg‘jmperam’e Range 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.05 yV/°C
Input Offset Voltage
Input Bias Current - o
(Doubles every 10°C IB 'ti,,''),'',',, g 100 f, 100 PA
above about 60°C) p.
Input Offset Currey! TA = +2500 15 200 15 200
(Doubles every 10 C ls Over Tern 50 50 pA
Pabove about 60°C) p.
Input Resistance Rm 1012 1012 12
Large Signal Voltage Gain AVOL RL = 10kn, VOUT = t10V 120 150 120 150 dB
" _ RL:10k12 112 :145
Output Voltage Swing VOUT RL = 100m :1495 :14 :14.6 V
Common Mode Positive +11 +11.5 'll +115
Voltage Range CMVR Negative 453 -15,1 -15 -15.1 V
CMVR = +11V to -15V
3233122 54:3: CMRR T; = +25°C 120 140 120 140 dB
, Over Temp. 110 140 110 140
14V to 116.5V
Power Supply - o '
, . _ PSSR TA - +25 C 120 140 120 140
Rejection Ratio Over Temp. 110 140 110 140 dB
Input Noise Voltage
R = 100il DC to 1Fiz 0.3 0.4
(P-P value not exceeded ere-p s ' pr p
95% of time) DC to 10Hz 1.1 12
. _ pA/"
Input Noise Current IN f= 10Hz 0.01 0.01 \ 'Hz
Unity-Gain Bandwidth GBW 500 125 kHz
Slew Rate SR CL = 50pF, RL = 100k!) 0.5 0.125 V/ps:;
Rise Time tn 0.7 2.8 ps
Overshoot 20 20 % J
Operating Supply Range vt V' t2.5 +165 :25 1165 V
Supply Current ls; No Load, [tc/ii',',, 12 gg 0.3 01.5 mA
Internal Chopping
Frequency rCH 400 250 Hz
Offset Voltage vs. Time 100 100 ,
Note 1: Guaranteed by design.
Note 2: All pins are designed to withstand electrostatic discharge (ESD) levels in excess of 2000V (Mil-Std-883C Method 3015.2 Test