MAX406ACSA+ ,Single, Dual, Quad, 1.2µA Max, Single-Supply Op AmpsWuan-eDem.
MAX406/MAX4O 7/MAX409/MAX4 1 7-MAX4 1 9
1.2uA Max, Single/Dual/Quad,
SingIe-Sup ..
MAX406AESA ,1.2microA max, single, single-supply op amp.Features
. 1.21m Max Quiescent Current per Amplifier
. +2.5V to +1OV Single-Supply Range
' 5 ..
MAX406B ,1.2レA Max, Single/Dual/Quad, Single-Supply Op AmpsFeatures
. 1.21m Max Quiescent Current per Amplifier
. +2.5V to +1OV Single-Supply Range
' 5 ..
MAX406BCPA ,1.2microA max, single, single-supply op amp.Applications
Battery-Powered Systems
Medical Instruments
Electrometer Amplifiers
Intrinsicall ..
MAX406BCSA ,1.2microA max, single, single-supply op amp.Features
. 1.21m Max Quiescent Current per Amplifier
. +2.5V to +1OV Single-Supply Range
' 5 ..
MAX406BCSA ,1.2microA max, single, single-supply op amp.Applications
Battery-Powered Systems
Medical Instruments
Electrometer Amplifiers
Intrinsicall ..
MAX765CSA+ ,-5V/-12V/-15V or Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low-IQ DC-DC InvertersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V+ = 5V, I = 0mA, C = 0.1μF, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. Typic ..
MAX765EPA ,-5V/-12V/-15V or Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low IQ DC-DC InvertersApplications A**Contact factory for availability and processing to MIL-STD-883.__________________Pi ..
MAX765EPA+ ,-5V/-12V/-15V or Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low-IQ DC-DC InvertersApplicationsMAX765C/D 0°C to +70°C Dice*LCD-Bias GeneratorsMAX765EPA -40°C to +85°C 8 Plastic DIPPo ..
MAX765ESA ,-5V/-12V/-15V or Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low IQ DC-DC InvertersApplications A**Contact factory for availability and processing to MIL-STD-883.__________________Pi ..
MAX765ESA+ ,-5V/-12V/-15V or Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low-IQ DC-DC InvertersApplications A**Contact factory for availability and processing to MIL-STD-883.__________________Pi ..
MAX765ESA+ ,-5V/-12V/-15V or Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low-IQ DC-DC Invertersapplications. For increased output driveMAX764ESA -40°C to +85°C 8 SOcapability or higher output vo ..
Single, Dual, Quad, 1.2µA Max, Single-Supply Op Amps
19-4 739; Rev l 4/09
11.20A Max, Singie/Duai/Quad,
General Description
The MAX406/MAX407/MAX409/MAX417-MAX419 are
single, dual, and quad low-voltage, micropower, precision
op amps designed for batteryoperated systems. They tea-
ture a supply current of less than 1.2pA per amplifier that is
relatively constant over the entire supply range, which repre-
sents a 15 to 20 times improvement over industry-standard
micropower op amps. A unique output stage enables these
op amps to operate at ultra-low supply current while main-
taining linearity under loaded conditions. In addition, the out-
put is capable of sourcing 1.8mA when powered by a 9V
The common-mode input-voltage range extends from the
negative rail to within 1.1V of the positive supply (for the
singles, 1.2V for the duals and quads), and the output stage
swings rail-to-rail. The entire family is designed to maintain
good DC characteristics over the operating temperature
range, minimizing the input referred errors.
The MAX406 is a single op amp with two modes of opera-
tion: compensated mode and decompensated mode.
Floating BW (pin 8) or connecting it to V- internally compen-
sates the amplifier. In this mode, the MAX406 is unity-gain
stable with a 5V/ms typical slew rate and an 8kHz gain
bandwidth. Connecting BW to V+ puts the MAX406 into
decompensated mode with a 20V/ms typical slew rate and
a 40kHz gain bandwidth (AVCL 2 2VN).
The dual MAX407 and quad MAX418 are internally com-
pensated to be unity-gain stable. The MAX409/MAX417/
MAX419 single/dual/quad op amps feature 150kHz typical
bandwidth, 75V/ms slew rate, and stability for gains of
10VN or greater.
Battery-Powered Systems
Medical Instruments
Electrometer Amplifiers
Intrinsically Safe Systems
Photodiode Pre-Amps
pH Meters
" 3v -
Pin Configurations on last page.
Si"iinglle"Supplly Op Amps
. 1.2pA Max Quiescent Current per Amplifier
. +2.5V to +10V Single-Supply Range
. 50thW Max Offset Voltage (MAX406A/MAX409A)
. < 0.1pA Typical Input Bias Current
. Output Swings Rail-to-Rail
. Input Voltage Range Includes Negative Rail
Selection Table
MAX406A 1 8'/40" 172" 0.5
MAX4068 1 8'/40" IW" 2.0
MAX407 2 8 1 3.0
MAX409A 1 150 10 0.5
MAX4098 1 150 10 2.0
MAX417 2 150 10 3.0
MAX418 4 8 1 4.0
MAX419 4 150 10 4.0
. With BW pin open or connected to V-
" With BWpin connected to W
Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet.
Typical Operating Circuit
Maxim Integrated Products 1
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642,
or visit Maxim's website at .
1.2uA Max, SingllelDuaVGuad,
Sihnghisaupplly 0p Amps
Total Supply Voltage (V+ to V-) .............................................. 12V 14-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C).,800mW
Input Voltage '_-FF-........-..-----. (V+ + 0.3V) to (V- - 0.3V) 14-Pin SO (derate 8.33mW/°C above +70°C) ................ 667mW
Continuous Current 14-Pin CERDIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C) ........ 727mW
All Input Pins ................................................................... 10mA Operating Temperature Ranges:
All Other Pins .................................................................. 50mA MAX4_ -c- - 'rrrw_..m....._r_____.r.F..._..__.__.r_._....t.rrt.rrr...ww.r. 0°C to +7ty'C
Short-Circuit Duration ................................................. Continuous MAX4_ J... - .-..- -4000 to +85°C
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) MAX4_ _M_ - ..... -55°C to +125°C
8-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C) ...727mW Storage Temperature Range ................................ -65'C to +160°C
8-Pin so (derate 5.88mW/°C above +70°C) ._.e......r...' 471mW Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec) .............mr_._rr_tr_tr.rr.t. +300°C
8-Pin CERDIP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C) ........ 640mW
Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings do not apply to devices supplied in die or wafer form.
Stresses beyond those listed under "Absoiure Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated In the operational sections of the specifications IS not implied Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(V+ = 2.5V. V- = -2.5V, TA = +25°C. unless otherwise noted.)
MAX406/MAX4O 7/MAX4 09/MAX4 ‘fi 7-MAX4 ‘17 9
MAX406A, MAX409A 0.25 0.5
MAX406B, MAX409B 0.75 2.0
Input Offset Voltage Vos MAX407, MAX417 1.0 3.0 mV
MAX418. MAX419 1.0 4.0
Input Bias Current Ia VCM = 0V (Note 2) <0.1 10.0 pA
MAX406A, MAX409A 200 1000
RL = 1Mt2, MAX4068 MAX407
Lar e-Si nal V = igv . '
Vonige gain AVOL OUT MAX409B, MAX41_ 100 1000 V/mV
RL = um, VOUT = k4V, V+ = 5V, V- = -SV 10 23
Compensated mode 4 8
MAX406/VB Decompensated mode 20 40
' . A = 2VN)
Gain Bandwidth GBW ( V kHz
MAX407, MAX418 4 8
MAX409A/B. MAX417, MAX419, AVCL it 10VN 80 150
Input Common-Mode CMR MAX406A/B, MAX409A/B V- V + -1.1 V
Range MAX407. MAX41_ V- v + -1.2
Output Voltage Swing Vo RL = 1Mf2 t2.47 $2.49 V
MAX406A, MAX409A 7O 80
Rejection Ratio CMRR (Note 3) MAX406B, MAX407, MAX409B, 60 80 dB
MAX406A, MAX409A 50 100
Power-Supply VIN = OV,
Rejection Ratio PSRR V+ = 2.5V to TSV MAX406B, MAX409B 150 300 pVN
MAX407, MAX41_ 200 600 I