MAX3866E/D ,2.5Gbps, +3.3V Combined Transimpedance/Limiting AmplifierApplicationsSDH/SONET Transmission SystemsPART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGEPIN/Preamplifier Receivers MA ..
MAX3867ECM ,+3.3V / 2.5Gbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Automatic Power ControlELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +3.14V to +5.5V, T = -40°C to +85°C. Typical values are at V = +3.3V ..
MAX3867ECM ,+3.3V / 2.5Gbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Automatic Power ControlApplicationsMAX3867ECM -40°C to +85°C 48 TQFPSONET/SDH Transmission SystemsMAX3867E/D -40°C to +85° ..
MAX3869EHJ+ ,+3.3V, 2.5Gbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APCELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +3.14V to +5.5V, T = -40°C to +85°C. Typical values are at V = +3.3V ..
MAX3869EHJ+ ,+3.3V, 2.5Gbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APCApplicationsMAX3869EGJ -40°C to +85°C 32 QFN*SONET/SDH Transmission SystemsMAX3869E/D -40°C to +85° ..
MAX3872ETJ+ ,Multirate Clock and Data Recovery with Limiting AmplifierELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +3.0V to +3.6V, T = -40°C to +85°C. Typical values at V = +3.3V, T = ..
MAX7414CUA+T ,5th-Order, Lowpass, Switched-Capacitor FiltersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX7409/MAX7410(V = +5V, filter output measured at OUT, 10kΩ || 50pF loa ..
MAX7414EUA ,5th-Order, Lowpass, Switched-Capacitor FiltersApplicationsMAX7409CPA 0°C to +70°C 8 Plastic DIPADC Anti-Aliasing CT2 Base StationsMAX7409EUA -40° ..
MAX7414EUA ,5th-Order, Lowpass, Switched-Capacitor FiltersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX7409/MAX7410(V = +5V, filter output measured at OUT, 10kΩ || 50pF loa ..
MAX7414EUA ,5th-Order, Lowpass, Switched-Capacitor FiltersFeaturesThe MAX7409/MAX7410/MAX7413/MAX7414 5th-order,' 5th-Order Lowpass Filterslowpass, switched- ..
MAX7414EUA+ ,5th-Order, Lowpass, Switched-Capacitor Filtersapplications. They feature a+5V (MAX7409/MAX7410)shutdown mode, which reduces the supply current to ..
MAX7414EUA+T ,5th-Order, Lowpass, Switched-Capacitor FiltersApplicationsMAX7409CPA 0°C to +70°C 8 Plastic DIPADC Anti-Aliasing CT2 Base StationsMAX7409EUA -40° ..
2.5Gbps, +3.3V Combined Transimpedance/Limiting Amplifier
General DescriptionThe MAX3866 combined transimpedance preamplifier
and limiting postamplifier is intended for application in
SDH/SONET systems operating at 2.488Gbps. It oper-
ates from a single +3.3V or +5V supply and provides a
differential output signal. The differential outputs are
each 50Ωreverse terminated (100Ωdifferential termi-
nation) for low-noise and high-speed signal perfor-
The small-signal bandwidth and noise performance is
specified for a source capacitance of 0.5pF. When the
MAX3866 is used with the PIN photodetector, sensitivi-
ties better than -22dBm can be achieved. The
MAX3866 is equipped with a programmable TTL loss-
of-power (LOP) output.
ApplicationsSDH/SONET Transmission Systems
PIN/Preamplifier Receivers
2.488Gbps ATM Receivers
Regenerators for SDH/SONET
FeaturesInput Sensitivities Better than -22dBm (7.8µAp-p)Overdrive Capability Better than +1.4dBm
(2.5mAp-p)Single +3.3V or +5V Supply165mW Power Dissipation (at 3.3V)1.8GHz Analog Input BandwidthProgrammable Loss-of-Power Indicator100ΩDifferential Output
2.5Gbps, +3.3V Combinedransimpedance/Limiting Amplifier
Typical Application Circuit19-1433; Rev 1; 3/99
Ordering Information
2.5Gbps, +3.3V Combined
Transimpedance/Limiting Amplifier
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCCD = VCCS = +3.3V ±5% or VCCD = +5.0V ±10%, VCCS = open, Tj= -40°C to +120°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values
are at +3.3V and Tj= +25°C.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Note 1:CIN= total capacitance on IN.
Note 2:AC parameters are guaranteed by design and characterization.
Note 3:See Typical Operating Characteristicsfor worst-case distribution.
Note 4:Hysteresis = 20 log (VDEASSERT/ VASSERT).
Note 5:IIN= 2.5mA.
Note 6:PWD = ‰[(2 ·Pulse Width) - Period]/ 2‰.
Note 7:External load not required for normal operation.
VCCD Voltage.......................................................-0.5V to +7.0V
VCCS Voltage...............0 ≤VCCS ≤VCCD and if VCCD ‡3.13V
then 3.13V ≤VCCS ≤VCCD
CHF+, CHF-, FIL, INV, LOP Voltage.......-0.5V to (VCCD + 0.5V)
IN-, IN+ Voltage.....................................................-0.5V to +1.0V
CPD+, CPD- Voltage................(VCCD - 1.6V) to (VCCD + 0.5V)
OUT+, OUT- Voltage................(VCCD - 1.1V) to (VCCD + 0.5V)
IN Current.......................................................................0 to 3mA
PDC Current..................................................................-1mA to 0
Operating Junction Temperature Range (Tj).....-55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-60°C to +160°C
Processing Temperature (Die).........................................+400°C
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCCD = VCCS = +3.3V ±5% or VCCD = +5.0V ±10%, VCCS = open, Tj= -40°C to +120°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values
are at +3.3V and Tj= +25°C.) (Notes 1, 2)
2.5Gbps, +3.3V Combinedransimpedance/Limiting Amplifier
Typical Operating Characteristics(VCCD= VCCS = +3.3V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
2.5Gbps, +3.3V Combined
Transimpedance/Limiting Amplifierypical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VCCD= VCCS = +3.3V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Pad Description
2.5Gbps, +3.3V Combinedransimpedance/Limiting Amplifier
Typical Operating Circuits
Circuit Description
Data PathThe combined preamplifier and limiting postamplifier
(Figure 1) accepts an input current from a photodiode
attached to the input pad IN+. The transimpedance
input amplifier stage converts the input current to an
output voltage with a typical transimpedance of 1.4kΩ.
The second stage of the data path is an active high-
pass filter. This filter converts the single-ended input
signal to a differential signal, eliminating the DC com-
ponent and adding approximately 16dB of gain. The
output of the highpass filter drives the power detector
and limiting amplifier circuitry.
The limiting amplifier circuit is the third stage of the
data signal path. It amplifies and limits the differential
input signal. The output stage is a differential pair with
internal 50Ωload resistors. The limited output voltage is
typically 145mVp-p.
Power DetectorThe power detect circuit consists of an adjustable-gain
amplifier and combined rectifier with a lowpass filter.
The adjustable-gain amplifier is controlled by an op amp.
The gain is adjusted by means of an external resistor
connected between the PDC and INV pins.
The output voltage of the adjustable gain amplifier
drives the combined rectifier and lowpass filter circuit-
ry. The resulting DC voltage is fed to a Schmitt trigger,
which generates a high-level output signal if the DC
input signal is below the LOPassert level, thus causing
an LOP condition on the LOP output.
Design Procedure
Power SupplyThe complete amplifier is supplied by a single supply
voltage, VCCD. For operation at 3.3V, the supply volt-
age is applied at both the VCCD and VCCS pins (see
Typical Operating Circuit). For operation at 5.0V, the
voltage is only applied at VCCD. In this case, VCCS is
on-chip controlled to approximately 3.2V. In the 5.0V
configuration, an external 10nF grounded capacitor is
required at the VCCS pin.
External Filter Capacitor CHFThe value of CHFaffects the maximum speed at which
the compensation loop adjusts the input offset current.
CHFshould be chosen between 10nF and 100nF. The
loop should be as slow as possible to reduce pattern-
dependent jitter. Maxim recommends a value of CHF=
External Filter Capacitor CPDThe LF cutoff of the power detector can be reduced by
adding external capacitance across the CPD pins. This
capacitor is only needed when this circuit is operated
at lower data rates and lower edge speeds. In this way,
the remaining ripple of power detector output voltage is
Loss-of-Power ThresholdIf the LOP function is desired, Maximrecommends RPD
= 510Ω. If the LOPfunction is not desired, RPD= 0Ω
(shorted). See Figure 2 for LOP definitions. If desired,
the LOP threshold can be adjusted (see Assert/
Deassert vs. RPDin the Typical Operating Charac-
2.5Gbps, +3.3V Combined
Transimpedance/Limiting AmplifierFigure 1. Functional Diagram of the Combined Preamplifier and Limiting Postamplifier