MAX400CSA ,Ultra Low Offset Voltage Operational AmplifierFeatures
The MAX400 guaranteed maximum IthN offset error . Ultra Low Offset Voltage: 1WAf (max.)
MAX400CSA ,Ultra Low Offset Voltage Operational AmplifierELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (contlnued) 3
(VS = i15V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) ts
MAX4 ..
MAX400CSA ,Ultra Low Offset Voltage Operational AmplifierELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (contlnued) 3
(VS = i15V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) ts
MAX4 ..
MAX400EJA ,Ultra Low Offset Voltage Operational AmplifierGeneral Description _______________
MAX4012ESA+ ,Low-Cost, High-Speed, Single-Supply Op Amps with Rail-to-Rail OutputsMAX4012/MAX4016/MAX4018/MAX402019-1246; Rev 3; 8/04Low-Cost, High-Speed, Single-SupplyOp Amps with ..
MAX4012EUK-T ,Low-Cost, High-Speed, Single-Supply Op Amps with Rail-to-Rail OutputsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 5V, V = 0, EN_ = 5V, R = to V /2, V = V /2, T = T to T , unless oth ..
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The MX7528/MX7628 contains two 8-bit multiplying
digital-to-analog converte ..
MAX7528JCWP ,CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsApplications
Programmable Attenuators
Digitally Controlled Filters
X-Y Graphics
Motion Cont ..
MAX7528JN ,CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACs19-0170 Rev 3, 11/95
CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACs
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CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACs
MAX7528KN ,CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsFeatures
. Data Latches For Both DACs
MX7528-+5V to +15V Single Supply Operation
t MX7628 ..
MAX7528LCWP ,CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsApplications
Programmable Attenuators
Digitally Controlled Filters
X-Y Graphics
Motion Cont ..
Ultra Low Offset Voltage Operational Amplifier
19-3001; Rev a; 1988
Ultra Low Offset
Voltage Operational Amplifier
General Doocrlp tlan
The MAX400 guaranteed maximum 10uV offset error
is the lowest input offset voltage of any commer-
cially available (nonchopper) monolithic amplifier.
The MAX4OO represents a 2.5 times improvement
over the highest grade OP07 (the OP07A), and a 5
times Improvement over the best commercial tem-
perature range device (OP07E). The offset voltage
drift ls guaranteed to be a maximum of 0.3pV/°C
which is also an improvement over the CFO family.
For the ultimate In DC performance (hN maximum
offset voltage and 0.05pV/oC maximum offset voltage
drift) the MAX420 and MAX430 series of i15V
monolithic chopper stabilized amplifiers should be
Precision Amplifiers
Thermocouple Amplifiers
Low Level Signal Processing
Medical Instrumentation
Strain Gauge Amplifiers
High Accuracy Data Acquisition
Pin Configuration
t Ullm Low Offset Voltage: 10pV (max.)
. Ullra Low Offset Voltage Drift: 0.2yW''C
. Ullra Stable vs. Tltttet MW/Month
. Ullra Low Noise 0.35pVP.p
. Wide Supply Voltage: i3V to i1BV
. High Common Mode Input: 11W
. No External Components Required
. Flt: Opor, AD510, 725, 108N308A Sockets
‘ OOfl’XVW
Ordering Information
MAX400MJA -55°C to +125''C B Lead CERDIP
MAX400MTV -55°C to 4425°C 8 Lead TO-99
MAX400EJA -40''C to +85°C 8 Lead CERDIP
MAX400ETV -40''C to +85°C 8 Lead T0-99
MAXdOOCTV tPC to +70''C 8 Lead TO-QS
MAX400CPA tPC to +70°C 8 Lead Plastic DIP
MAX400CSA 0°C m +70°C 8 Lead Small Outline
Typical Operating Circuit
Top View
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8 Lead Dip Load Cell Amplifier
MAXIM - m A. Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call toil free 1-800-998-8800 for frtsaTmies or literature.
Ultra Low Offset
Voltage Opera tional Amplifier
Total Supply Voltage (V* to vo ......................... b.22N
Internal Power Dissipation ........................... 500mW
TO-99(T) - derate at 7.1mW/°C above HItPt3
Hermetic Dip(J) - aerate at 6.7mW/°C above +75'C
Plastic Dip(P) - derate at 5.6mW/°C above 1 MPC
Differential Input Voltage .............................. MOV
Input Voltage (Note 1) ..............
Storage Temperature Range ................. AW'G to #150°C
Operating Temperature Range
MAX400M ............................. -55''C to +125°C
MAX400E . . ......... -40°C to +85°C
MAX4OOC ................................. tPC to +70°c
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) ................. +300°C
Duration of Output Short Circuit ................... Indefinite
Junctlon Temperature (Ts) ................... -65''C to +160''C
Note 1: For supply voltages less than A22V, the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage.
Stresses above [hose llstad under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to me device. These ale stress ratings only and Iuncnonul
operation of mo davica at these or any other condm‘ons above those indicated in the operational semions of the 8pscitisations is mat implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may tttttttpt device reliability.
(Vs = t15V, T, = +25''C, unless otherwise noted.)
Input Offset Voltage Vos (Note 2) 4 10 10 ll pil
Long Term Input . tAl/
Offset Voltage Stability Vos/Time (Note 3) 0.2 1.0 0.2 1.0 Month
Input Offset Current los 0.3 2.0 0.3 2.0 nA
Input Bias Current Ia $0.7 12.0 10.7 12.0 nA
Input Noise Voltage er: P-P 0.1 Hz to 10Hz (Note 4) 0.35 0.6 0.35 0.6 ‘uV -
. f0 =10Hz(Nota 4) 10.3 18.0 10.3 18.0
35$” Voltage eN to = 100Hz (Note 4) 10.0 13.0 10.0 13.0 nw, M:
to =1000HziNote 4) 9.6 11.0 9.6 11.0
Input Noise Current IN P-P 0.1Hzto10Hz(Note 4) 14 30 14 30 pAp_p
' f = 10Hz (Note 4) 0.32 0.80 0.32 0.80
In ut Noise 0
anem Density IN to = 100Hz (Note 4) 0.14 0.23 0.14 0.23 PA/v/RE
fo=1000Hz (Note 4) 0.12 0.17 0.12 0.17
Input Resistance
DifferentiaI-Mode Rm (Note 5) 30 80 20 60 Mn
Input Resistance
Common-Mode R'NCM 200 200 Gn
Input Voltage Range IVR :13 114 113 t14 V
Common-Mode -
Rejection Ratio CMRR va, - t13V 114 126 114 126 dB
Power Supply =
Rejection Ratio PSRR Vs i3V1o A18V 4 10 4 10 MIN
. FL 2 2k0.Vo = uet0V 500 1000 500 1000
Large signy A R 2 soon, v = 10.5v 150 400 150 400 V/mV
Voltage Gain V0 uf 0
Va - WN (N919 5)
RL210kn $12.5 $13.0 $12.5 113.0
Output Voltage Swing Vo Ru 2 2kn $12.0 $12.8 $12.0 t12.8 V
Ruitlkn $10.5 $12.0 $10.5 $12.0
Note 2: Vas is measured one minute after application of power.
Nola 3: Long-Term Input Offset Voltage Stability refers to the average trend line ot Vos vs. Time over extended periods after the first 30
days of operation. Excluding the initial hour at operation, changes in vos during the first 30 operating days are typically 2.5uV
- refer to typical performance curves. Parameter is sample tested.
Not. 4: Sample tested.
Note 5: Guaranteed by design.