MAX368EJN ,Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexer with Latch19-0982; Rev 1; T/96
Analog Multiplexer with Latch,
MAX368EWN ,Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexer with LatchELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(V' - +15V, V - -leN, GND = o, WR = (j, RS = 2 4V Ljrnless Otherw1ser10 ..
MAX368MJN ,Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexer with LatchFeatures
. All Switches Off with Power Supplies Off
. Overvoltage Protection up to :35V
. On ..
MAX3690ECJ ,+3.3V / 622Mbps / SDH/SONET 8:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and TTL InputsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +3.0V to +3.6V, PECL loads = 50Ω ±1% to (V - 2V), T = -40°C to +85°C ..
MAX3690ECJ ,+3.3V / 622Mbps / SDH/SONET 8:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and TTL InputsApplicationsOrdering Information622Mbps SDH/SONET Transmission SystemsPART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGE6 ..
MAX3690ECJ+ ,+3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET 8:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and TTL InputsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +3.0V to +3.6V, PECL loads = 50Ω ±1% to (V - 2V), T = -40°C to +85°C ..
MAX731CPA ,+5V/Adjustable Step-Up Current-Mode DC-DC ConvertersFeatures
. 200mA Load Currents Guaranteed with
No External M
. Step-Up from a 2.5 ..
MAX731CWE ,5V step-up current-mode DC-DC converter
MAX731EWE ,+5V/Adjustable Step-Up Current-Mode DC-DC ConvertersApplications
+5V-Logic Supply in +3V-Logic System
DC-DC Converter Module Replacement
Portable ..
MAX731EWE ,+5V/Adjustable Step-Up Current-Mode DC-DC ConvertersGeneral Description
The MAX731 and MAX752 are fixed and adjustable
CMOS, step-up, DC-DC switch- ..
MAX7320AEE+ ,I²C Port Expander with Eight Push-Pull Outputs
MAX7320ATE+ ,I²C Port Expander with Eight Push-Pull Outputs
Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexer with Latch
19-0982; Rev l,' 7/96
Analog Multiplexer with Latch,
General Description
Maxim's MAX368/369 are 8 channel single-ended (1 of
8) and 4 channel differential (2 of 8) fault-protected
multiplexers with on-chip data latches Using a series
N-channel, P-channel, N-channel structure, these multi-
plexers provide significantlyimproved fault protection
over previous devices. If power to the multiplexers is
removed while input voltages are still applied, all chan-
nels turn off, aI owing only a few nanoamperes of leakage
current to flow in the inputs This not only protects the
multiplexer and the circuitry connected to the output. but
also protects the sensors or Signal sources which drive
the multiplexer inputs.
When an overvoltage signal of ap to t35V is applied to
. All Switches Off with Power Supplies Off
. Overvoltage Protection up to i35V
. Only Nanoamperes ot Input Current under All
Fault Conditions
. Latch-Up Proof Construction
. Operates from $4.5 to t18V Supplies
. All Digital Inputs are TTL and CMOS
. Internal Data Latches for Channel Selection
Ordering Information
an analog Input of a Maxim fault-protected myltipieyT PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE
that input channel turns off. If the overvoltage is applied MAX368C/D 0 Ct 70 C D
to an on channel, the multiplexer output lS clamped to e 7 K) f ce
less than its power supply voltage, thereby protecting MAX368CPN O C (O -70 C 18 Lead Plasic DIP
sensitive circuitry that may be connected to the multi- MAX368CJN 0 C K -70 9 18Lead CERDlF’
plexer output. MAX368CWN of lg -70 C 181 ead Wide so
All channel selection and control inputs are fully com- MAX368EPN MO Ct AE C 18Lead Plastic, DF
oatible with both TTL and CMOS logic levels, In addition, MAX368CN MO C to ~85 C 18 Lead CERDIP
orearobefore-make switch operation is guaranteed and MAX368EWN -40 C :o .85 C 18 Lead Wide so
typical power dissipation is less than 7 milliwatts, which MAX368MJN -55C ( -125 C 18 Lead Ctnuip
makes the MAX 368/369 ideally suited 'or portable equp- MAX369C/D 70 C to *7010 che -
ment usage . MAX369CPN 01:10 ' 70 C 18 Lead Plastic DIP
Applications 'v1AX_369CJN W 0C 10 . TC) C 18 Lead CERDIP W
Data Acquisition Systems MAX369CWN CC to ' 700 18 Lead Wct SO
V , , P -A : - P
Industrial Process Control Systems MAXBegE N (if) 0 $50 18 Lead Plasm DI
. MAX369EuN MO C, ( -85 C 18 l ead CERDIP
Avionics Test Equipment - MAX369FWN MO' C ( .850 18 Leia Ate so
Signal Routing Between Systems MAX369MJN -55“C ( '125‘C 18 Lead CERDIP
Computer Controlled Analog Data Logging . " .
Pin Configurations
Typical Operating Circuit
Too View
VW LI, q " 12.3
.5v -b7 Ac [f Te N
v [I MAXIM A5] G D
'—1 N; ct MAX358 JET
f 1N , 1 ‘N2 C6: E INS
- - IA .113 I :1 W6
- Wis OW 1114 I Ti w,
' - mg“ MAX369 OUTB MAXl33 " "W“
- IN” 7 - i -N..H
- Ne/tWR RS A0 A1 WR [1 q E RE
I I A0 [f, 2 N
16. GND
t" V [I MAXIM ~n .
MljyAN0Mr00Nm1 INM FF MAY359 Liu',
Input Protected Differential Input wig [f ”Li [~35
Data Acquisition System lNéA E CY-I, IN4
OU‘A :0: 'iff,
An AXI/VI Maxim Integrated Products 1
& the latest literature: http://,
Analog Multiplexer
with Latch
Vollagt helweem Supply Pwns +44V Conummus Currmt S or D PUMA
V *ggv Peak (Zwem S or D
V F C2V (Pulsed 51', 1mg 10% duty CW u nun) JOmA
qunal lroput L)vcsrvoliage Powcv wapa'wow (Note M(CLPLNP) 1 yHW
unumM +4v -
V, tl, ( V: I l ( ) -AV Operaxmg Temperatu'e Hamgs;
"l ,p _ , a _ ,
F _ q , , , ' MAX368/369C O f, In . 70 C'
Analog Inpuc Ovcrvoltage wuh Mullplcxcr Power On 20V 1/AX368/369L ’40 (J10 f 85 C.
v. WW“) td 1/AX368/369M -5C, u m .1250
V‘ H'IM J COV Storage Temmra‘um Rama (y5Ct;) ' 150 C
Analog lmpm Overvolaac th Mump‘cxov Powev Oil ' N _
/ (+) +35V Note I: Dc'ah; 12 8n~W C, above L -70 Cl
V, s_slr,'t /
V‘ _m.( ) 35V
_'v'',i:-,ette,iutrvrsiitsrhstttrtrir)rft",r An,» n‘nlu Mummy" Ry -"L y "LN \, (t, Ji:' In c,'', :~ 'vryr'c,1: l'/) t'l 1’ ' l
.IIM‘VJI/w rn m Hm dvvm‘ A1! musp w ‘my ulnm rwndmmrv: Ltuuvc !! AN!" " rzw J. ' ' "'l t a , x; v ,
,HY‘H’hl/tl num'wm[(11,115] rnIM/hww 14w ,'rhar)r1tsrHt.rCru tls may 'ir'ttx , Mr
(V' - + 15V, V - -1hV, GND = 0 WR = Cl RS = 2 4V Lnless omcrvwsb noted)
Anamg Sono) Range Vamm , ", (N010 2) I -15 15 If) li, V
b I . _ T T
DramrSwrce rjg‘m; VL - t10V VA, _- 0 8V 1 3 15m) 18m il
ON Resstaric _ In = 100pA Vm = 2 4V y 1800 mm
_ , . . F
Creams! Change m rm rl,) A , '
Between Channe‘s n,“ Ili,, 'WOV c", V _ s", 10V 1 IO "
Source OFF V‘ = MOV 1 ( 005 -1 1 5 -,;,
Lnrakage Current I, rl "l; V , - HOV , 50 gm .50 5H
1 vvpnsv v‘:+1ov 1 .0015 C 2 7‘.) .5
-MAX368 V: = T10V o {’00 900 190() BUN
Dram OFF _ ( fl, . .
LeiakaacCurrcvit V _ , 10V 1 -C) 008 ,1 1 l a
X ( [ CY
MA 369 v = +1ov 2 I -100 mm mm mm A
_ ' l . .
, 1 l) 03 C y h 5‘
MAX368 V3 - Vl = t 10V _ _ r ( "t _
Dram ON _ " V; = 2 4V 2 200 200 #00 Yf)()
l - -t , , I I -_ .
Le akagc Lurrun MAX369 \é 1 -C) 015 -1 1 f) f)
L _ 2 .100 mo -10(_) MK}
V,-A:2.1V 123 -0002 -1 1 -] 1
lop: mpul Currom I ' _ '
Unput Volmgu ngm M V
v, i NV 1 2 3 O 006 -1 I .1 1 “A
luqm Input Current / r. = 0 tor 2 4V. ( - 0V F T _ _
anul Voltage Low) l In, RS = 0V WR = 0V 1 2 " O 002 1 l 1 1
_ - - - [ ¥ - , - -
(Mum Leakage Currenl M "sll 1 V1: = OV (Not 3) 1 -10 10 20 Pt) ,A
(WIIh C)veruollagc) l l Analog Overwmage = t33V y -2000 poor) QUOO C'0( ()
mpul Leakage Current " Vs, = t25V. V‘ _- HOV 1 " r 1 ] if) l
(wnhOvoerage) [. (Noic 3) J D ( W
Inpu! Leakage Current l;, l; W fi VN = t25/ / "o - V I = (Y/ 1 cr 2 L] {1 HA
(wnh Power Supplies OH)
A_:A‘-/\; :OVOrSV
y-li5C,85C TOC, 3:755C 740C 0C