MAX3669EHJ ,+3.3V / 622Mbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APCELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +3.14V to +5.5V, T = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical ..
MAX3669EHJ ,+3.3V / 622Mbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APCApplicationsNote A: Dice are designed to operate over a -40°C to +140°C622Mbps SDH/SONET Access Nod ..
MAX3669EHJ+ ,+3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APCFeaturesThe MAX3669 is a complete, +3.3V laser driver with auto-♦♦ +3.3V or +5.0V Single-Supply Ope ..
MAX3669EHJ+T ,+3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APCApplicationsMAX3669EHJ -40°C to +85°C 32 TQFP 622Mbps SDH/SONET Access NodesMAX3669EHJ+ -40°C to +8 ..
MAX3669ETG , 3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APC
MAX3669ETG , 3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APC
MAX7312AAG+T ,2-Wire-Interfaced 16-Bit I/O Port Expander with Interrupt and Hot-Insertion Protectionapplications. The MAX7312 consists of input port♦ 5V Overvoltage Tolerant I/Osregisters, output p ..
MAX7312ATG ,2-Wire-Interfaced 16-Bit I/O Port Expander with Interrupt and Hot-Insertion ProtectionApplicationsMAX7312AUG -40°C to +125°C 24 TSSOPServers/BladesSMBus is a trademark of Intel Corp.RAI ..
MAX7312ATG+T ,2-Wire-Interfaced 16-Bit I/O Port Expander with Interrupt and Hot-Insertion ProtectionFeatures2The MAX7312 2-wire-interfaced expander provides 16-bit ♦ 400kbps I C-Compatible Serial Int ..
MAX7312AUG ,2-Wire-Interfaced 16-Bit I/O Port Expander with Interrupt and Hot-Insertion Protectionapplications. The MAX7312 consists of input port 5V Overvoltage Tolerant I/Osregisters, output por ..
MAX7312AUG+ ,2-Wire-Interfaced 16-Bit I/O Port Expander with Interrupt and Hot-Insertion ProtectionELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)+ +(V = 2V to 5.5V, T = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise not ..
MAX7313AEG ,16-Port I/O Expander with LED Intensity Control, Interrupt, and Hot-Insertion ProtectionMAX731319-3059; Rev 5; 6/1116-Port I/O Expander with LED IntensityControl, Interrupt, and Hot-Inser ..
+3.3V / 622Mbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APC
General DescriptionThe MAX3669 is a complete, +3.3V laser driver with auto-
matic power control (APC) circuitry for SDH/SONET appli-
cations up to 622Mbps. It accepts differential PECL
inputs, provides bias and modulation currents, and oper-
ates over a temperature range from -40°C to +85°C.
An APC feedback loop is incorporated to maintain a
constant average optical power over temperature and
lifetime. The wide modulation current range from 5mA
to 75mA and bias current of 1mA to 80mA are easy to
program, making this product ideal for use in various
SDH/SONET applications. Two pins are provided to
monitor the current levels in the laser: BIASMON with
current proportional to laser bias current, and MOD-
MON with current proportional to laser modulation.
The MAX3669 also provides enable control and a failure-
monitor output to indicate when the APC loop is unable to
maintain the average optical power. The MAX3669 is
available in a 5mm 32-pin TQFP package as well as in
Applications622Mbps SDH/SONET Access Nodes
Laser Driver Transmitters
Section Regenerators
Features+3.3V or +5.0V Single-Supply Operation40mA Supply Current at +3.3VProgrammable Bias Current from 1mA to 80mAProgrammable Modulation Current from
5mA to 75mABias Current and Modulation Current Monitors200ps Rise/Fall TimeAutomatic Average Power Control with Failure
MonitorComplies with ANSI, ITU, and Bellcore
SONET/SDH SpecificationsEnable Control
+3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET
Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APC
Typical Application Circuit
Ordering Information
Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet.
Note A:Dice are designed to operate over a -40°C to +140°C
junction temperature (Tj) range, but are tested and guaranteed
at TA= +25°C.
*Contact factory for availability.
+3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET
Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APC
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= +3.14V to +5.5V, TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC= +3.3V, TA= +25°C.) (Note 1)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Supply Voltage, VCC.............................................-0.5V to +7.0V
Current into BIAS............................................-20mA to +150mA
Current into OUT+, OUT-...............................-20mA to +100mA
Current into MD....................................................-5mA to +5mA
Voltage at DATA+, DATA-, ENABLE, FAIL,BIASMON, MODMON..................-0.5V to (VCC+ 0.5V)
Voltage at OUT+, OUT-.............................+1.5V to (VCC + 1.5V)
CAPC...............................................................-0.5V to +3.0V
Voltage at BIAS.........................................+1.0V to (VCC + 0.5V)
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +85°C)
32-Pin TQFP (derate 14.3mW/°C above +85°C)........ 929mW
Operating Junction Temperature Range...........-55°C to +150°C
Processing Temperature (Die).........................................+400°C
Storage Temperature Range............................-65°C to +165°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C
+3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET
Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APC
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= +3.14V to +5.5V, load as shown in Figure 2, TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC= +3.3V,= +25°C.) (Note 6)
Note 1:Dice are tested and guaranteed at TA= +25°C only.
Note 2:Tested with RMODSET= 5.11kΩ(IMOD≈38mA), RBIASMAX= 4.56kΩ(IBIAS≈52mA), excluding IBIASand IMOD.
Note 3:Both the bias and modulation currents will be disabled if any of the current set pins are shorted to ground.
Note 4:Guaranteed by design and characterization. This assumes that the laser to monitor diode transfer function does not change
with temperature.
Note 5:See Typical Operating Characteristicsfor worst-case distributions.
Note 6:ACcharacteristics are guaranteed by design and characterization.
Note 7:Total IMODout of OUT+. See the Design Procedure for information regarding current delivered to the laser.
Note 8:Input signal is a 622Mbps, 213- 1 PRBS with 80 inserted zeros.
Note 9:Input signal is a 622Mbps, 11110000 pattern.
Note 10:PWD = (wider pulse – narrower pulse) / 2.
+3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET
Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APC
Typical Operating Characteristics (VCC= +3.3V, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
+3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET
Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APC
Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)
(VCC= +3.3V, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
+3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET
Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APC
Pin Description