MAX389CWG+ ,High-Voltage, Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexersGeneral Description
The MAX388 8-channel single-ended (I-ot-to and the
W389 4-channel different ..
MAX389EPN ,High-Voltage, Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexers19-0014; Riv a Matt
High- Voltago, Fatdb4ArotaMtted
MAX389EWG ,High-Voltage, Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(V+ = 15V, V- = -15V, GND = WA = OV, Ag = +2.4V. TA = +25°C. unless oth ..
MAX391CPE ,Precision / Quad / SPST Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies(V+ = +5V ±10%, V- = -5V ±10%, GND = 0V, V = 2.4V, V = 0.8V ..
MAX391CPE ,Precision / Quad / SPST Analog SwitchesMAX391/MAX392/MAX39319-0236; Rev 1; 6/99Precision, Quad, SPST Analog Switches
MAX391CPE+ ,Precision, Quad, SPST Analog SwitchesApplicationsMAX391CUE 0°C to +70°C 16 TSSOP U16-2Battery-Operated Systems Sample-and-Hold Circuit ..
MAX7430EUB+T ,Standard Definition Video Reconstruction Filters and Buffersapplications, when analog video is reconstruct-ed from a digital data stream. These devices require ..
MAX7432EUD ,Standard Definition Video Reconstruction Filters and BuffersApplicationsMAX7432EUD -40°C to +85°C 14 TSSOP —Set-Top BoxesMSPB is a trademark of Maxim Integrate ..
MAX743CPE ,Dual-Output, Switch-Mode Regulator(+5V to +-15V or +-12V)Features
The MAX743 DC-DC converter IC contains all the active . Generates i100mA or i125mA
c ..
MAX743CWE ,Dual-Output, Switch-Mode Regulator(+5V to +-15V or +-12V)features include undervoltage lock-out and programma-
ble soft-start.
Inductors, capacitors, an ..
MAX743CWE+ ,Dual-Output, PWM Switch-Mode Regulator (5V to ±15V or ±12V)features include un0ervoltage 1ock-out and programmer
ble soft-start
Inductors, capacytors, and ..
MAX743CWE+T ,Dual-Output, PWM Switch-Mode Regulator (5V to ±15V or ±12V)General Description
The MAX743 DC-DC converter 1C contams all the achve
chcumy needed to build ..
High-Voltage, Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexers
19-0014.- Rier 2; T196
ngh- Voltage, FaullbFiisott-yttiltydl
Analog IEhdlitllpllastt-wts
General Description
The W388 tl-channel single-ended (1-of-8) and the
W389 4-channel differential (2-of-8) multiplexers
(muxes) with internal data latches use a high-voltage
series N-channel, P-channel, N-channel Structure that
significantly improves fault protection over previous
devices. If power is removed with input voltages still
applied, all channels turn off, allowing only a few
nanoamperes of input leakage Current. This protects the
mux and output circuitry, as well as the signal sources
connected to the channel inputs.
When an overvoltage signal up to 1100V(typically t110V)
is applied to an analog input or output. the channel turns
oft. To further protect output circuitry from on-channel
overvoltage, outputs are clamped to less than the power-
. Fault end Overvohngo Probation
. FaIl-Safo with Pow Loan (No mehup)
t BNttth-BFt-Mtthtt Mchlng
. All Channels Off when Power Mt
t lntamal Data Latches
. TTL and CMOS Compatible
O Operates from t4.SV to :18V Supplies
. On-Channols Turn Off during Overvoltago
. Nanoamporoa Leakage In Ovorvoltago
Ordering Information
supply voltage. Since there is no increase in supply PART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGE
current during fault conditions. power dissipation does MAX388CPN 0°C to +70%: 18 Plastic mp
not increase, The MAX388/MAX389 withstand full over- a ''
voltage on any combination of channels, including all MAX388CIN 0 Cto +70 C 18 CERDIP
channels simultaneously. MAX388CWG 0°C to +70°C 24 so
All channel selection and control inputs are TTL and MAX388CID ty'Cto +7ty'C Dictf
CMOS compatible. And, break-before-make switch MAX388EPN Mty'Cto +8tPC 18 Plastic DIP
operation is guaranteed. MAX388EJN Mty'C to +85°C 18 CERDIP
Applications MAX388EWG Mty'C to +85°C 24 so
Data-Acquisition Systems MAX388MJN -56''C to +125°c 18 CERDIP"
Industrial Process Control Systems
Avionics Test Equipment
Signal Routing Between Systems
Computer-Controlled Analog Data Logging
Ordndng mfonnndon tptttttttttMtf on In! pogo.
’Corrtact factory lbr 01cc spmritk:atitms.
"Connor factory for availability and processing to MIL STD 1 883.
Pin Conngurations
Typlcat Operating Ctrqtutt m E: . iil M
.5v Qt AO E E MC
£_" T-r-r-e] EN Li al A1
" v- ' " E MAXIM iil mam»
MAXIM AMttIAq v- Ci MAX388 iol GND (IU)
: : (ll', mm m (m) E "W9 E mama)
t - INZA 0”" mumnlz El mums)
- - :3 cum M(ME _ El mamas)
- - mas "Pm,“ MIMOE E mums)
_ --. mu cm CL NE, E Til N.C.
- - Irl48 - = " [E Ciil "
, Mt E A) At ouuoumE El muoum)
L__J c------,
am L uuxmomccoumu ()mmm so
Ht0TEtrTtD.thFrEENT1ALllrUt . _ _ T
I1ATA-Ac0iltSnimrrtM Pin Cardiguratems continued on last page.
MAM Maxtm magnudpmdwts 1
For fttttt samples a the latest literature: httptmeww.maxlm4eaxtm, or phone t-80th9984800
High- Vollitage, Fatallbllihroitaitttardl
Analog Multiplexers
" to V- ........................................ 44V Continuous Power Dissipation
" to GND .w...twrr".w.--r.r---.. 22V 24-Pin SO (demo 11.7601ch above +70°C .............. 941mW
V- ttWND, .......................... _ ......... -22V 1B-Pin Plastic DIP (devate 11,1mW/‘C above 'rty'C) ..889mw
EN, WR RS. AGN .................... V+ + 4V to V- - 4V IB-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.53mWPC above +70°C) ..... 842mW
Analog Input with V+ = 15V, v. = -15V ............ tIOOV Operating Temperature Ranges
Analog Input mth V+ a V- = 0V .................. 11 15V MAX38 C_ -' ............... ..0"C to +70°C
g Continuous Current, IN or OUT ................... 20mA MAX38_E_ _A. .. 40"C to +85°C
ESI Peak Current. IN or OUT (Note 1) ................... 40mA MAX38_MJN ................... -55°C to +125°C
tlit" Storage Temperature Range .......... AMPC to +150°C
Not. 1: Pulsed at lms, 10% maximum duty cycle. Lead Temperature (soldering. 10see) .V_F..._..F.FF._l.. +300°C
a Stresses be nd those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ranngs' may cause permanent damage to the demos mass are stress Iahngs only. and Imcrional
a operalvon o the dmnmt at thes or any other conditions beyond those nnqrcareq 'fl [he operational sechons of the specifications is not Implied. Exposure to
absolure manmum ranng common: for extended penods may affect dewca "tliability.
E (V+ = 15v, V- = -15v. GND = WA = OV, Ag = +2.4v. TA = +25°c. unless otherwise noted.)
Analog Signal Range VANALOG (Note 4) -15 15 -15 15 V
Dram-Source r VD = t10V. VAL = 0.8V 2 0 3.0 2.0 3.0 m
On Resistance DS(ON) Is = 100PA, VAH = 2.4V TMAX 30 4.0 3.0 4.0
Greatest Change in
roswn) Between Aros(ON) -10V < VS < 10V 10 10 %
Source-Off Leakage I FF Van = 0.8V, VIN = t10V, 0.03 11.00 003 :050 nA
Current (Note 2) P4(O ) VouT a t10V TMAX 250 :50
0.1 22.0 0.1 21.0
Dram-Off VEN = 0.3v. W359 Tm £200 £200
Leakage Current louT(0FF) VIN = t1tht, 2 0 l 0 nA
(Note 2) Vout = :10V MAX389 ' ' t .
TMAX 2:100 2100
:20 t20
Dram-On VEN = VAH = 2.41/, W388 TN :600 :1000
Leakage Current |OUT(0N) Vow = Vm = sttht, ' _ 20 20 nA
(Nole 2) VAL = 0.8V MAX389 A 1
TMAX 2300 1600
Logic Input Current IAH VA = 2.4V (Note 3) tl tl pA
(Input Voltage High) F VA = 14V (Note 3) tl tl
Logic input Current - - - V I 1
(Input Voltage Low) IAL VEN = 0V or 2.4V. VA - Ag - MM - 0 t A HA
Output Leakage V :005 ' 10.02 M
. our = OV,
Current with IOUT(0FF) -
Overvonage VIN - 26W. (Note 5) TMAX 20 10 PA
Input Leakage w -
N - WN
Current mm “N(OFF) - 4O 25 uA
Overvoltage VouT - t10V, (Note 5)
Input Leakage - V = v = 0V
Current with IIN(OFF) x13:- A',1fh fgv orgy ' 20 10 uA
Power Supplies Ott