MAX4198EUA ,Micropower / Single-Supply / Rail-to-Rail Precision Differential AmplifiersFeatures®The MAX4198/MAX4199 low-power, Rail-to-Rail differ-' Low 0.01% Gain Errorential amplifiers ..
MAX4198EUA ,Micropower / Single-Supply / Rail-to-Rail Precision Differential AmplifiersMAX4198/MAX419919-1445; Rev 0; 4/99Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-RailPrecision Differential Am ..
MAX4198EUA ,Micropower / Single-Supply / Rail-to-Rail Precision Differential AmplifiersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX4198 (+5V Supply)(V = +5V, V = 0V, R = 25kΩ tied to V / 2, V = V / 2, ..
MAX4198EUA ,Micropower / Single-Supply / Rail-to-Rail Precision Differential AmplifiersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX4198 (+5V Supply)(V = +5V, V = 0V, R = 25kΩ tied to V / 2, V = V / 2, ..
MAX4198EUA+ ,Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Precision Differential AmplifiersApplicationsPIN- GAINPART TEMP RANGEInstrumentation Amplifier Building BlockPACKAGE (V/V)Differenti ..
MAX4199ESA ,Micropower / Single-Supply / Rail-to-Rail Precision Differential AmplifiersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX4198 (+5V Supply) (continued)(V = +5V, V = 0V, R = 25kΩ tied to V / 2 ..
MAX807NCWE ,Full-featured microprocessor supervisory circuit with +-1.5% reset accuracy. Reset threshold (typ) 4.575VGeneral Description ________
MAX807NCWE+ ,Full-Featured µP Supervisory Circuit with ±1.5% Reset AccuracyELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 4.60V to 5.5V for the MAX807L, V = 4.50V to 5.5V for the MAX807N, V ..
MAX807NEUE ,Full-Featured µP Supervisory Circuit with ±1.5% Reset AccuracyMAX807L/M/N19-0433; Rev 4; 11/05Full-Featured µP Supervisory Circuit with±1.5% Reset Accuracy
MAX807NEUE+ ,Full-Featured µP Supervisory Circuit with ±1.5% Reset AccuracyELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 4.60V to 5.5V for the MAX807L, V = 4.50V to 5.5V for the MAX807N, V ..
MAX807NEWE ,Full-featured microprocessor supervisory circuit with +-1.5% reset accuracy. Reset threshold (typ) 4.575VGeneral Description ________
MAX807NEWE+ ,Full-Featured µP Supervisory Circuit with ±1.5% Reset AccuracyMAX807L/M/N19-0433; Rev 4; 11/05Full-Featured µP Supervisory Circuit with±1.5% Reset Accuracy
Micropower / Single-Supply / Rail-to-Rail Precision Differential Amplifiers
Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail
Precision Differential Amplifiers
General DescriptionThe MAX4198/MAX4199 low-power, Rail-to-Rail®differ-
ential amplifiers are ideal for single-supply applications
that benefit from a low 0.01% gain error. The MAX4198
is factory trimmed to a fixed gain of +1V/V, and the
MAX4199 is trimmed to a fixed gain of +10V/V. Capable
of operating from a single +2.7V to +7.5V supply or
from dual ±1.35V to ±3.75V supplies, they consume
only 42µA while achieving -3dB bandwidths of 175kHz
(MAX4198) and 45kHz (MAX4199). These amplifiers
feature a shutdown mode that reduces the supply cur-
rent to 6.5µA.
The MAX4198/MAX4199 can drive 5kΩloads to within
100mV from each rail. The standard differential amplifi-
er configurations provide common-mode rejection of
90dB for the MAX4198 and 110dB for the MAX4199.
The input common-mode voltage range for the
MAX4198 extends 100mV Beyond-the-Rails™.
The MAX4198/MAX4199 are offered in a space-saving
8-pin µMAX package. For complete micropower, rail-to-
rail instrumentation amplifiers, see the MAX4194–
MAX4197 data sheet.
ApplicationsInstrumentation Amplifier Building Block
Differential Voltage Amplifiers
Data-Acquisition Systems
Portable/Battery-Powered Equipment
Transducer Interface
Current-Sense Amplifiers
FeaturesLow 0.01% Gain ErrorHigh Common-Mode Rejection: 110dB (MAX4199)10µV Input Offset Voltage (MAX4199)
30µV Input Offset Voltage (MAX4198)+2.7V to +7.5V Single-Supply Operation42µA Supply Current175kHz (MAX4198) and 45kHz (MAX4199)
-3dB Bandwidth6.5µA Shutdown CurrentRail-to-Rail Outputs Drive 5kΩLoadsInput Voltage Range Extends 100mV Beyond-the-
Rails (MAX4198)Available in Space-Saving 8-Pin µMAX Package19-1445; Rev 0; 4/99
Pin Configuration
Ordering InformationRail-to-Rail is a registered trademark of Nippon Motorola, Ltd.
Beyond-the-Rails is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.
Functional Diagram
Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail
Precision Differential Amplifiers
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX4198 (+5V Supply)(VCC= +5V, VEE= 0V, RL= 25kΩtied to VCC/ 2, VREF= VCC/ 2, VSHDN= VCC- 1.5V, typical values are at TA= +25°C,= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Supply Voltage (VCCto VEE)..................................................+8V
All Other Pins to GND......................(VEE- 0.3V) to (VCC+ 0.3V)
Output Short Circuit Duration (to VCCor VEE)............Continuous
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
SO (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C)..........................471mW
µMAX (derate 4.1mW/°C above +70°C).......................330mW
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail
Precision Differential Amplifiers
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX4198 (+5V Supply) (continued)(VCC= +5V, VEE= 0V, RL= 25kΩtied to VCC/ 2, VREF= VCC/ 2, VSHDN= VCC- 1.5V, typical values are at TA= +25°C,= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX4198 (+3V Supply)(VCC= +3V, VEE= 0V, RL= 25kΩtied to VCC/ 2, VREF= VCC/ 2, VSHDN= VCC- 1.5V, typical values are at TA= +25°C, TA= TMIN
to TMAX,unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)
Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail
Precision Differential Amplifiers
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX4199 (+5V Supply)(VCC= +5V, VEE= 0V, RL= 25kΩtied to VCC/ 2, VREF= VCC/ 2, VSHDN= VCC- 1.5V, typical values are at TA= +25°C,= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)
Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail
Precision Differential Amplifiers
Note 1:The MAX4198EUA and the MAX4199EUA are 100% production tested at +25°C. All temperature limits are guaranteed
by design.
Note 2:Guaranteed by PSR test.
Note 3:When shutdown input is at logic high, the part is active; when at logic low, the part is in shutdown.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX4199 (+5V Supply) (continued)(VCC= +5V, VEE= 0V, RL= 25kΩtied to VCC/ 2, VREF= VCC/ 2, VSHDN= VCC- 1.5V, typical values are at TA= +25°C,= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX4199 (+3V Supply)(VCC= +3V, VEE= 0V, RL= 25kΩtied to VCC/ 2, VREF= VCC/ 2, VSHDN= VCC- 1.5V, values are at TA= +25°C,= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1)
Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail
Precision Differential Amplifiers
Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC= +5V, VEE= 0V, RL= 25kΩto VCC/ 2, VSHDN= VCC- 1.5V, small-signal VOUT= 100mVp-p, large-signal VOUT= 1Vp-p, = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)