MAX4304ESA ,Low-noise, low-distortion op amp. Bandwidth 740MHz. Minimum stable gain 2V/V.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +5V, V = -5V, V = 0, R = 100kΩ, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. ..
MAX4304ESA ,Low-noise, low-distortion op amp. Bandwidth 740MHz. Minimum stable gain 2V/V.ApplicationsMAX4305 10 340 5-pin SOT23, 8-pin SOVideo Buffers and Cable DriversUltrasoundOrdering I ..
MAX4305ESA+ ,740MHz, Low-Noise, Low-Distortion Op Amps in SOT23-5applications. These op amps also feature a wideoutput voltage swing of ±3.7V and ±70mA output curre ..
MAX4308ESA ,400MHz / Ultra-Low-Distortion Op AmpsFeaturesThe MAX4108/MAX4109/MAX4308/MAX4309 op amps' High Speed:combine ultra-high-speed performanc ..
MAX4309ESA ,400MHz / Ultra-Low-Distortion Op AmpsGeneral Description ________
MAX430CPA ,【15V Chopper-Stabilized Operational AmplifierApplications
Precision Amplifiers
Signal Conditioning for:
Strain Gauges, Load Ce ..
MAX812SEUS ,4-Pin µP Voltage Monitors with Manual Reset InputFeaturesThe MAX811/MAX812 are low-power microprocessor• Integrated Voltage Monitor Increases System ..
MAX812SEUS+T ,4-Pin µP Voltage Monitors with Manual Reset InputElectrical Characteristics(V = 5V for L/M versions, V = 3.3V for T/S versions, V = 3V for R version ..
MAX812SEUS-T ,Microprocessor voltage monitor with manual reset input. Reset threshold voltage 2.93V. Push-pull active-high reset output.MAX811/MAX81219-0411; Rev 3; 3/994-Pin µP Voltage Monitors with Manual Reset Input________________
MAX812TEUS ,4-Pin µP Voltage Monitors with Manual Reset Input4-Pin µP Voltage Monitors MAX811/MAX812with Manual Reset Input
MAX812TEUS+T ,4-Pin µP Voltage Monitors with Manual Reset InputFeaturesThe MAX811/MAX812 are low-power microprocessor• Integrated Voltage Monitor Increases System ..
MAX812TEUS-T ,Microprocessor voltage monitor with manual reset input. Reset threshold voltage 3.08V. Push-pull active-high reset output.MAX811/MAX81219-0411; Rev 3; 3/994-Pin µP Voltage Monitors with Manual Reset Input________________
Low-noise, low-distortion op amp. Bandwidth 410MHz. Minimum stable gain 5V/V.
General DescriptionThe MAX4104/MAX4105/MAX4304/MAX4305 op amps
feature ultra-high speed, low noise, and low distortion in
a SOT23 package. The unity-gain-stable MAX4104
requires only 20mA of supply current while delivering
625MHz bandwidth and 400V/µs slew rate. The
MAX4304, compensated for gains of +2V/V or greater,
delivers a 730MHz bandwidth and a 1000V/µs slew
rate. The MAX4105 is compensated for a minimum gain
of +5V/V and delivers a 410MHz bandwidth and a
1400V/sec slew rate. The MAX4305 has +10V/V mini-
mum gain compensation and delivers a 340MHz band-
width and a 1400V/µs slew rate.
Low voltage noise density of 2.1nV/√Hzand -88dBc
spurious-free dynamic range make these devices ideal
for low-noise/low-distortion video and telecommunica-
tions applications. These op amps also feature a wide
output voltage swing of ±3.7V and ±70mA output current-
drive capability. For space-critical applications, they
are available in a miniature 5-pin SOT23 package.
________________________ApplicationsVideo ADC Preamp
Pulse/RF Telecom Applications
Video Buffers and Cable Drivers
Active Filters
ADC Input Buffers
FeaturesLow 2.1nV/√HzVoltage Noise DensityUltra-High 740MHz -3dB Bandwidth (MAX4304,
AVCL= 2V/V)100MHz 0.1dB Gain Flatness (MAX4104/4105)1400V/µs Slew Rate (MAX4105/4305)-88dBc SFDR (5MHz, RL= 100Ω) (MAX4104/4304)High Output Current Drive: ±70mALow Differential Gain/Phase Error: 0.01%/0.01°
(MAX4104/4304)Low ±1mV Input Offset VoltageAvailable in Space-Saving 5-Pin SOT23 Package
740MHz, Low-Noise, Low-Distortion
Op Amps in SOT23-5
Typical Application Circuit
Selector Guide
Pin Configurations
740MHz, Low-Noise, Low-Distortion
Op Amps in SOT23-5
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= +5V, VEE= -5V, VCM= 0, RL= 100kΩ, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Supply Voltage (VCCto VEE)................................................+12V
Voltage on Any Pin to Ground..........(VEE- 0.3V) to (VCC+ 0.3V)
Short-Circuit Duration (VOUTto GND)........................Continuous
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
5-pin SOT23 (derate 7.1mW/°C above +70°C)...........571mW
8-pin SO (derate 5.9mW/°C above +70°C).................471mW
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
740MHz, Low-Noise, Low-Distortion
Op Amps in SOT23-5
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= +5V, VEE= -5V, VCM= 0, RL= 100Ω; AV= +1V/V for MAX4104, +2V/V for MAX4304, +5V/V for MAX4105, +10V/V for MAX4305;= +25°C; unless otherwise noted.)
740MHz, Low-Noise, Low-Distortion
Op Amps in SOT23-5
__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC= +5V, VEE = -5V, RF= 330Ω, RL= 100Ω, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
740MHz, Low-Noise, Low-Distortion
Op Amps in SOT23-5
Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VCC= +5V, VEE = -5V, RF= 330Ω, RL= 100Ω, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
740MHz, Low-Noise, Low-Distortion
Op Amps in SOT23-5
Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VCC= +5V, VEE = -5V, RF= 330Ω, RL= 100Ω, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)